Chapter Eleven

Hiii, I cannot believe it that I'm already in chapter Eleven. I wanna thank y'all for keeping up with me. Because I know the chapters can be rubbish at times. Anyways; enjoy!!

Hey! If you haven't voted for the last chapter, please do now 🙏🏽 it's never too late 💕

Liv's POV

I wake up10 minutes before my alarm; my mom wakes me up.

So I got up and stretched for some time and then wore my flip-flops.

By the time I was brushing my mom started calling on me.

"I'm up mom! " I say in an enthusiastic voice.

I really feel good today for some weird reason and I don't know why but I have a feeling things are gonna go great

Maybe it's because of yesterday. It really was the best day ever. With Alex coming home and the visit from Drew, it was a really good day.

I then stripped down and played drag me down by One Direction. And started singing along while showering.

Gawd I feel so good!

I call West, I know, I feel so good that I've forgiven him. He picks at the first ring "Hey, I'm so sorry, it wasn't on purpose, it just that-"

"It's okay, I'm not mad anymore. Why did you think I called ya? " I said chuckling

He let's out a deep sigh "Oh, thank goodness, I was already Working on all the ass kissing I had to do" He said, relieved

"So what's up?" He says

"I just wanted to tell you that I wanna walk today to receive some air on my way to school. I'm just feeling really gooood, ya know? "

"Fine, only because you forgave me"

"Cool, so see ya" I cut the call.

Feeling really happy I pick out my blue off shoulder crop top from my wardrobe and pair it with my denim shorts so I can show some skin *wink wink* and then fish out my black vans then look in the mirror feeling satisfied with my outfit,

I grab my phone and my sling bag and then I head downstairs.

I hum and skip down the stairs only to see Alex and mom staring at me.

"What's with Sally sunshine?"

Alex asked as he helped himself to some orange juice

I then laugh "Oh dearest brother, you always were a funny one" I say earning odd looks from Mom and Alex.

"Yeah, what's got you so happy?"

Mom said

"Nothing really I just feel great today for some reason. Nobody can drag me down" I sing while smiling

Then Alex starts smirking "Oh, I know what this is about" He says gaining my mom's attention

"Well, what??" She says curiously

"Yesterday, Liv went to Drew's house" He said still smirking

"Who is Drew? " Mom asked

"Oh you haven't even heard. Well I heard immediately I got home yesterday" He said

"Liv, is this true? Will someone tell me what the heck is going on?"

"Uh....Gotta go or I'll be late for school!! " I quickly yell

"Dude, it's 7:00-"

"Well, I wanna get there extra early" I say while I skip off.

"What of breakfast?!" Mom yelled

"I'll get some from somewhere!" I say as I've already left

"Bye dearest mother and brother" I say

"Bye Sally" They both say


I play happy by pharell Williams.

And then I head to school.

A few mins later, none other than Drew's car shows up.

"Drew!" I say excitedly

He then winds down "Hey... Liv..... What's wrong did I do something wrong? "

"No no, don't be silly Drew, I'm just so happy to see you. I'm in such a good mood. Don't ruin it. Or aren't you happy to see me? "

He smirks and says "Okay, I'm happy to see you too"

I then go over to the front seat and hop in

And then Drew seems a bit taken back

"You want me to take you to school? "

He says amused

"Yeah, got a prob Bob? " I say

"of course I don't, let's get on to school now" He says

I look at my watch and the time is 7:15.

"Hey, I haven't had breakfast. Mind if we branch at a cafe or something?"

I say, feeling my tummy rumble

"Sure" Is all he says as we take a turn to Sean's Shack.

"have you ever been here?" He asks

"Nope I say, but it looks like a nice place" I say shrugging

We then both get into the place.

The place really is a shack.

Scanty seats, messy floors, dusty tables. I mean it's a wonder why this place is still here.

"Yikes" Drew says

"What? " I say slightly confused

"Well you see, me and my whole family come here together all the time. It used to be one really fancy and neat place. Friendly service, good food, neat tables. It just wasnt like this before" He shrugs

Then we both chose a booth near the window with a great view.

And then as we seat down a lady that looks to be in her late forties came out.

She groans "Welcome to Sean's Shack. Where we serve you food at the best" She slurrs as if drunk

"What can I get for ya" She says with a terrifying smile

"Well, maybe we would like to look at the menu" I said

She hands us two menus. There is a breakfast section, lunch and then dinner.

I look into the breakfast section and the drinks section.

"I'll have pancakes with strawberries on top and whipped cream and maple syrup. Thank you" She scowled at me then faced Drew

"What would you pick Pretty boy? " She asks using a not so pretty flirtatious smile

"Uh, I would just have bacon and eggs" He says uncomfortably

"Okay, how bout drinks"

"I'll have a strawberry milkshake. How bout you pretty boy" I say while snickering

He playfully glares at me "I'll have the same"

She then left, winking at Drew.

"I think Laura likes you" I say

"Ya think. And how do you even know her name" He says

"Name tag" I say in a duh tone

A few mins later, Laura brings our food to the table and try to touch Drew's body by which he responded by flinching.

When Laura was out of earshot he finally said "Laura gives me the creeps"

"Well obviously the feeling isn't mutual" I snickered

"Whatever. Now eat up, I promise you won't regret it" He says

I stare at it incredulously "...i... Don't know..... It doesn't look..... I don't know" It looks disgusting, like the place.

"Just taste it, trust me" Drew says as I scrunch up my face in disgust. He then brings out his phone

"Please please" He begs

"Fine, I'll do it pretty boy" I say while stabbing the pancake and staring at the piece

He rolls his eyes then gets his phone out and puts it in front of my face

"Are you recording this? " I ask incredulously

"Yeah, cause there's gonna be a change on your face"


"Rolling, and action" He says like all those movie directors

I take a bite then slowly chew

Then my face eventually changes

"OMFG, this is friggin' delicious"

I say muffled because I shoved more I'm my mouth

"Told ya" He says then I offer him one

I scoot over the table to his mouth

"Come on, pretty boy just have some and leave the ol pork alone" I say

"Fine, but don't call me that"

He says as he shows the camera himself eating it and then gives a thumbs up

"OK.....Pretty boy" I snicker

"Looks like you have a new nickname" (Adella602: that's right, no more dickhead, he's now pretty boy. Explanation at the end of the chapter)

"Eh, what can I say I am pretty"

"I guess you are" I mumble hoping he didn't hear

"Would you stop recording now? "

"Whatever, but I will let the world know you think I'm pretty"

Smack! That was me mentally smacking myself. Great I bet I just boosted his ego.

"Your not posting it are you? "

"Oh, good idea. I wasn't going to post it, I was just gonna show our friends but I guess yeah posting would be a better way of letting the world know" He smirks

"Way to ruin my day! " and then I put my hand the cover the camera

Then he finally stops

"Thank you! "

Then he taps at his phone while I eat and then finally my phone buzzes just as he drops his and one thing. He has that annoyingly amazing smirk that makes me swoon.

"Remind me to smirk like this all the time then"

Remind me to smack myself

"Oh, don't beat yourself up about it"

And then he laughs at his own joke.


I roll my eyes then check my phone

It's a notification from Instagram. Apparently one of the people im following just posted something

Immediately I saw the username I knew who it was. Drew.


And he posted that video and tagged me. And he changed my name to His_Cupcake.

"His_Cupcake_ Really?! " I say

"What?" He says obviously amused

"I think it's cute"

"Well I don't! When did I even start following you? And why did you change my name" I ask getting pissed

"Well, it's staying that way because I changed your password and I'm not telling. And I also made you follow me since I'm following you" He shrugs

"I'm not going to let you ruin my day" I say calming myself

"Well, let's head to school" Drew said and dragged me along while dropping a wad of cash on the table

"You know that's way to much"

I say

"Meh" Then we head out and hop into his car and we head to school.


Well the rest of the day went by quickly and before I knew it, it was already lunch.

Today was waffles and I was gonna enjoy every bit of it. Thursdays are always waffles.

Anyways I get my lunch and I'm humming and skipping to our table when I bump into someone "Oof" I say and my milkshake pours on the person

"Omg, I'm so sor-"

"Ughhhh, can't you watch where your going, you blind idiot" She says without even looking at me

Oh no. The bane of my existence. The only reason why I dread school. The one thing that scares the poop outta me. Lexi Burnman. Lexi Burnman and her 'l-Minions'

"Lexi, look who it is" linda says In her high pitched voice. Her name is Melinda but Lexi insisted she changed it

"Ugh, it's Liv" Lisa says

Immediately Lexi looks up "You" She says, gaining the attention of the cafeteria. I can already see Nancy filming this. Gosh.

She then pours her maple syrup on me

And then hang my mouth open

"There, now we're even.You ruin my hair I ruin yours" She says feeling proud of herself

Then I speak up "You know, milkshakes are always nicer with waffles"

I say then dump the rest of my lunch on her stupid head

She's still in shock and she looks like she's about to say something but I stop her

"You think I'm the same Liv that you can step all over and trample on. You think I'm the same Liv you abandoned years ago. Well newsflash that Liv was gone years ago. After you left I found better friends to replace you that actually liked me and that wanted my own good. They didn't try to sabotage me, they want what's best for me. I might not know why you hate me but I know this. Ever since our friendship broke you replaced me with these ninnies" I say pointing to Linda and Lisa

As she was about to talk again I interrupt her "I'm not done talking. Let this serve as a warning. Stay outta my way. Be mature and stop pulling stupid pranks"

Lisa is about to say something and then I say "Come on at me bitch and I'll fire right back"

Then I head to our table

As I make my way I mutter some colorful words. "That low life bitch, thinking she can some and ruin my perfect day, everything was going great, even pretty boy didn't piss me off this much. I hate her with every fiber in my being I hope she-" When I sat down they cut me off

"Whoa, chill, who's pretty boy" Josh asks

"Pretty boy? " I say and then Drew raises his hand up

"Present" He says

"Noted" Josh says

"Hello? How don't you know that? It's all over social media" Winnie says. Being the social media expert

"What are you talking about" I say while stealing One of Drew's fries

How does he even get fast food during school hours?!?

"Uh, the video 'pretty boy' posted" Blair says chipping in while munching on her waffle

"You really posted that? " I say feeling the heat on my cheeks

"Duh. Now the world knows that you think he's pretty" Ken snickers

"Yeah, that's why I'm here Pretty boy. Now no one call me that. Only Liv"

"Aye aye" West says sarcastically

Then my phone rings. And then my ringtone is Venom by Eminem.

"Your ringtone is venom? " Nick asks and from the corner of my eye I can see Drew smirking

"Well not before. Apparently someone thought it would be funny thinking I wouldn't like it"

I say smirking at Drew "But I do" I say and he stops smirking and looks shocked

Then I pick up the call "Sup"

"Uh, I'm outside"

"What? I'm in school what are you doing outside?"

"It's movie night today remember? Well we're going shopping" He says as if it's that's simple

"Eh, I am done with my classes" I try to reason with him

"Okay, I'm coming" I say

"But we have to branch at home for a change of clothes. For me" I say feeling the maple syrup in my bra

"Why what happened?"


"The bitch Is back? I thought she went for that stupid show? "

"Yeah well their in a seasons break"

"Whatever, I'm waiting "

"K, on my way"

"Great. Well you can invite prettyboy"

He says and I bet you ten grand he's smirking now. That is if I had ten grand.

"Geez, you too? "

"What do you mean? Your going viral, you should be happy" He says "Now your known as his cupcake-"

"I'll meet you outside"

And then I cut the phone

"Who are you meeting outside?" Blair asks

"Alex" I say

"Who's Alex? " Josh asks

"Her bro" Winnie and Drew say at the same time

"How did you know?" they say again

"Okay it's not cute when we do it" Drew says

"Well how did you guys know. And Drew you go first. I bet it's more juicier" Cece says, whispering the last part to Josh who snickers

"Well, you know that one time when you guys first met Liv? " He says and they all nod for him to continue "Well, We went to the park and we talked about-" Before he finishes his sentence I stomp on his toes real hard that the table shook and he clears his throat while wincing in pain.

"Well, what did you guys talk about?" Ken says liking the drama

I glare at Drew and he continues

"Well, we Uh, talked about each other? "

"lie" Cece and Josh whoop

I roll my eyes "She mentioned her brother Alex" He said and shrugged

Then Josh says "Pay up" As Blair drops a twenty

"Well I know him because the same day Drew introduced her, I searched for her on social media, duh. When I didn't find her I searched for Sparks and found him. Duh. I mean he's like so hot and he also went to this school"

At the mention of that Nick gives Winnie a look "Babe, chill, he's like 23, plus I'm taken"

She says to relieve him and then kisses him while Ken and Josh holler

"Well, bye, I'll text y'all later" I say then go