Chapter 4

I slowly opened my eyes to reveal where I was. I was in a giant lake with very little visibility; it was dark, and the sound of water landing above me was the only thing heard. I saw a couple of fish swim near and around me.

I still held the girl in my hands like a precious treasure.

My heart pounded within my chest as I looked around trying to get a hold of the situation.

First, I have to get back to the surface, or else the girl and I would both drown. So, despite feeling weak, I started swimming up to the surface so the girl and I could breath.

I gasped at my face broke the surface, filling my lung with new air. I breathed harshly. I coughed out water and quickly pulled the girl up where her face was above the water.

I shook the girl slightly, hoping she would respond. When she didn't, I felt myself panicking.

What is it with this girl?

I looked around from where I was in the lake trying to spot a place where the girl and I could rest.

About two-hundred feet away from my location was the shore; its sandy beaches glowing like a group of little candles in the distance.

Thank God, I thought feeling relieved. I used the last of my energy to swim the girl and I to shore.

Arriving at the shore, I placed the girl face-up on the sand. I tried to stand up, but I fell. I had no energy. I grabbed onto my now wet white shirt which had gone with my suit.

Without any energy left I collapsed onto the shore and let the darkness overtake me.


I awoke to cold air upon my face, and a pounding within my head that hurt like hell.

I blinked my eyes open and groaned rubbing my head.

Why did death hurt so bad...?

I took in my surroundings and stared at the waterfall...

No... no! NO!

I-I didn't d-die?!

I tried to stand but felt something slip off my lap. I flinched and looked down at the ground where the thing slid off.

It was a hand. A pale hand. At the wrist, a white shirt cuff extended out into a shirt up the arm.

My eyes widened as I stared at a very handsome man. His lashes were so black that it looked as though he was wearing eye shadow. His skin was a milky tan color which brought out his sharp features.

His black hair was soaked, and water droplets ran down his face.

I tried to stand again but growled to myself as my legs gave me a complaint.

I looked around and sighed.

I clenched my fist. Why did he save me? A hopeless cause that I am?

I glared at him. He was still out cold... maybe I could drown myself again-

He groaned and I flinched looking back at him.

He coughed up water with some blood and shook harshly...

My thoughts raced as I turned back staring at the river.

Damn it...

I forced myself to stand and I grabbed his arms emotionlessly. I'm only saving his life, get NO ideas...

I dragged him over about twenty or thirty feet to a nearby tree. I gently leaned him up against it and felt his forehead while I knelt on the ground next to him.

Running a fever... what exactly had he done to save me?

I sneered and stood. I ripped off some of my cloth at the bottom of my dress so I could tend to the scratches that were under his shirt.

His shirt had been torn and blood leaked from the wounds.

I gently took his shirt off and tossed it to the side.

I began gently wiping the blood away as he slept against the tree.

Stupid idiot. Saving a helpless person like me.

My grip tightened and I cursed to myself under my breath.

Six scratches, one straight across starting from his left shoulder down to his waist, bled profusely.

I cursed as I took his shirt and tightly a wrapped it right over his wounds.

The blood began soaking it, but it had slowed.

I sighed in relief as I stood wobbling.

My vision blurred and I raised my hand to hold my head.

"Keep going." I said to myself silently.

I collapsed on the sand once again, to far from the water which now glittered from the moonlight. The sun had begun to rise...

The darkness crept in from the sides of my vision, and my body hit the sand before I could do anything else.

I fell into a dreamless sleep.