
Her feet made a crunchy crackling sound just like the sound of paper fluttering when a strong wind blows through it, she ran through the thick forest, her breath sharp and frantic. Her eyes wide filled with tears. She turned around only to see no one, her feet led her to a large tree. She crouched down, motionless, her ears straining for sound.

'WHY,' she mentally asked herself. She hugged her knees still surprised at the turn of events.

The sound of snapping twigs cracked out breaking her thoughts and warning her that at the least her pursuers stood only a few paces from her.

"She is just a little girl, how did she get away?" An angry voice resonated in the quite forest.

"Find her now!!!"

Lana covered her mouth and remained still, "someone please save me." She wished.

"Any sign of her?" one of the men asked, "nothing."

"Let's go, we have to find her. She will fetch a hefty amount we can't lose her." With that the men turned around and left the area.

Lana breathed a sigh of relief and came out after she couldn't hear the sound of their footsteps.

She gingerly looked around, a single tear rolled down her cheek. If only she had executed her plan, she wouldn't be in this mess. She started walking in the opposite direction that her pursuers went hoping to find some help.

"Here!" exclaimed different voices, and the heavy breathing and shuffling of their feet grew more hurried, as if what they were chasing were gold coins.

Lana started running as fast as she could, she ran so fast that she thought her legs would explode. Her breathing quickened trying to appease her need for oxygen.

"Not so fast little bitch," said a man in black who had half of his face covered who now stood in front of her. Lana could hear the sound of heart that was now beating erratically as she looked at the strange man.

"Please don't kill me," she said backing away from him only for her back to hit something, she turned around only to see another man in black. She looked around and discovered that they were about four to six others dressed in the same way though without anything covering their faces.

"Dimitri," the man wearing a mask looked from Lana to the man she just bumped into "bring that thing to the camp, I have some other work to do. I'll meet you there,and" he moved his attention back to her and Lana could feel her soul leaving her body just by the evil look he had in his eyes.

"Take care of her if she proves difficult." Lana gulped feeling her throat turn dry at the thought of her life cut short.

"Yes Sir." And with that the man called Dimitri roughly grabbed her arm before she could react and pulled her towards the route she had come from. Her feet hit a stone and she just swallowed the pain scared of what would happen to her if she made her screams known. They walked in silent for what seemed like 20 minutes before they came to meet a

road where two carriages were packed by the side. When they reached one of the carriages Lana was thrown inside like a bag of sand.

"Stay there and don't try anything funny OKAY!!"

Lana could only nod her head as she couldn't bring her scared self to speak. Satisfied with her the man called Dimitri banged the door and left.

Been alone, Lana looked around and that's when she discovered that there was someone or rather something under the sit in front of her. She moved to touch it and noticed blood on the floor that seemed to have, her heart started beating erratically and before she could touch anything the door opened and right there stood a furious Dimitri.

"I fucking told you to stay put, what part of it didn't you fucking understand?" hearing his angry voice, Lana jumped and shrunk back in her back in her sit. He got in and sat in front of her and the carriage started moving.

Lana lowered her head, her hands clutching the hem of her dress. She raised her head only for her eyes to meet with Dimitri's,

"I am so-r-ry Sir, but there is something under your sit and there is bl-oo-d everywhere." Lana said in low quiet voice.

"Shut up if you don't want to end up like her."

It took a few seconds for Lana to digest and understand what the man. She gulped and tried her best to stay still. It became quiet that only the sound of the carriage moving could be heard. The carriage moved along the dry road for 2 hours before coming to a stop.

Lana raised her head and looked at Dimitri and she saw him put a finger on his mouth signifying her to keep quiet, just right then the door to the carriage opened, and a man wearing shabby clothes with a worried look mirrored on his face came in,

"Master there is a carriage blocking our path, permission to advance,"

The Dimitri man nodded and the shabby looking man closed the door. Lana moved her attention from the door to Dimitri and found him already looking at her, and in the next moment she charged for the door but was roughly yanked back.

"Disobedient bitch, I don't see why I should keep you alive." The man then hit her head and shoved her in the corner of the carriage.

Lana could feel the metallic taste of blood in her mouth as the man squeezed her neck, "Please let me go," she tried to protest which led to her neck been tightly squeezed. The man had a huge smile on his face as he tightly held onto her neck.

Lana stopped fighting back and slowly started losing her strength, her vision became blurry and just then the door was yanked out,

"Now that's no way to treat a lady." Were the last words she heard before everything turned black.