Demonic Masque 3

The doctor told me that the strain on my voice is getting to the point that it was going to slowly kill me. That did not stop me from making the song. Godric always looked worried when I came to visit him. But, he always looked calm as we recorded together in his dark theater.

For a strange paranormal reason, I could only record Godric's voice as he was singing. Any other time, he would come out as bad feedback on the recording.

He was giving me the freedom I needed to write songs the way I wanted. He would often intertwine his hands with mine as I played the notes on the organ. Feeling him beside me was a comfort I needed in my life.

The coughing fits grew worse and he was worried after I coughed up blood one time. I knew that my time was running short as I finished my song.

"Rin, my angel, please slow down," he begged me after a bad one, "fame is not worth it if kills you."