


"Oh Sehun.....I'm so sorry if I disturbed you. It's just that Luhan wanted to see you. Also, I'm sorry that I made you worry...." I said to him shyly and Sehun slightly laughed. I looked at him and smiled.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"It's nothing hyung. Also, I'll tell you something. Chanyeol hyung..." He said but he cut himself and looked down.

"Don't always look down Sehun. You might prick your chest." I jokingly said to him and he just rolled his eyes at me and laughed.

"Stop joking hyung. Back to the topic, Chanyeol hyung...."

"Chanyeol's what?" I asked him and he looked down again. Sehun...Stop looking down. Your chin will prick your chest...

"He's looking for you hyung. He asks me about you. Kai said to him that I am with you a while ago." Sehun said seriously at that made me stare at him.

"What!?" I asked him and he just sighed.

"Chanyeol hyung wants to know more information about you and he really wants to see you," Sehun added.


Baekhyun no....

Chanyeol left you and chose his dream instead of being with you.

Baekhyun...Wake Up!

No! Chanyeol needs to suffer also. He needs to experience what I experienced while having the baby in my tummy.

Maybe I need to go away. Maybe I need to go abroad.

"Se.....Did we talk about this right? You promised that you will not tell Chanyeol?" I asked him while stuttering and he nodded his head.

"Maybe I need to avoid Chanyeol especially that he's investigating about me. I don't want him to know about my baby." I said on the verge of crying, and then Kyungsoo came with my Kimchi and cookies.

"What did you do?! Why is Baekhyun crying?! What Sehun?!" Kyungsoo said with a slightly loud voice.

"Baekhyun hyung....I'll support you with your decision. Always remember that I'm always here for you hyung." Sehun said before leaving. I cried and hugged Kyungsoo.

"What happened, Baek?" Kyungsoo asked and I cried again.

"Soo, Chanyeol asked Sehun about me," I mumbled. Kyungsoo wiped my tears and rolled his eyes when he heard Chanyeol's name. He surely is mad about him.

When I calmed down, he asked me again.

"Are you changing your plans Baek? Did you prepare for this right? Where are you going Baek?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Yeah, change of plans. Maybe I'll go to China. Maybe I'll go to Tao and Kris." I said and he just nodded.

"Where's Luhan?" Kyungsoo asked. Luhan said that he'll buy something and leave me and Sehun some privacy and Luhan's hugging Sehun a while ago. Ehem.

"He left," I answered and eat the cookies Kyungsoo brought.

"When are you leaving Baek?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Maybe tomorrow Soo....I'll give birth in China," I said and Kyungsoo suddenly stood up.

"What! Baek! I will not see my nephew? My godchild? Baek you're unfair. Why does it have to be in China?" Kyungsoo said and I just smiled at him.

"Stop whining Soo. Don't worry. I'll come back here. And maybe, when I come back here, I'll be better with my new life. No Chanyeol will be entering my life because my only love will come." I said smiling and caressing my tummy.


"Good pose." The photographer shouted.

I'm currently shooting for my vogue magazine. Because I'm still no.1 in Korea, I'm still their model for their magazines.

"Good Take! Let's take a break." The photographer shouted again and when I entered the tent, I saw Nana looking at me seductively and walk close to me to pull my suit.

"W-What?!" I shouted at her but she put her finger at my lips to shut me up.

"What are you doing Ms. Jin-ah? You're my manager?" I asked her when she grabbed my crotch. I gulped and she just smiled.

"You have a big dick, Park Chanyeol. You're going to be mine...All mine." Nana said.