Wizard councils visit.

As I applied pressure on the council members, I could see them struggling to breathe and stay on their feet. Dunstan got the worst of it as he was forced to his knees, he seemed shocked by my magical presence as it crushed down upon him. I was just as surprised by the look in his eyes, pure hatred.

"Y-you dare to force me to my knees?!" He asked with difficulty

"Force you to your knees? That's should be the least of your worries after you try to besmirch my name! I saved these children from becoming a ritual ingredient from wizards under your rule!" I shouted back as my blood started to boil, my right hand started to glow red with magic as I was thinking of decapitating this fool

Just as I was about to launch the kljúfa, I was a little shocked to see Aileen step out as rocks transfigured into bindings locking up Dunstan with a wave of her hand, looking towards Aileen I could see her face full of rage and so were some of the others. The council was just as shocked as I, at her display of wandless magic, Geraint had that twinkle in his eye as he stood to the side observing what was going on.

"Stop spouting nonsense! If it wasn't for Mister Fenrisúlfr we would all be dead! He bought us a home and taught us magic so we could survive! If you keep saying bad things about him ill let Toskr finish what he started!" She shouted and that's when I noticed toskr was on Dunstan's shoulder with my old rune knife he had brought me all those years ago aimed at his neck.

I was a little disappointed in my self, I had let my rage get the better of me and failed to notice toskr even there if I fired off my spell I could have hit him as well, and I wouldn't be able to live with my self if I accidentally killed my companion.

The council members soon took notice of the blue striped squirrel on Dunstan's shoulder ready to kill him at a moment's notice, a young lady with light-skin and brown-hair tied with a bright blue ribbon stepped forward with difficultly, she was wearing a long multilayered dress of dark and light blues that hugged her waist and flared out towards her feet that she gripped and curtsied towards me as I lifted the pressure and she relaxed slightly and began to speak.

"I do apologise for my companion's hot-headedness towards you Sir Fenrisúlfr, my name is Ophelia of Mercia, seen as the young miss has cleared the situation could I perhaps suggest a conference on how to go forward or a parlay?"

"Well met Ophelia of Mercia, as you know I am Fenrisúlfr Fjörgynsson, you do not need to apologise on his account that should be for the man to own up to his mistake, anyway what would this conference entail?" I replied courteously to the well-mannered young lady,

"With honesty, we can explain as to why we originally came today and communicate in a less Uncouth way as to what has preceded this original meeting" she explained with a slight smile ebbing at her lips

"I can consent to such a meeting, and I do apologise for my lack of composure before, you as well Geraint I wish our reunion didn't start on such an unsettling example, I do however have a piece of wood I would like you to identify if you would?" I answered Ophelia with a smile and nod and turned to Geraint and when I mentioned the wood I could see that twinkle dance around his eye.

"Ah, no need to worry Fenris, but what wood is it? Is it something special? Magical?" Geraint was getting frantic with the prospect of wand materials.

"Ahem, Geraint maybe after we discuss some things you can talk about it" a man standing with the rest of the Council members added with a fake cough, that seemed to deflate Geraint and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips.

"Ah yes, it would be best to get this meeting moving along, Dunstan please do calm down so we can move forward I would hate to be taking a body back to your father," Geraint said with a slight bit of mirth in his voice.

"Come back Toskr, ladies and gentlemen if you would please follow me" I announced as I grabbed Clios hand and started to walk towards the longhouse.

When we got inside we all sat at the long table in the centre of the room, I looked around at the people gathered wondering why they had come, I wasn't wondering long until Ophelia began to address the situation.

"So without further ado, we have been tasked by the elders and arrived here today to ask about your 'following' if I could call it so? And the magical presence that had been surveyed on the night of yuletide at this very location"

"You may address them as you see fit Ophelia, but in all honesty, they are not my followers they're apprentices in both magic and mundane teachings, and the night of Yule was the first time that the magical performed a ritual, though nothing too considerable"

"A slaving ritual I bet" Dunstan muttered quietly but with my keen senses I heard it clearly and so did a few others,

"Ah a solstice ritual under the moonlight, interesting, hmm?" Murmured a slightly potbellied, green-eyed man who gazed at Aileen in particular,

"That's correct it was a magic gathering array that the children absorbed and expanded their cores" I wasn't afraid to tell these people as interaction with more magic folk could bolster my knowledge of different opinions and magic education that had been passed down for generations in their families.

"Ah fenris this is Beorhtric of Wessex, his main focus of research is Rituals" Geraint contributed from my side.

"Allow me to acquaint everyone in attendance today, you are already aware of myself, Dunstan and Geraint as well as recently introduced Beorhtric, we also have Winifred of Wales the lady wearing a purple gown, Cedric of Northumberland the Tall man with grey hair" Ophelia gestured around the table as I looked at each individual.

Beorhtric was potbellied and green-eyed as I first saw, but upon further inspection, the man had a head of ginger hair and donned a large beard of the same colour, his attire was dark greys with a mantle of fur that hung across his shoulders.

Winifred had long golden hair held back from her face with a ribbon, around her neck hung a crucifix on a woven braid of rope, her purple gown was accented with hints of gold stitching. I got the impression of a noble Christian woman as she lowered her head in a seated bow of sorts.

As I examined Cedric I noticed he was tall for an aged man, he seemed to be in his late forties and would probably stand around my height. He wore a riveted leather chest piece with a star-shaped symbol in the centre of his chest.

Ophelia continued gesturing around the table to the rest of our guests. "The ladies next to Cedric are Ælfthryth and Hild of Wessex, next to them are Wulfstan, Oswald, and Æðelræd of east Anglia and lastly Edward"

Ælfthryth and Hild had similar appearances with light brown hair but that's where their similarities ended, Ælfthryth had green eyes and a smooth jawline whereas Hild had brown eyes with a soft but angular jawline. They both were wearing noble-looking clothes though.

Wulfstan was a slim young man around 20 or so he had curly black hair and deep brown eyes with a shaved face, he was wearing simple clothes and a hood hung over his shoulders.

Oswald on the other hand was a middle-aged man seemingly in his mid-30s, His hair was thinning and had a slight tint of greys poking through his otherwise brown hair, he had a small amount of stubble on his face. Eyes as blue as the sky peered around the room, being vigilant of his surroundings, a man who had seen battle was the impression he gave me.

Æðelræd was around the same age as Oswald but seemed a lot more relaxed as he just lazily sat unimpressed. He had hazel eyes and ginger hair that flowed to his shoulders, a golden chain hung from his neck over a red tunic that looked freshly made. He gave me the impression of a pompous twat.

Edward though caught my eye he looked young maybe early 20's but had a hardened feel about him like his life had been difficult, which was enhanced by the scar from his chin to his ear. His eyes looked dulled as if he had been face to face with death plenty of times. A shaved head and a big bushy beard. He wore a dark leather chest piece but his arms were bare and toned, the thing that caught my attention though was his magical aura it was a deep purple and was a lot stronger than the rest here.

As I was looking at Edward he gave a slight nod and I returned it, afterwards I looked at Ophelia again.

"Thank you for that, I would like to ask some questions if that's alright with you all," I asked as I glanced around but finally settled on Winifred.

"I'm sure they would be happy to answer some questions" Ophelia answered with a slight smile.

"Ok first question would be to why you introduced Wulfstan, Æðelræd and Oswald as coming from east Anglia and not from the Danelaw county?" I asked and received a grunt from Dunstan.

"Ah, well that, ermm" Ophelia murmured at a loss for words but Oswald cut her off as his gruff voice broke past hers

"That's because that is where our families originate from before the invasion of the Ragnarssons and the great heathen army"

"Ah, I meant no disrespect just curious is all, my next question kind of ties into the "Heathen" aspect of what you just said, how many of you are Christians?" I air quoted Heathen but I have no idea if they'll know what I mean.

"I am a proud Christian" proclaimed Winifred as she held on to the crucifix hanging from her neck as a few others nodded as well funnily enough Edward didn't he looked disturbed by their faith.

"But what I want to know is why? I've seen priests burn women shouting that they're witches and it won't be long till more happen, plus Jesus was just a wizard" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I looked around the table at their faces.

Winifred looked troubled and the others looked livid but not at me more at themselves.

"It is more just to hide than anything" I heard Hild whisper.

"If it's to hide I understand I don't want to be burned even if it won't kill me," I said and saw shock emerge on their faces.

"What do you mean won't kill you?" Asked Ophelia with wide eyes.

"The flame freezing charm? You don't know about that?" I asked, even if I knew it hadn't been invented yet I knew it but it was in my tongue.

"Flame freezing charm? I've never heard of it, it would come in handy" Edward confessed as he rubbed his arm.

"Come ill show you" as I stood up and walked to the fire in the main hall, as the rest followed.

When I got to the fire I grabbed my wand and aimed at my hand, "frjósa bruni" A white light hit me and I stuck my hand in the flames a tickling sensation hit me and I laughed.

"Hahaha, sorry it tickles would anyone like to try?" I asked as I stifled my laughter as I looked at them, the shock on each of their faces was what I had hoped to see, this could lead to an exchange in knowledge of magic.