The Beginning

Chapter 1

Saturday December 1, 2012

7:16 pm

(Ivan's POV)

"Ivan Torres, get your ass over here right now!"

As I get up from the rug that I call my bed I shudder thinking what she is going to do to me. I wonder if it's the usual, go get cigarettes from the store, or my favorite chore; clean the whole god damn house or else you get belt. I walk out of my room and head down the stairs. I swear these stairs are going to break any time I take a step on them. If you couldn't already tell, the house my parents and I live isn't exactly the best place to live. It's actually the opposite the house looks like a abandoned house, it has mold almost everywhere, and it's the only wooden house on the block! When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see that she is looking at me intensely. On instinct I start to stare at the floor.

"Sit down on the chair I got something to ask you." Well I should probably see what my mom wants.

(Third Person limited POV)

He walks up to the chair still staring at the floor. He pulls the chair back and sits at it. His mom looks at him with a look that says this is a waste of time, but Ivan didn't notice this.

"Now let's say if the gods from all of mythology were real, and this person wanted to kill them would you join him?" 'I don't know if this is a trick so I should probably play this safe.'

"Well it depends if they deserve to be killed or not, and it depends on the reason" Anthony says in a squeaky tone. He glances back up at his mom, only to see she is looking at him curiously.

"The reason is personal." 'What is this about anyways? I mean the question is weird and would probably never happen. Should I give her a fake answer or not? This seems serious. It feels like my life is on the line here. I will just say what I actually think then.'

Unsure if he is making the right choice he says, "Well I wouldn't join the guy. There wouldn't be no real reason to." At this statement his mom leans forward in her chair, with the most serious look on her face and says, "If you join him you would get anything you want. You could live in a mansion, have all the food in the world, you could even become a god yourself."

Ivan's brain starts to hurt at this point. Until he came to a sudden realization, 'can gods die? It has to be a trick question.' Completely sure he is making the right choice he picks his head back up. "No, I wouldn't join him. It would be completely useless to try to kill a god. They're gods they cant be killed.

His mom let out a sigh and almost like she expected him to answer this way she quickly replied, "Go to your room and go to sleep." She got up from her chair and headed towards the door. 'What is she doing?' He got up from his chair and went up the stairs to go to his room. When he was at top of the stairs his mom was already out the door. As he walked to the little corner that had the rug that he slept on he thought, 'Why was she serious about one little question? What was the point of that? She usually never talks to me, maybe she was drunk or high.' He laid down on his rug and pulled the blanket over himself. In just a few seconds he fell asleep.

Sunday December 2, 2012

12:00 am

(Third person limited POV)

One moment he was in deep sleep and the next moment he was awake. It felt like his body has this urge to jolt his body into getting up. He slowly got up and let out a groan from waking up. He opened his eyes only to be met with boxes floating in front of him.

Welcome to the game!

Press start to begin your adventure!


'What the hell is this. This has to be dream.' He imagined cotton candy appearing in his hand but was disappointed when no cotton candy appeared. Looking back at the boxes he hesitantly pressed start.

Would you like to start the tutorial or skip it?

Start the tutorial!

Skip the tutorial.

Debating on whether he should or shouldn't skip the tutorial, he choose to skip the tutorial. He figured since this was just some weird dream he wouldn't have enough time to go through the tutorial.

You can do the tutorial anytime you want

Shortly after that box appeared it quickly disappeared. Instead a box with four tabs appeared in its place. The tabs names were named: Profile, stats, Skills/Abilities, perks, inventory, and quests. The tab he was currently on said Profile. Noticing this he quickly looked through the window.

Ivan Torres

Lvl 1 : 0/10

Title: [ None]

Hair color: Jet Black

Eye color: Amber

Body type: Ectomorph

Skin color: Tan

Weight: 40.5 pounds (18.37 kilograms)

Height:4 feet 3 inches(131.06 Centimeters)

Age: 10

Birthday: December 2, 2002

Species: ???

Race: Hispanic

Description: Ivan Torres is small and abnormally skinny for his age. He lives in Chicago, Illinois. His biological parents are Anna and ???. He lives with his mom and stepdad David. He doesn't eat much so he is currently suffering from malnourishment. His mom and stepdad like to boss him around and if he does something wrong he gets beat. They don't let him talk around the house unless he is spoken to. Thanks to this he doesn't know how to properly have a conversation with anyone that isn't his mom or stepdad. His parents force him to get all A's in school so he is smarter than most people his age.

After reading the part about his parents he wondered why it didn't show his dads name. He also noticed the face that it said his species were question marks. Thinking this is a dream he moves on to the next tab stats.

Ivan Torres

Xp:0/10 Level 1











'Why is my luck so low? I don't have that much bad luck' He thought about this for a moment. 'Do I have bad luck?' Deciding not to think about this subject he moves on to the next tab which was Skills/Abilities


Aero kinesis-

Lvl9(67%) Move air- cost 13 per second.


Physical Endurance

Understanding of the English Language

Understanding of the Spanish Language




Most skills he learned in school, so he thought it would be normal for him to have those to be skills, as for the rest he was confused about what they meant. 'What do the hell do these other abilities mean.' Noticing a little arrow on the side of the skills and abilities he clicks on it.

Aero kinesis- The ability to control air

Lvl0(0%) Move air: costs 15 mp per second

Noticing another arrow next to the subskill, but he decided to move on from it since he already knew what it does.


You can move your legs fast. What were you expecting from this skill? Drains stamina

Physical Endurance- Lvl1 0%

With all the abuse you had, you developed a resistance to physical damage. Attacks do 3% less damage.

When he finished reading the extra text he moved on to the perks tab.


Eyes of rage

Gamer's mind

Gamer's body

Winds kiss


Confused on what the perks do he clicked on them.

Eyes of Rage- Whenever your anger becomes uncontrollable, your eyes glow a bright green. When this happens, you get a bonus in Str by 50 points, Dex by 45 points. Every time you kill something in this state you get a 5 plus bonus points to all stats. But you lose all control of your actions and won't stop until you kill everything you see, get tired, or you die.

'This seems like a very specific perk to have. Where would I even get this from? Either way it's a good perk it just has some downsides' He hoped this would never activate unless it had a good reason to.

Gamer's body- You don't ever need to eat, sleep, drink.

Gamer's Mind- You can calm yourself down whenever you want to.

Inventory- You can store items that are touching your body into a storage space. The space has an infinite amount of space so you dont have to worry about much space you have left.

He though these three perks would be good to have. What he would use them for he doesn't know. His mind quickly went to thinking if he can over eat or if he can drink too much. His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden appearance of a box in his face

Thanks to you questioning the perk you get

+1 to Wis

'What the hell? Is this all it takes to increase my stats?' Thinking of why it increased he told himself that he would take the tutorial if he had anytime. He closed out of the window and read the last perk.

Winds kiss- Whenever the wind even touches you get a bonus in Dex by 80 points and Vit by 10 points. Also adds resistance to wind by 100%. Note: the wind must be strong for it to activate.

'What is with me and wind? Why can't it be something cooler like the ability to control time or black holes? What can I even do with wind?' After of a few things he can do with wind he decided that it wasn't that bad of a skill to have. Looking at the last two tabs he decided to skip the last two tabs since it was inventory and he didn't if have a chance to use his inventory, and he didn't think he had any quests yet.

He laid back down and wondered what would happen if he fell asleep in a dream. He closed his eyes and immediately went to sleep.