Didn't expect this to happen

Chapter 7

Wednesday December 17, 2012

8:20 pm

(Ivan's POV)

"Who are you?"

Well shit I should've thought this through before I helped. What should I do? I look at his leg and see that he is still injured. Maybe I should run? It's not like he can after me. Thinking this would work I use Wind's Cannon to launch myself into the air. When I'm about to land Dominique teleports behind me and punches me in the back, after he punches me, and grabs me by the back of my shirt and he throws me to the ground, and I land face first in the snow. Before I can even react, he turns me around until I'm on my back, he then gets on top of and starts punching my face and my chest. As he was punching me I felt no pain and it felt like I was being punched by a pillow. A few seconds passed before he got off me.

"Don't make me ask again. Who are you?" I lay there on the ground confused. Maybe I got stronger? I use my arms to pick myself up, but as I'm doing it, he quickly brings his foot up to kick my nose. I land on my back and feel a something dripping from my nose. Well so much for being stronger. I starting to have difficulty breathing from my nose and I start to breathe through my mouth. I use Gamer's Mind to ease the pain, but I can still feel a slight sting from my nose. Did he break my nose? I should probably tell him my name before he deicides to kill me.

"My name is Ivan Torres."

"Where do you live?"

I hesitate at this question. Will he even believe me if I tell him where I live? In a quiet voice I say, "In the back of a Walmart."

"No wonder you smell like trash." Do I really smell that bad? Well I haven't showered in a few weeks, before my mind wonders from the potential danger I'm in, he asks another question. "Why did you help me?"

Why did it have to be this question? Maybe I should tell him about the boxes? I doubt he would believe it but it's better than nothing. "I do as the boxes say." I could've worded that better. I look back at him and I see him trying not to smile. Maybe I should try to be funny? Will that let me survive this?

He quickly gains his composure and asks another question. "Alright then, what are you Soul powers?"

The hell is soul? Is that what the Mp thing I was using was really called? I don't really want to ask what soul is right now, but I didn't even have to think of anything he because he asks another question.

"Are you a demigod?"

I nod my head and he quickly smiles. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a phone. The person he called picks up and now I wonder if I might to have to fight him after all. I raise my hand to my nose and feel that it was crooked. My breathing began to increase. He noticed this and he punched me in the nose again, but this time instead of his punches doing nothing my nose was healed. My breathing went back to normal and the pain went away. He ends the call and he picks me up by the torso. Yep this is the part where I get kidnapped, well life was fun while it lasted. We walk until a Toyota Camry approaches us from behind.

When the car is in front of us he opens the back door and throws me in. He gets in and I hear from the driver's seat, "Damn! You weren't kidding when you said he smells like ass." When did he even say that? I ignore when he could have possibly said this and I instead smell my clothes. Sure enough they smelt like I sprayed by a skunk then rolled around in shit. I see Dominique turn around in his seat to look at me.

"So, what kind of demigod are you? Japanese, Egyptian, Norse, or something else?" What did he mean by that? Well there is only right answer here. "I'm a Japanese demigod. My dad is Fūjin."

I see him start to look at my eyes and then at my hair. He turns back around, and he pulls out his phone. Squirming in my seat I decide to ask about this soul thing. "Umm you mentioned something about soul? Can you tell me what it is?" He turns back around and looks me in the eye and lets out a sigh. To my surprise he starts to explain what soul was.

"Soul is something only regular people can use. No demigods or any mythical creatures can use it." There goes my plan of learning soul. "It can only be unlocked by either meditating or you get attacked by Pure Soul, so that means no powers or stuff like that. When you unlock it you already get a power. The power can be anything it can go from controlling time or it can just be used to clean the floors. It depends on your subconscious." What did he mean by that? He spots the look of confusion on my face and he starts to explain it in further detail. "What I mean by that is that if you are a very controlling person and you don't know it, your Soul ability would probably be related to something that can control people, but that also means that your Soul ability can have restrictions. That means if you have a fear of water your ability would weaken, or it can affect how your power activates. When you get more experienced with Soul you can develop your own powers. The more powerful the power the more energy you would need to use it. For example, this" He snapped his fingers and felt a sharp pain in the places where he punched me before.

"That power costs almost no energy for me to use since it doesn't have much power." When he was done with that he turns back around and this time puts in headphones. I kind of wanted to learn Soul, but I can't since I'm a demigod so I can't. I look out the window and remember the boxes I put aside earlier. I look at the first one which just said I leveled up.

You leveled up to level 12!

Hp: 93/93

Mp: 48/48

Stamina: 110/110

Str: 21+1=22 (25)

Dex: 25+2=27 (33)

Vit: 23+2=25 (29)

Wis: 29+3=32

Int: 27+2=29

Luc: 15+3=18

Points: 7

Damn I didn't think my stats would already be in the thirties. I close the at the next box which was the quest completed box. I didn't bother to read so I just closed it. The next box was about a new subskill for my Aero Kinesis skill.

Thanks to a specific action you made a new a subskill for Aero Kinesis!

Lvl0 (15%) Wind Arrow- You can manipulate the wind well enough for you to use the wind as a projectile. Too bad you're bad at this though. Mp per use- 25 mp. Damage- 50

The Inspect ability leveled up!

Lvl 5 (2%) Inspect- You can see the stats and descriptions of objects. You can also see the stats and descriptions of people who are less than 100 levels above you.

When did this level up? I think for a moment and remembered that I used Inspect on Dominique and Denaris. To test this, I use Inspect on Dominique.

Dominique Maxwell- Lvl 89

The Azure Spiders gang member

Dominique Maxwell is currently in a gang called The Azure Spiders. As a child he was beaten by his dad, but eventually he killed his dad beating him to death. Right now he is not that experienced with Soul. His Soul abilities are being able to move at the speed of light and he can create boxing gloves that can be used in all kinds of situations.

Hp: 450/670

Mp: 325/900

Stamina: 569/940

Str: 280

Dex: 520

Vit: 390

Wis: 208

Int: 215

Luc: 190

Holy shit he has high stats! Now I know there is no way I can beat him, but he is tired so maybe I can escape from him. I look at the driver's seat and decide to give up from escaping since he might be stronger or on the same level as Dominique. Well fuck no point in even trying anymore. I close the box and I see that the car stopped. The car door opened, and I got picked up from the front of my shirt by Dominique. He put me under his arm and proceeded to walk towards the building. I look around and notice that the street we were on was around my old house. I sigh and thought, Wow never thought I would be back here. I look up at the building and see that it was an apartment complex. The building itself looked like it was on the verge of collapsing. The outside had graffiti and I saw some people outside smoking.

When we got inside the building, I instinctively scrunched up my nose at the smell of cigarettes around the place. Dominique and his friend take me up to the third floor of the complex and gets to what I presume is his apartment. The layout of the apartment wasn't something out of the ordinary. The entrance led to the living room and to the right there was a kitchen. If you walked through the living room, there was a small hallway that had one doorway at the end and one door on each side of the hallway. The place had pizza boxes and trash all over the place. It had the smell of smoke which made me want to cough. When I look into the living room, I see that there was some person sitting on the couch. He looked pissed off and I felt that he was someone important, but I wasn't really sure about that part. When Dominique spotted him suddenly started talking.

"Hey, this was kid I was talking about." When he said this, he pointed to me. I try shift around, but Dominique dropped me on the floor. I hit the floor and let out a groan. The guy sitting on the couch looks at me and he looks like he is plotting on what to do with me. He gets up and walks over to me. Not sure what to do I quickly get up and move backwards toward the door. He stops and starts to examine my whole body. He examined my body for a while before he finally started to say something.

"So, what kind of stuff can you do, I heard that you helped Dominique out in a fight. Is that right?" Before I can even think about what to say I feel my mouth start to respond for me. "Yes, that is right. I can control the wind and I can store stuff in a storage space. I can access this space at any time."

"Do you want more power?" Once again, not feeling like I have any control over what I'm saying my mouth responds for me.


"If you join us, we could train you to better use your powers. You could be powerful with your demigod powers and with our skills you could be rich." This kind of reminds of the last time I saw I mom. I wonder if he somehow knows about her. I stop myself before I started to think of something that is not important right now. Should I join him? I want to know what else I can do as a demigod, after barely doing any thinking I came to an answer. "Yes." What's the worst thing that can happen from this? The way I see it mostly benefits me. I see him start to grin.

"Wonderful, you better be useful to us." Without a warning he starts to fade away. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Dominique looking down at me. He takes out his phone and says, "You want some pizza?" When he said this, I felt my mouth start to water and I excitedly bob my head up and down. He nods and says," Okay then go use the shower while we wait for the pizza. It's on the left at the end of the hallway." I nod my head and make my way towards the bathroom. I turn on the shower and get on.

"Fuck that's cold!" I wait for the water to warm up before I start to actually start to clean myself. I run my hands through my hair and notice that the water going into the drain was brown. Was I really that dirty? I should really start to take better care of my hygiene. It takes me about thirty minutes to fully clean myself. Immediately start to feel the difference of being clean. My skin feels healthier and my hair feels soft. I look around for a towel and realize I didn't bring a towel with me. Shit what should I do now? I check my Inventory and I see that I didn't have a towel on me. Well fuck, I should've have probably stole a towel from Walmart. Should I call out to them for a towel. I decide to not call out since I didn't want them to think of me as some weirdo. I notice a window right next to me, I unlock it and I feel the cold rushing in. I ignore it and use the wind to dry myself. I close the window and see that my plan worked. I put on some clean clothes and walk out. As I walk out I think to myself. Was joining these people the right choice? I walk into the living room and see a few pizza boxes on the table. I smile and I right away start to join them. I think I made the right choice.