This didn't go as planned

Chapter 21

Monday December 22,2012

5:38 pm

(Ivan's POV)

"Can you stop using making illusions all over the place its getting annoying." I turn around to glare at him. He was by the edge looking down at the corpse of the boss.

"No! It's too much fun." I wait for my Mp bar to fill up again before making a Pitbull in the middle of the platform.

"We've been here for hours! I would rather be anywhere else rather than being forced to be here. There's nothing to do here!" I ignore him and concrete on making the Pitbull move. I feel a bead of sweat fall down my face. I make the dog take one step before it started to fade away. Dammit! I close my eyes and imagine a Pitbull standing right in front of me. I slowly open my eyes. A Pitbull was staring directly into my eyes. I let the Pitbull fade away.

I sit down on the ground. A notification pops up telling me that my Illusion skill leveled up to level twelve. I close the box and respond to Anenoid.

"Okay then where should we go?" He stares off into the distance.

"Uhhh. Anywhere but here!" I let out a sigh. At least suggest something.

"Fine then." I get up and walk over to the entrance of the room. I get to the entrance until I suddenly remember that the quest for completing the dungeon didn't show up. I turn around to look for a way to get find the other part of the dungeon. On the other side of the room I see a path going over the spikes to a door. I turn around and walk to the entrance of the dungeon. I don't want to enter that door, mostly because I wanted to get stronger before going through the door.

I take out Retribution as I enter the room. I smile as I feel the weight of the weapon in my hands. Anenoid suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. I look up at him only to see him at me angerly.

"Where did you get that weapon?" He pointed his finger at Retribution.

"I got it from the robot." He lets out a sigh and his face turns into a more calmer expression. I hear him mutter a 'Thank God.'

"Why do you ask?"

"Thought you might be the Golden Warrior." Is the Golden Warrior that important to him?

"Is he really that important?" I look down at my weapon. He can't be that important, right? Anenoid shifts his feet. He slowly tilts his head down.

"Well he's isn't important right now." He walks over to the wall and leans against it. "My old boss Nuxiel wants to find him before he can do anything important." I walk over to the wall and sit down. As he talked, I can feel the anger coming from him. For the first time, I felt like Anenoid was some sort of villain.

"W- what does he do?" I turn my head away from him. I feel his gaze burn a hole into the back of my head.

"Well according to multiple prophecies he is going to save the gods from every religion or mythology." I hear he him take a deep and shaky breath. "I don't know how but he was somehow able to kill multiple gods in the prophecies." How can gods be killed anyway. Aren't they immortal? "The worst part is that he lets all the bad gods go, all because those gods helped him" I suddenly hear the wall crack above me. My feel my body tense up. Shit how do I make him calm?

"W-well he isn't strong right now, so there is some chance that he could found any day now." I hear Anenoid let out grunt.

"I want to find him and kill him before he can do anything." He stops to take a deep breath. "I'm not that worried about him yet though. It's not like he can do anything yet." Wait how has the gods not started to train him. If he was important wouldn't they want to start training him as soon as possible?

"Wouldn't the gods find him first though?" I hear Anenoid's body slowly slide down the wall.

"I don't think so."

"Why not though?"

"Well there was a war a few years ago between multiple mythologies and religions. After the war was over the gods decided to separate and erased the memories of the demigods who fought in the war. So now the demigods don't know about the other religions and mythologies outside of their own. Plus, I don't think the gods are worried about finding the Golden Warrior. Instead they are trying to train demigods to be the Golden Warrior. I think about ten years ago the gods decided give some demigods unique powers." That last sentence suddenly caught my attention. Could I be the Golden Warrior? This weird game system is a unique power. I bite down on my lip. I bring my knees up to my chest. Hopefully not. I don't think I could ever kill a god, let alone save multiple demigods.

I feel my whole body start to shake. I slowly stand back up. "Alright I want to get out of this dungeon."


Monday 22,2012

9:32 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I don't know when but as I was walking around trying to find someplace to shelter me from the cold, my body went back to its original height. Somehow I ended back in my tent in the back of the Walmart.

I lay my head down on my pillow. I hear Anenoid walk to the front of my tent. He unzips the front the front of the tent and walks inside. He turns arounds and closes the front of the tent. He looks around the tent before looking at me.

"Put me back in the ring, it's too cold to be outside. I'm so glad I don't have to suffer in the cold like you." Annoyed, I absorb him back into the ring and put it in my Inventory. God he so annoying. I close slowly close my eyes and I feel my consciousness slowly drift away.

Tuesday 23,2012

6:35 am

I slowly open my eyes. I slowly get onto my knees and crawl over to the front of the tent. I unzip the front. Outside I see snow coming down quickly from the sky. God dammit. I close the front and go under my blankets. I close my eyes, out of nowhere I suddenly remember that I was supposed to meet up with Jana Café Pronto. I groan and I reluctantly throw my blankets to the other side of the tent. I put on a plain blue hoodie. I unzip the front and step on the snow. Half of my leg sinks into the snow. Oh god that's cold. I reluctantly put my other leg in. I slowly make my way to the Café Pronto. Each step I take snow would get into my sneakers. I wish had some boots.

I take a few more steps before I saw someone my age getting carried on what I assume was their parent's shoulders. I take out me ring and summon Anenoid. I look up at him and tug at his shirt. He looks down at me with an annoyed expression.

"Carry me." I see a look of disgust appear on his face. He groans and bends down to pick me up by the waist. He puts me on his shoulders. I smile as I feel my legs leave the ground.

"So, where Am 'I supposed to go?" I point to my left. He lets out a groan and starts walking. "So why can't we just stay in the tent? It was at least somewhat warm in there."

"I have to meet someone" We get the corner of the street; I point to the right.

"I don't think they will come out in this weather." I didn't think of that.

"I just want to be sure." A notification pops up telling me that Lie leveled up to level two. I quickly close the box.

Every time Anenoid was supposed to turn I would point it out. Eventually we arrived at Café Pronto.

"You want me to go in with you?" I don't think a little bit of protection wouldn't hurt. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Jana were to attack me from behind.

"Sure. Why not." He walks up to the door and opens it. He puts me down in the doorway. I step inside and look around the place. I never been to Café Pronto, so I was surprised to see how small it was. On the left were three tables, each table had two chairs . A few feet to my right was the cash register. The walls were a Carmel Brown with plants hanging from the walls. There wasn't much light. The lack of light made it feel comfortable. I walk in and go over to one of the tables. Anenoid follows my lead; he sits down next to me. He rests his head on his hand.

"I don't think the person you're waiting for is coming." I let out a groan. I don't want to go back out into the snow or wait here for a person who might never show up. I lay my head down on the table. I suddenly hear the door open along with the sound of wind blowing in the distance. I turn around to see Jana in the doorway. Oh thank god I didn't come here for nothing. She stares at me for a little bit before walking towards the cash register. Anenoid nudges me with his elbow.

"Please tell me we aren't here to meet her." I nod my head. Anenoid shakes his head slowly. "You're an idiot." She quickly walks to our table and sits down across from us. She leans forward, I notice a furious look on her face. I feel my body tense up as she stares in my direction. There was a few moments of awkward silence before Anenoid decided to start the conversation.

"So what are we for?" Jana's eyes slowly look in Anenoid's direction. She points her finger at me.

"He wanted to help me find the killer of my sister"

"Oh cool." Jana's eyes focus on Anenoid. This isn't going well. I clear my throat

"Jana do you have any clues or anything?" She reaches into her pocket; she pulls out a tiny notebook. She flips a few pages until she was in the middle of her notebook. She hands me the notebook. I put the notebook down between Anenoid and me. On the page was a drawing of a middle-aged man. He had his shirt tucked in, it really showed how big his belly was. His nose was big and he a few bumps on his nose.He was already balding. On the side of the drawing was a note that said 'Abilities?' which was followed by question marks. I hear Anenoid yell next to my ear.

"Oh! I know him!" Well that was easy. Jana leans back in her chair. "If you have a phone, I could call him so we could meet up." Jana looks at the ground. She takes a deep breath.

"Fine just let me choose where to meet him."

Tuesday 23,2012

8:02 am

(Ivan's POV)

"Do we have to be up here? Why can't we just be on the ground? If something goes wrong, we could at least run." I don't know why but Jana choose to be on the rooftop where she first tried to kidnap me. Jana didn't respond. I hear Anenoid's voice talk inside my head.

'I think you should move a little bit further away from Jana.' Wait why? I slowly back away from Jana. I turn around and see something shine in the distance. In a less than a second a beam of blue was coming towards my direction. I jump to the side and take out my new weapon Retribution. It comes out in its double-bladed form. Anenoid appears out of nowhere and sprints towards Jana. Jana attempts to kick Anenoid in the stomach. He grabs her leg and pulls. She falls onto the ground. She digs into her pocket and pulls out a pistol. Anenoid lets go of her leg and jumps back. Jana points the gun in my direction. I make an illusion of myself and step a bit to the side. I feel a bead of sweat run down my face as I try to maintain the illusion. The illusion was just me standing still, I don't think she will fall for it.

Surprisingly she shots at the illusion. I let the illusion fade away and rush towards her. When I ran past Anenoid he grabbed me by the back of my shirt. It stops me dead in my tracks. I see a blue tentacle rise up from the edge of the building; the tentacle then slams itself into Jana's. Jana swiftly rolls to the side. She was too slow though. The tentacle smashed Jana's leg. Jana shoots at the tentacle and the tentacle lets go. Jana's leg had tiny holes. There no was no blood leaking from the holes, there was only a blue liquid coming from the holes.

Another tentacle rises from the ledge. A second tentacle suddenly comes from the edge of the building. The two tentacles press their bodies onto the ground; over the edge I see a head slowly rise above the edge of the building. Jana struggles to get back onto her feet. She looks at the tentacles with fear in her eyes. A tentacle tries to sweep at Jana's legs. It goes through Jana's legs without leaving a scratch on her.

So, it was an illusion, where did she go then? In the next second I was on my back. I feel something hit the side of my stomach. I swing my weapon randomly. I feel the blade of my weapon hit something; a river of blood comes out of nowhere. I send a wave of wind in the bloods direction. Jana appears out of thin air. She flies across the roof and lands near the tentacles. A blur suddenly flies up into the air and lands on the middle of the roof. I quickly get back onto my feet. With a simple thought I pull apart the middle part of my weapon to use its duel wield form.

In the middle of the room I see the man from the Jana's notebook. The only thing different about him was that there was twelve blue tentacles coming from his back. On the tentacles were holes going from the tip to the base. His skin was a dark red.

A tentacle suddenly aims itself towards the middle of my chest. I didn't have time to react. I flinch and close my eyes. Something wraps around my torso. I get pulled to the side; I land on my arm, a shock runs up my arm. I hear Anenoid shout something.

"What the hell! You almost killed him!" I quickly open my eyes. The man turns around and looks Anenoid in the eyes.

"Didn't he kill you, I thought you want him dead. " I hear Anenoid let out a grunt.

"Do you even know what would have happened if you killed him? I would've immediately gone to Mictlān you ass!" The man lets out a sigh and shakes his head.

"Well you shouldn't have died to an eight year old in the first place."

"Hey! I was trying to give him a quick and painless death!" That's bullshit and you know it Anenoid. I slowly lift myself up onto my feet. A throbbing sensation was going up and down my arm. Jana gets back up onto her feet.

"Wait you guys aren't working together?" Where did she get that idea? Me and Anenoid answered at the same time.

"No." Anenoid said.

"Yes." Wait what? Since when? I look up at Anenoid. His eyes were wide. Jana was staring directly at me.

"Which one is it?" A wave of uneasiness courses through my body. Two notifications appear telling me about a quest. I skimmed through the top part of the quest but didn't read the rewards. One box wanted me to kill Jana while the other wanted me to kill the man with the tentacles. My heart beings to pound in my chest. Each thump made me want to throw up. The man in the middle focuses on me. I feel his gaze penetrating my skull. I take a deep breath.

I look at the man. He didn't have a single scratch on him, his eyes didn't show worry or anything like that. He looked confident. I take a look at Jana. Her leg was injured, her eyes showed panic. From here I could tell she couldn't move very much.

While I was thinking the man with the tentacles pulled out a phone and started typing. After a few seconds of typing he puts his phone back into his pocket. Jana is probably going to die even if I wasn't on her the mans side. The man is at full strength though. I wish I could just run away.

"If you join my side, I can give you a thousand dollars and much more." Yep I'm on his side. It's not like Jana is going to survive anyways. I see Jana point her gun at the man.

"Sorry I'm with Jana." The man nods. Jana pulls the trigger. Before the bullet reaches the man, I was able to slightly change the bullets direction by using the wind. I quickly run past the man and dash towards Jana. She clearly didn't expect this. She stumbles back and trips on her own feet. Jana lands on her back; when I was close enough, she tried kicking me in the leg. I swipe at her leg with one my swords. The sword makes a deep cut in her leg. On instinct I jump onto her stomach. She lets out a gasp. I raise my swords up into the air. Without a single thought I plunge my swords into her throat. She points her gun at my head, I quickly use Wind's Cannon to launch myself off her. Her gun falls to her side.

I look away. My stomach felt like it was about to explode. A guilty feeling makes me want to run away. I get the notification telling me I completed the quest. I put it away for now, I wasn't in the mood for it. Another notification appears, it tells me I failed a quest; I quickly close the box. I hear a thud a few feet away from me. I look towards its direction, on the ground there was a bag. Anenoid walks up to the bag, he picks it up and opens the bag.

I collapse onto the ground. I lay on my side and catch a glimpse of my ring. I hold the ring in front of my face. An idea suddenly appears in my head. I get up and walk over to Jana's body. I pour one point of MP into the ring. Jana appears at the edge of the building. She was looking out into the city, I slowly walk closer to her. I could hear quiet sobbing coming from her. A tight pressure forms inside my chest. I raise my hand and concentrate on absorbing her body into the ring. She stops crying. She looks down at her body.

"What the hell!" Those were her last words as she got sucked into the ring.

Hopefully Jana will help me more than Anenoid.