
Chapter 36

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

8:15 am

(Ivan's POV)

My body jolted awake from the sound of violent coughing. My back and shoulder ached as I looked around. I see Alice's body hunch over on the ground as her coughing increasingly became more violent. The coughing suddenly stopped, I could hear her wheezing.

"You okay?" I hesitantly asked.

"No." Alice said in a raspy voice. She pointed to a bag near the door. "Bag please." Usually I would let her get it herself, but she doesn't so good right now. I don't even know if she could get up. I grudgingly get up and walk over to the bag. I doubt whatever is in this bag will help. I give her the bag, she slowly dug through her bag and pulled out a glass bottle. I notice dark rings around her eyes, she looked miserable. She unscrewed the cap and took a quick sip and screwed the cap again. She coughed weakly and unscrewed the cap to take another sip. The dark rings under her eyes faded slightly, she looked just a tiny bit better. She still looked awful.

"You okay now?" She nodded weakly with her eyes closed.

"Just sleepy." She rested her head on the ground and instantly went back to sleepy. I look around not knowing what to do. I walk over to the rug in the corner and sit down. I pull my slime and start playing around with it. It didn't take long for Michael to wake up with a yawn. He looked in my direction and blinked stupidly. "How long have we been here?"


"I meant in Chicago." My eyes widen as I realize that we barely have enough time to find the person.

"Thr-three days." Michael rolled his eyes and groaned. "Let's just start early." I nod as Michael got up, and walked over to Alice just to shake her.

"Noooo." Alice groaned as Michael turned Alice's body onto her back.

"Get up."

"No." Alice said in a weak voice as she opened her eyes and sat right up. She sniffed and wiped the bottom of her nose. "I honestly don't feel so good can I just rest for a few more minutes, maybe an hour? Maybe the rest of the day?"

I notice the duck I got for by her side. She slept with that thing? I put my slime in my Inventory and got up. I kind of wish I can take a shower right now. I stretch as Michael shook his head. Now I remember why no one should sleep on the ground, it's so dirty. Really makes you sore too.

"We have to go, we barely have the day left." A look of surprise appeared on Alice's face.

"Really! We've been here for that long?" Michael nodded.

"Yeah, we have to go." Why was Michael so focused now? Just yesterday he wanted we wasted time playing around in the snow.

"Didn't we waste time yesterday playing in the snow? Why do you want to do it so badly now?" Michael looked at me with a look of guilt on his face.

"I just don't want to fail."


"I just don't want to." I roll my eyes as Alice wobbly got up. Snot dripped down her nose. She hugged herself and shivered. I shake my head at Michael's response. That's a stupid a reason to focus now. Especially since it's our last day here.

Alice looked like she was about to pass out at any moment. Michael ignored Alice and walked to the door. He turned the knob and opened the door. "C'mon"

I followed Michael and looked back at Alice. Snot ran down her nose as she slowly put her duck in her bag. Her eyes drooped lower and lower with each movement.

"Michael! Alice doesn't look so good! I think she should stay!" I call out to Michael. He turned around and shrugged.

"She's just tired, she'll be fine in a few minutes. Happens to me all the time."I glance over my shoulder to look at Alice. She slowly walked over to me.

"I'm fine, just sleepy." I nod, not really believing her. I walk out the door and follow Michael. I look over my shoulder occasionally, she looked a bit better but she still looked like she was going to collapse at any moment. Michael stepped out into the snow. A gust of wind hit burst into the house as Michael looked around in the snow. I don't wanna go outside! I step into the snow, my leg sunk into the snow until it was at my Michael. I doubt the guy we're looking for is out right now.

"Michael lets stay inside. It's too snowy to be out right now." Michael looked at me with a unsure expression. "I doubt they're outside anyways." Michael looked around and noticed no one was out right now. I could barely see him through the snow, what makes him think we can find him?

"I guess your right, should we t-" A blur suddenly smashed into Michael, Michael was sent flying a few feet away from his original position. I instinctively try to pull out Retribution. Nothing appeared. Forgot I don't have that anymore. I pull out a spear that Coach gave me and point it in front of me. Alice slowly reached into her bag and pulled out a small straight sword. I look over at Michael to see a cat with two tails, over Michael. The skin was ripped off his arms as Michael raised his hands to protect himself from the mauling from the cats claws. I quickly rush over to Michael and try to plunge my spear into the cat.

Before my spear could even touch a hair, the cat jumped off Michael and stood up on its hind legs. A ball of fire appeared on the tips of the tails. My eyes widen as the cat backed off while meowing. I look at the cat as I help Michael up. Before Michael could get back up on his feet, the cat shot a ball of fire at me. I let go of Michael and step to the side. The second I doge it I feel the skin on my arm get ripped off as the cat landed on the ground near my feet, and try to scratch the back of my ankle. I jump over the cat's paw and jam the tip of my spear into it's stomach. A pool of blood gathered around the cat as it fell to the ground. I hear Michael shout, "Dammit!" to the side. I look over at Michael and see a crowd of cats standing on their legs. Alice already started sweating just from holding her weapon. I see Michael do some hand signs as he headed towards Alice. Most of the cats circled around Alice and Michael. Only a tiny amount of cats bothered coming after me.

A cat quickly leaped towards my chest, I step to the side. The cat landed on its feet and turned to face me. I hold my spear to my chest as I feel something coming for my arm. I swing my spear to the side already forgetting that it wasn't a sword. The shaft of my spear smashed into a cat's head. The cat backed off as circle of fire appeared around me. I use Wind Cannon to send launch myself to the side. I safely land on my feet and back up. A cat raced towards me, I quickly stab at the space I thought it would go to, the cat jumped over my spear. A wall of fire erupted out of ground. I jump back just in time to doge a swipe from a cat. I send a arrow made of wind at the cats direction. The arrow hit the cat directly in the leg. A circle of fire blocked my line of sight from the cat. I back up cautiously. I take a deep breath as I notice that I was completely blocked off from Michael and Alice. Dammit! A pillar of fire caught me off guard as I stumbled back and tripped over my feet.

As I fell back a cat rushed towards me with its fist surrounded in fire. I use Wind Cannon and send the cat back into the fire, another cat went ran by my side and aimed its claws for my neck. I quickly use Wind Aura, the second the claw touched my neck, the cat suddenly slammed into the ground. I stand up and stop using it. I quickly take out a medium sized mp potion, before I could open it a ball of fire smashed into my cheek.My spear flew out of my grip while I fell to the ground. The fire spread up my cheek, the fire felt like it was biting and tearing through my face. In less than a second the pain disappeared. A second later the fire disappeared. I take a deep breath as I heard footsteps rush over in my direction. I prop myself back up with my elbows and immediately a long,red tear in my skin appeared on the side of my head. I wince as I use Wind Slash on a cat about to jump on my chest. I quickly get back up on my feet and used the wind to make my spear fly into my hand. I spread my legs apart and swing my spear at a cat. The cat leaned back and rushed towards me. I quickly bring my spear back and stab the cat in the neck. Before I could pull out, I felt something heavy wrap around my neck, paws swiftly covered my eyes. I let go of my spear as I feel the pressure go to the top of my head, the cat hanged off the front of my head. I stumble forward and suddenly run into a wall.

The cat on top of me stopped covering my eyes and jumped off. I quickly use Wind's Cannon on the cat, the cat simply dodged and walked away. I take out a Katana as I back up. The cat looked me and signaled to come with them. I gulp as I look around. Behind me was dead end, the only way out was to go with the cat. I wasn't here, there's no alleys near my house. How did I get here? The cat turned around and walked away. I slowly follow the cat while keeping a distance. I walk into a area in the shape of the square. I didn't know a place like this was in Chicago. I look up at the sky, I notice the sky was crimson red color. I was instantly reminded of that attack at the camp. I look down and notice Anenoid and a tall, strange person wearing a tuxedo, I could barely see his skin, it was almost like shadows were doing it's best to cover him. My eyes widen as I see big, black wings warp around him, almost like he was using it as a blanket. I notice that the cat was no where to be found. I slowly walk towards Anenoid while Anenoid stared at me with a blank look. My legs shaked as I felt the guys gaze track me as I walked closer to Anenoid. I couldn't stop myself from shivering. As soon as I got near Anenoid I try to hide myself from the guy by going behind Anenoid. I don't know why I hid from him, it was just my instincts telling me to.

"Anenoid who is he?" Anenoid put his hand on my back, and pushed me in front of the guy. My body shaked as he towered over me

"A hero in the making." Anenoid said with a proud tone in his voice. I nervously nod as I walked backwards. I notice that his eyes and lips were glowing Baby Blue. His lips formed a frown as he walked towards me. My body stiffened as he walked in a circle around me.

"Anenoid this is who you were talking about?"The man said in a deep, smooth voice. His voice calmed be down for a bit, my body started shaking a second after. His voice reminded me those people who are abnormally nice for no reason. Anenoid excitedly nodded while pointing at me.

"He might not be good at anything, but we have someone in the Shinto camp now." I glance at Anenoid before staring straight ahead. I'm good at some stuff.

"He didn't even agree to join." The man said. While walking in front me and facing me. He leaned over me and stared down at me with a evil look in his eye. "How do you feel about the gods?" I do my best to avoid his gaze. I look down at the ground and kick at the ground.

"O-o-o-kay, I g-g-guess."

"Would you like to overthrow them for the betterment of the world?"

I- don't th-"

"I know what you're going to say. But gods can be killed, does that make you feel any better?" I quickly shake my head. Never in my life have I heard of a god in any mythology get killed. The man sighed as he dramatically raised his arms like he was doing a play. "Chrones was killed buy the god Zeus!" Who's Chronos? I know who Zeus is, but barely. "There's even a myth that one of his children will kill him!" He spun around in a circle.

"Tho-those are the Greek gods though. Ho-how about the rest? I doubt there's more." I said as I rub my arm.

"Baldr died! He's from Norse mythology. Izanami-no-Mikoto died from giving birth! And she's the Goddess of Creation! Gods can die from many things!"

"Okay, bu-but, you're going against a lot of gods not just one."

"That's why we need people on the inside of camp." I nervously shake my head.

"I don't know, its not worth it. What do I get out of it anyway? Now I know gods can die, but I doubt they die easily, it will be even harder since, if I join I will be the only person in the Shinto camp. You're going to have to give me alot to consider going against the gods." His lips form a smile as he pulled out a suitcase. The suitcase opened by its self. I walk up to the suitcase and look inside. My eyes widen as I see the suitcase filled with hundred dollar bills. I bite my lip and reach out towards the suitcase. "I'll join!" I say in a excited voice. He suddenly pulled away and shook his head.

"Hold on, you have to pass a test for me."


"I can't just let anyone into my group." I let out a large puff of air out of my nose.

"What do I have to do?"

"Just a quick fight." I gulp as I waited for him to say something else. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me with a smile.

"Against who?"

"You'll see when you fight."

"When do I start?"

"Anytime you want." The suitcase disappeared from his hand and instead was replaced by a Iphone. He gently handed me the phone. I hesitantly grab it and look up at him.

"Is-is this for me." He nodded.

"Just call whenever you want to do the test."

"Can I start now?" He tilted his head.

"You sure?" I freeze up for a second before nodding. I extend my hand holding the phone towards him to give it back. He simply shook his head.

"I told you it was just for you."

"Really!" I happily put the phone into my Inventory and stare up at him. He had a warm smile on his face. He isn't that bad after all. He nodded.

"You sure you want to start?" I quickly nod my head up and down. He snapped his fingers and my vision was suddenly surrounded by fog. I look around confused, there was nothing nearby. Only fog and flat land.I notice that my all my bars were filled up. I ignore the bars and look around. Who Am'I supposed to fight? I notice a big human like figure with horns on its head. The body was bulky, along with its arms touching the ground. As it got closer I noticed that it was walking like a gorilla. A spear suddenly appears in my hand as the figure came into view. My grip tightens around the spear as I see an ape with stereotypical Samurai armor. I widen my stance as I look at its weapons. I grit my teeth as I realize that it was the ape that stole Retribution away from me. Why is that ape here? I knew I was going to have to fight the ape if I wanted my weapon back, but right now is soon. The ape pointed Retribution at me and grunted at me. I put the spear in my Inventory and take out Tribute. I widen my legs and point the gun at the ape. I put one point of Mp at it and pull the trigger. Before the bullet could reach the ape, the ape ran back into the fog. Dammit!

I put Tribute in my Inventory and run after the ape. I run into the while barely being able to see my nose. As I ran through the fog my foot suddenly misses the ground, my body immediately tilts forward. Before I could fully fall I notice a empty abyss where I should've fallen down into. I instantly use the wind to push me back. I gain my balance and put my foot down. I lean over the abyss, there was a glimpse of water at the bottom. I turn around and take out a the spear. Where is that ape?

I suddenly feel a hand wrap around my waist, I was yanked backwards and off the ledge. As I zoomed off the cliff I notice the ape smile at me as it stood by the edge. I felt my body free fall through the air. The wind whooshed by. I instinctively fly catch myself mid air, I take a deep breath as I flew up. I heard the ape hoot above me. Before I flew above the ledge I choose to fly a bit to the side. I waited a bit before flying up and landing on the land. I quietly walk up behind that ape and raise the spear over my head. I jam it into the back of the ape's back, the spear barely made a dent, it only made a pathetic dink. The let out a loud holler and swung his sword behind him.I jump back and send out a blast of air towards the ape. The ape didn't budge an inch, instead it got up and sprinted after me. I drop the spear and run the other way. I look over my shoulder, the ape was no where in sight. I fly up into the air and silently wait for it. Nothing happened. I float back down to the ground and drink a small mp potion. I throw the bottle away and look around.

What Am'I supposed to about the armor? I couldn't get through it with a spear! What Am'I supposed to do against an ape on steroids that's wearing armor? I listen silently for any movement before thinking about a plan. I don't have any attacks that can can hit heavy. Maybe ice will do? What can I do with ice anyway? Nothing I can think of that would be good with ice. I shake my head and look around. Shadow? No, I don't have many skills with shadows, not like I can make a skill instantly either. I take a deep breath and think about the skills I have. Wind isn't good against heavy people or armor. Ice. Don't know what to do about that. I have Geokinesis but never in my life used it. I suddenly open my eyes and smile. I have Egyptian magic now! I don't have any paper for it though. I don't even remember the symbols that well either. I don't have anything to write on either.

I walk away, until I realize something. I look behind me and see footsteps. Will dirt work? I kick at the dirt, sure enough the dirt moved only to move a mark. I smile as I get an idea. I silently walk over to the cliff. I walk near the edge and turn around. Hopefully I don't run into the ape this time. I bend down and draw the hieroglyphs that I need. I draw a walking stick and stand up. I walk a few feet away. I bend down and draw the exact same hieroglyphics. Hopefully I'm doing this right.

I repeat the process a couple of times before the place was surrounded with the hieroglyphs. This better work. I take a deep breath as I take out Tribute and raise the gun into the air. I pour a point of Mp into the gun and shoot. A loud bang pierces the fog as my ears ring. I pour ten points of Mp into the gun put it back in my Inventory. I gulp as I take out my spear. I spread out my legs and back up to the edge of the cliff. I hear the ground thuds in the distance, each passing second the thudding got louder and louder. The ape suddenly let out a ear piercing scream as it came rushing towards me. As soon as the ape neared the hieroglyphs I took a deep breath and jumped off the cliff. I focus my magic into my fingers and imagine the hieroglyphs on top of cliff. I snap my fingers, my Mp bar immediately goes down quarter. A loud boom erupts above me. I catch myself mid air and hover in place for a quick seconds. A boulder quickly falls right in front of me. I look up and see an avalanche of boulders making its way towards me.

I fly away from the cliff before any of the boulders could get anywhere near me. The sound of water splashing caught my attention. I look down and see large waves fly into the air. I forgot about that. I feel my torso tingle. I look around and see nothing around me. The tingle intensified. A heavy object suddenly smashes into my body. Air left my lungs as arms wrapped its self around me and crushed me. I feel the back of my tingle as I crashed into the water. my head goes under the water and smashes into a rock. I see ape through the water sit on my chest and raise my swords above its head.Parts of his armor were torn off, the edges of the armor were black. I struggle from underneath the apes weight. I let out a scream, my voice was muffled by the water. I try my best not to breathe as I fill water enter my lungs. The ape smiled down at me before plunging my sword deep into my arm. The water turns red as I opened my mouth to scream. Nothing came out. My body shook as the ape raised my sword over its head again.

I feel body weaken, my vision fades. Before my vision could entirely fade out I notice the eyes of the ape. Its dark soulless orbs showed no mercy. My body stiffens as I felt powerless to do anything. I notice my health bar slowly go down bit by bit. I close my eyes feeling weak. I slightly open them again and just in time to catch the ape stab my collar bone. My vision blurred with red. In last effort to survive, I raise my hand and point a finger its eyes. The ape tilted its head. I sent a wind arrow directly into its eye. The apes jolted back as it swiftly stood up and dropped my swords. It jumped off my chest and ran into the lake. As soon as I feel the pressure leave my body, I quickly propped myself up and stood up. I heaved for air. I bent over and gagged. I felt something rush up from my stomach. Water bursted out from my mouth as water dripped from my nose. The pain in my arm and collarbone throbbed as I looked at the swords in the water. I bend down and pick up one sword. I smile as I feel the familiar weight of the sword come back into my hand. I notice the ape stomping around everywhere before looking at me.

Without hesitation I but the sword back in my Inventory and put out an Insta-heal. I jam the needle in my neck and press down. I feel the pain fade away and my health bar fill up. I stare at the directly in the eye as I bent down and picked up the last sword. I make the other sword appear in my hand. I look down at the sword, they looked dirtier and more dull than before. My poor swords!

The water rippled as the ape ran towards me. I use Wind's Cannon to fly back, I feel my feet hit the ground, I put on the swords in my Inventory and instead replace with tribute. I aim the gun at the ape and pull the trigger. The bullet tore open the ape's chest. Blood gushed out of the hole. The ape staggered back, I immediately trade my gun for my swords. I rush towards the ape. I send a arrow wind arrow at the last ape's eye. The ape staggered to the side just in time to doge the arrow. I swing my sword at the ape's neck. The ape swung it's arm widely. I try to stop dead in my tracks and move back. The second I stop and arm smashed into my side. My feet left the ground, my sides burned as I fell to the ground. I wince as the ape took deep breaths and ran towards me. I quickly get back up and quickly walk backwards. I shot up into the air, I stare down at the ape. It had a frown on its face as it bent down and grabbed a fistful of dirt. The ape threw the ape pathetically in my direction. I simply flew to the side, the dirt flew by my side.

Can I use the hieroglyphs from before? I can't really reach from here though. I notice my Mp bar getting low. I take out a Mp potion and drink it. My eyes widen as realized that I still have my wind powers. I slowly make hieroglyphs under the ape. The ape stared angrily at me. The ape didn't do nothing, it just waited. As soon as the hieroglyphs were finished, I snapped my fingers. An explosion immediately erupted from under the ape. The ape flew up into the air and fell back down. A sicking crack came from the ape's arm when he fell. I swiftly glide down and run towards the ape. The ape whimpered as I got near it. The ape slowly crawled up onto its feet, I raise my sword over my head and swing down on its leg. The sword sunk deep into the ape, the ape hollered and punched me right in the chest. I let go of the sword in the leg and fly back from the punch. I hear my Ice Exoskeleton break from the force of the punch. I land on my back, I swiftly get back up and sent a arrow of wind at it. The arrow it the ape's shoulder. The arrow barely scratched it. I raise my sword over my head and prepare to swing down. The ape quickly grabbed a fistful of dirt and threw it right in my eyes. I stop dead in my tracks and whip the dirt from my eyes. I suddenly feel something sweep me off my feet. I fall and land on my neck. I blink rapidly and my vision clears up. I look up just in time to catch the ape's hand smash down on my head.

My vision becomes blurry accompanied with a painful throb in my head. I roll to the side and hop up onto my feet. The ape gets back up on its feet and pulls out my sword out of its leg. It stared at me and slowly walked towards me. I put my weapon in my Inventory and out Tribute. I pour five points of Mp into my gun and aim at its head. I waited for the ape to come closer. As soon as the ape was a arm's length away, I shoot up into the air and aim at the ape's head. I pull the trigger and barely miss by an inch. I drop down and land on the ape's head. I throw my gun away and quickly take out my sword. I plunge the sword into its neck. I fall off the ape and fall on my back. I feel the ape's foot dig deep into my stomach. I wince and swing my sword at the ape's leg. The ape falls onto his knees, I quickly follow up with a Wind's Cannon to the bottom of the chin. The ape's head jolts back and falls onto its back. I quickly get back up and run towards the ape. I jump into the air and land on the ape's chest. The ape hunches over as spit flies out of its mouth. I swiftly stab my sword into its neck. The moment the sword was in its neck I jump off and bring out my gun. I aim my gun at the apes head. I pour a point of Mp into the gun and rest my finger on the trigger.

The ape didn't move. I take a deep breath as blood crowed around the body. I pry my other sword from the ape's hand and glance at it. I frown as I notice that my swords were covered with weird black gunk and dirt. It wasn't even as close to being as sharp as before.

"What did that stupid ape do to my swords?"

10:00 am

(Michael's POV)

"So where's Ivan!" Coach angrily said.

"I have no idea! I just remember a big wall of fire separate us, then I couldn't find him." Coach sighed and looked towards Alice. Alice's body swayed from side to side before her head suddenly drooped.

"God dammit, what's wrong with her?" Alice body leaned to the side, almost falling off. I quickly reached out my arm and caught her before she could fall to the ground.

"Coach, I have no idea, she just woke up like this." Coach rolled his eyes.

"Did you at least do what you were supposed to do?"

"About that."