It's Christmas!!

Chapter 48

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

7:34 am

(Ivan's POV)

My eyes jolt open as I felt a heavy object slam into my stomach. I quickly smack the object off my stomach as I quickly sit up. I look around and notice Goldie in fox form standing by my side.

"What," I say angrily. She walked to the side of the bed and quickly shifted into her human form as she got off the bed.

"It's time for school." I stared at her for a confused face.

"It's... It's Christmas break." I say as I slowly crawl to the side of the bed.

"What's that?"

"A holiday."

"Oh." I rub my eyes as I stand up. Goldie had a sorry expression on her face. "Aren't you going to go back to sleep?"

"No," I say as I shake my head. "I'm already up." I get up and stretch as Goldie left the room. I sit back down and open up my menu. I take out a piece a piece of bread and start munching on it as I look at my stats

Title: Demigod

Lvl 45

Xp: 34/185




Str: 124 (127)

Dex: 141 (147)

Vit: 142 (146)

Wis: 62

Int: 55

Luc: 52

Points: 121

What do I even do with points anyway? I tap on Points expecting nothing to happen. Arrows pointing right suddenly appeared by my stats along with a little green checkmark on the bottom right. I tap on the arrow near my Wis stat. The Wis stat went up as another arrow pointing left appeared by the arrow. My mouth widened as I realized that I could raise my stats easily. Why did I not do this earlier?

I make my Wis stat go back to normal as I think about what stat to raise. I bite my lip as I stare at the amount the points I have. I could just save them for later. But, I really really want to raise some stats. I suck my teeth as I pour fifty points into Wis and twenty points into Int. I hover my finger over Luc. Should I. I shrug as I pour ten points into the stat.

Title: Demigod

Lvl 45

Xp: 34/185




Str: 124 (127)

Dex: 141 (147)

Vit: 142 (146)

Wis: 112

Int: 75

Luc: 62

Points: 41

The second I pressed the green checkmark I heard my heartbeat as my head felt like it was going to split apart. It passed nearly instantly. As I close out of the box, another box appeared.

Thanks to Wis reaching 100, you gained a new perk!

[Perk] Hyperthymesia- You can remember anything at your will. 50% easier to raise Wis and Int

How come I didn't get to choose for Wis? I look at the perk. I guess it's good? How does remembering everything even work? Is it like a movie? How about the stuff I already forgot? Can I see those too? I close the box before I thought too deeply about it.

I open my stats again and notice a tiny exclamation mark by Title. I click on it and notice a new title that I haven't seen before. I think I'll stay with the title Demigod. It's been doing great for me so far.

Thief- +20 levels to Sneak, Lockpick, Pickpocketing. Can also provide +20 levels to any skill related to said skills. +40 Dex for a short amount of time when sneaking.

I... I don't really need this skill. I might switch to this when I need to but, I don't think I'll ever use it.

I bite my bread as I close my box and scroll through my Inventory. I notice something called a Skill Disc

Skill Disc (5 levels) - Can increase a skill by five levels but at the cost of not being able to use any other kind of skill disc on the skill.

I bit my lip as I close the box. I'll keep that for later.

I jump as my door suddenly bursts open with Goldie's eyes wide open.

"What happened?" She said frantically. I stare at her with a confused face.

"What do you mean." Her eyes scanned quickly scanned the place.

"I felt something... change."

"What changed?" She took a deep breath as she stared at me.

"I felt something powerful, for just a second. I have no idea where it went."

"There's only me here." She took one large sniff before going back to normal.

"Nothing I can do about it now." I nod silently as I looked around the room. I was the only one in the room, right?

"Breakfast is ready by the way." I smile as turn my head in her direction.

"Thank you!"

6:43 pm

I walk out of the camp's library while looking at my Int and Wis stat.

Wis: 134

Int: 92

My head pulsed as the images of the plumbing textbook flashed in my mind. I shut my eyes as the light from the sun blinded my eyes.

"I hate this so much," I mutter under my breath as Michael suddenly flashed into my mind. I groan as I remember that Michael wanted me to fight with me. I look at the sun with squinted eyes. The sky was bright orange. I sigh as I fly up into the air and fly towards the Colosseum. I float down to the entrance and drink an Mp potion. I throw the bottle on the ground and start looking for Michael. It didn't take long to find him. He was hunched over a wooden stand. I notice he was wearing a brown chest plate, shoulders had square-shaped pads that were stacked on top of each other. He had tiny metal like scales that slightly protruded from out of his stomach. At the bottom was a tiny piece of thread at connected the chest part of the armor to another part of the armor that covered the top part of his waist. Other than that, he was wearing a long sleeve shirt along with some cargo pants with pockets at the bottom. Please tell me I don't need armor.

I pour some Mp into my Ice Exoskeleton and walk up to him. Before I could say or do anything to him, he turned around and waved.

"Hey," he calmly said as he adjusted his armor.

"Hi," I said back. "We're doing teams of three right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Who else is with us?"


"What can she do?"

"Ground stuff."

"So like Geokinesis?"

"What's that?"

"Power to control the Earth."

"She only controls dirt." I roll my eyes.

"She would still have Geokinesis then."

"Isn't the Earth... like a big ball?" I felt my hand twitch from wanting to slap him.

"The Earth is a planet, but it can also mean dirt, rocks, stuff like that depending on the context." Michael opened its mouth to say something. I had a feeling he was going to say something stupid, I desperately try to change the subject.

"Where's Alice anyway?" Michael looked around.

"I have no idea." I look up and think about flying up.

"Should I look for her?"

"If you want." He said with a shrug. I really don't want to.

"Let's just wait." Michael walked past me and looked over his shoulder. He jerked his shoulder. I figured he wanted me to follow him. I follow after him and follow him to the entrance of the colosseum. We sit by one of the benches and rest against the wall. A box suddenly appeared as I look towards the pit.

New quest!

Win the tournament


150 Xp


Closer bond to Michael

Closer bond to Alice

Slightly more respect from the camp

20 points






I click yes as Michael looked in my direction.

"Where's your armor?"

"I don't have armor."

"Oh," he simply said.

Alice suddenly ran up to us, he gasped for air as she roughly threw her body onto the bench.

"I- I didn-t realize ha- late," she sucked in air. "late it was," she said quickly before going back to gasping for air.

"What did you say," I ask as she just stared at me in the corner of her eye with a hint of annoyance in her eye. I rest my elbow on my thigh and prop up my head. Michael leaned forward and looked at Alice.

"You didn't bring armor either?" Michael said with disappointment in her voice. She shook her head.

"I don't fight." She said with heavy breathing. I bite my lip as I groan and rest my head against the head.

"Then why you heeerrrrreeee?"

"Becaussseeeeee, I heard there's a prize." She said mockingly.

I ignore her as I heard the numbers of groups being called in the background.

"Michael, what's our number?"

"Fifteen, why?"

"Just wondering." I felt adrenaline rush through my body as I waited for our number.

I gulp as I hear the thuds of bodies hitting the sand. I fiddle with my hands as I close my eyes. I crack my fingers while bouncing my knee up and down. I shift around in my seat as I people walked past us and sat on the bench.

"Can you stop moving?" I hear Alice say. I sigh as my knee still bounced up and down. I hear Alice huff beside me. My knee suddenly stops as I hear our number being called. I quickly spring up and walk towards the middle of the colosseum with Alice and Michael by my side. I calmly take out Retribution as Michael rested his weapon on his shoulder. Alice stuck her hands in her pocket, there was no hint of her having a weapon. Please tell me she at least has a knife.

I prepare to jump back as a trio of ten-year-olds with black hair and dark brown eyes. They looked similar to each other except they had slightly different features. One was taller than the rest, one had dark rings under her eyes, the last one was more muscular than them. The tall kid had a spear while the other two had short swords. I take a deep breath before I had a feeling in my head that we should start. I jump back and fly up into the air.

Alice suddenly sunk into the ground as he slowly backed up. He looked around panicked. The tall kid charged at him. Before he could do anything, I send a wind arrow at his knee.

I suddenly felt something soft and warm hug my body. I look around, but I saw nothing. I suddenly saw a box appear in the corner of my eye.

Wind's Kiss activated!

I smile as I notice a kid with dark rings under his eyes looking up shocked at me. I float down and immediately run towards him with one sword up in the air. I sent a wave of air towards his chest, he flew backward as the air hit him square in the chest. He flew back a couple of feet before he started to fall to the ground. Before he could even touch the ground, a fist of sand suddenly sprung out of the ground in his shadow. The fist suddenly slammed his in the back and back towards me. I send Wind's Cannon at him. I suddenly feel a hand wrap around my ankle. I look down and Alice's hand wrapped around my ankle. The rest of her body was still on the ground.

Before I could kick her hand away, I was suddenly dragged to the ground. I held my breath expecting the sand to suffocate me. Strangely the sand felt like it wasn't even there, it was like I was flying. I couldn't see anything, I could only feel the heat of Alice's hand around my ankle. The sand suddenly whooshed by me as I was forced out of the ground. I was in front of the kid with dark rings around his eyes. He was still in the middle of the fall. I quickly put Retribution in my Inventory and make a hammer made of ice. I quickly charge my magic into my arm and slam the hammer onto his stomach. His body slammed into the ground as his head bounced off the wall. I throw away the hammer and take out Retribution. I point one sword at this neck while he pats the ground two times.

He slowly got up as Alice's hand came out of the ground and grabbed my ankle. I was once again dragged into the ground. I was suddenly spat out of the ground. Just a few feet in front of me I saw Michael take a punch to the stomach from the tall kid. The kid quickly followed it up with a slice to Michael's cheek. Michael dropped his weapon and held his face as he was dragged into the ground by Alice. I swing my sword at his waist. He stumbled forward as I send a wave of air at his knees. His feet were swept from under him as he landed on his back. I walked towards him already prepared to point my sword at him. I look around and notice the other kid was already gone. I guess Michael already got him.

As I approached him I point my sword at his head. His hand suddenly went into the waistband. My eyes widen as I see a pistol pointed directly at me. As his hand wrapped around the trigger, I used Wind's Cannon to launch myself to the side. Michael suddenly jumped out of the ground and slammed his weapon into his stomach. The gun flew out of his hand and fell onto the ground. I put my swords back into my Inventory and use the wind to make the gun fly into my hand.

I furrowed my eyebrow as the gun felt like plastic. I aim the gun at the ground and pull the trigger. A tiny little pellet slammed into the ground. This is a bb gun. Is this even allowed?

I aim the gun at the boy as I see him pat the ground twice.

Michael backed off as the boy got up. He walked towards and stretched out his hand.

"Can I have my bb gun back please?" I instinctively stretch out my hand to give it to him. I kind of want the gun though. I stare up at him as I quickly make an illusion of a gun in my hand and place a rock in my hand. I give the rock to him and move the illusion along with it. he looked confused as he felt around the gun. I quickly jog past him with a huge smile on my face.

I catch up with Alice and Michael going to the benches. I look at Michael and notice that his cut was gone.

"Where did the cut go?" Michael felt his cheek and pointed to Alice.

"She fixed it."


I sit down on a bench, Michael and Alice follow. The tall kid walked past with a confused face. His finger was trying to wrap around the finger but the rock wouldn't stop him. Hopefully, he won't find out.

I rest my head against the wall. That fight was kind of easy. I yawn and put my hands behind my head and yawn. I take out a Heresy's bar and unwrap the wrapper. The rest of the fights better be easy.

6:43 pm

I stare thoughtlessly at the ceiling as I hear our number gets called. I slightly jump at the noise. I stand up with a sigh and walk towards the colosseum as Alice and Michael did the same. I stretch as I stop in the middle of the colosseum and turn around. My mouth gaps open as I see Weiss shakily walking up with a tiny knife. Her eyes widen as she saw me.

Michael turned around and stared at Weiss. It took him a second to recognize her. The second he did, his eyes widened. Alice turned around and yawned like she didn't recognize her. I suddenly had the feeling that we should start in my stomach.

Alice quickly did some hand signs and fell to the ground. Michael hesitantly came closer to me as Weiss and her group slowly inched towards us. Sand suddenly splashed in their faces. They recoiled in surprise. Michael and I rushed towards them at the same time.

Michael slammed his weapon on top of one of the person's head. I run-up to a person and ready my weapon for a quick stab to the shoulder. Before I could get close enough to stab the person, an ice cold, the hard object suddenly slammed into the side of my face. My cheek flared up with pain as I was launched to the side. I quickly catch myself with the wind as Michael jumped to the side. I flew up as Michael was being chased to the side by a kid with long black hair. Weiss suddenly ran out of the dust with a trail of ice right in front of her. I notice what looked like ice skates on her feet. She moved her body like an ice skater. She suddenly stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. Could she always do that?

I notice smoke coming out of the ice. I bite my lip as an ice pillar slowly raised Weiss up to my level. Please tell me that isn't dry ice. I notice Weiss slowly creeping her way towards my level. Before she could do anything, I send a wave of air at her. She flew back and towards the ground. Before her body could splat onto the ground a hand of ice suddenly came out of the ground and grabbed Weiss in the middle of her fall. I quickly take a rock with Egyptian symbols written on it out of my Inventory and throw it in the hand. The rock hit the hand with tink. I snap my fingers and the rock explodes.

Weiss was sent flying out of the hand. Ice appeared where she landed. She landed on the ground and quickly got back up. She stomped on the ice a few times before ice skating towards me. I quickly send a wind arrow in her direction. The arrow hit her in the shoulder. She slipped and fell backward as ice quickly covered her wound.

The ice in front of her suddenly leaped towards me. I swiftly step to the side. Everything slowed down as I teleported closer to Weiss. I made sure to stay off the ice, there was no way I was touching dry ice.

Everything returned back to normal as I swung my sword at her. Before my sword could strike her, a block of ice suddenly trapped my hand. I screamed out in pain as I felt the feeling in my hand disappear. Weiss looked up in shock. As she sat up I kicked her in the face. I launch myself back and pull out a lighter. I stared at my hand as the ice slowly, very slowly melted. My hand turned black as I saw Michael running towards me in the corner of my eye. Alice's hand popped out from the ground and pulled me in.

I close my eyes as I felt the sand tighten around my hand. I heard the ice crack. I smile as I felt Alice healing my hand. I was suddenly popped out of the ground. I look at my hand and my smile drops. It was still black. I touched my fingers with my other hand. I bite my tongue as I felt nothing on my black hand.

I look up at Weiss with hate in my hands. My black hand suddenly dropped my sword. I stare down at it as I see red being reflected off the sand. I put the sword in my healthy hand in my Inventory and pick up the other one off the ground. I smile as I saw Michael slam his weapon into Weiss's side. Michael quickly followed it up with an uppercut Weiss's chin. She held her chin as she fell back. Tears formed in her eyes as she patted the ground twice. I smack my lips as the ice in the colosseum started to melt. I put my sword in my Inventory and walk back to the entrance. I pull out a health potion and chug it down. I look down at my hand. Nothing changed.

I anxiously put the bottle in my Inventory and pull out an Insta-heal. I stab the needle into my black hand press down. I felt the liquid go into veins but my hand still wasn't healed. I raise my arm and look at the hand. Why isn't it healing? Is it because it's dead. My eyes widen at the thought. Do I have to cut it off?

My legs start to shake as I sit down on the bench.

Michael and Alice sat by me, Michael tried his best to not look at his hand. Alice stretched out her hand with a nervous look in her eyes.

"Lemme see that." Alice did some hand signs before grabbing my wrist. The ice started to thaw. I squeeze my eyes as blisters and scabs started to form. Alice sucked through her teeth as she let go of my hand.

"Michael?" She said nervously.

"What?" He said while staring as he looked at Alice.

"I think we might have to quit." I bite my lip as I stay silent.

"Why?" She grabbed my hand and shoved it roughly at Michael's direction.

"Just look at it!" I snatch my hand from out of her grasp and show it to Michael.

"How bad is it?"

"Well, its frostbite. Might need surgery." I gulp as I hear say that.

Weiss and her group slowly walk by. She looked at me before walking away from her group. She nervously approached me.

"He-hey." I look up at her with anger in my eyes.

"Hey," I say slightly annoyed.

"I- didn't know you were here." Michael slowly got up and tapped on my shoulder. I look in his direction.

"We're quitting." He said sadly.

"Oh, alright," I said before he walked away. I stand up and look at Weiss as Alice stood up by my side.

"I'll see you later, I have to go do something."

I walk away from her as Alice quickly followed behind me. As I walk out I see Michael by the wooden stand. I grind my teeth as Alice lightly grabbed my shoulder. I turn around and look at her.


"We should probably see my sister."

"Oh, thanks."

6:47 pm

The girl in pajamas looked at my hand blankly as Alice sat on her bed.

"I think we have to cut off some of the skin." I hold my hand close to my chest.

"I think it'll be fine," I said unsurely. Sleep heals me right? Maybe it can heal this.

"You have an advanced stage of frostbite, it won't heal without surgery."

"I'll sleep it off."

"Sleep doesn't fix anything."

"It will." She sighed as Alice looked at me weirdly.

"Come back in the morning."

"I won't have to come back though."

"Sure you won't."