A business man doing business

Chapter 64

Friday, March 7, 2014

5:23 pm

(Ivan's POV)

The clops of Sombra's hooves could be heard as towards Dominique's car shop. People watched as Sombra trotted through the streets of cars. I look up and look around for Dominique in the front. I couldn't spot his tall figure near the front, I sigh as I pointed Sombra towards the entrance. I look through the windows of the building, I spot Dominique go through a door that leads to a separate part of the building. I pat Sombra's side and get off Sombra. I walk towards the door, before I could open the door I look back at Sombra.

"Just stay here for a few minutes." Sombra stomped his front hoof on the ground. I smile and walk through the door. My smile dropped as I looked around. I notice four different cars parked on the sides. Two of the cars had the word Kia on the front while the other two had different symbols. Do most car shops have cars parked in them? I notice on my right side a kiosk with three people behind it. In front of the kiosks were signs that advertised a portable garage.

It took me a while to recognize that Dominique's soul power was the portable garage. I wonder why Dominique gave it to me. He kind of taught me how to drive but I don't get to drive that much. I can't even drive in public, I can't even see over the wheel normally. I do have a car at my place but I don't use it. I look away from the signs and walk towards the door Dominique entered.

I turn the doorknob and walk through the door. There was one long corridor with three doors on each side. I sigh as I walk to the nearest door on the left. I smile as I saw Dominique sitting on a brown leather couch with his eyes closed. The room had table tennis, a foosball table, and a ping ball table in the middle of the room. Dominique slowly opened his eyes and stared in my direction. He groaned as he sat up.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"My friend asked for weed and I was wondering if you had any."

"How old is this friend?" I shrug. "How much do you want?"

"I don't know. Just give me a little bit, as long as it doesn't make him too high." Dominique nodded and reached deep in-between the cushions of the couch. I heard a bag wrinkle as he brought up his hand out of the couch. In his hand was what looked like a bunch of grass rolled up into balls. He tossed me the bag, I easily caught it and put the bag into my Inventory.

"Was that all you needed?" I nod.

"Do you want money for it? Or should I just take it and leave?"

"I don't really care. Just leave." Before I could turn around and leave I stop myself.

"You sell cars here right?" Dominique nodded silently. "I have this car but I don't use it."

"What type of car?"

"It says Dodge on the back but I don't know anything else other than that." Dominique stared at me before leaning back.

"Lemme see it." I nod as Dominique walked towards the door. I follow after him as he walked through the door. He walked towards the front and lead me towards the outside. We walked around the parking lot until we found an open spot. I take out my phone and look for the app Dominique installed on my phone. I open the app after spotting the tiny, red car icon.

A blank pink background appeared on my screen with one black cartoonish car on the left of the screen. Next to the back car was the name '2013 Dodge Charger SRT8 392." I click on the icon, three different bubbles just below the icon. From left to right they read Recall, Park, and rename. I tap on the recall button. A black car suddenly appeared in the empty parking spot. Dominique walked over to the side of the car and looked inside.

"Where did you get this?"

"Some guy gave it to me."

"Last year right?"

"I think so." This car came out last year, you're so lucky to have this." Dominique said with a wide grin.

"How much would you sell it for?"

"Maybe eight thousand." I widen my eyes. I nod as I take out the keys and form a fist around the keys.

"Do you have the money now?"

"Lemme go get it."

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

12:05 pm

I quickly walk around the streets of the camp. I stop in front of a random cabin and walk up to the door. The door opened as I approached it, a teenage girl walked through and stared at me as she walked by. I look up at her.

"Is this the Suijin cabin?" She nodded and walked away. I walk up to the door and knock. I heard footsteps quickly approach the door. The door swung wide open to reveal Wayne standing in the middle of the doorway. He had an excited smile that looked like his face has been stretched out. His eyes had an unfocused look too. His lips fell but quickly formed a smile again.

"I have the stuff you asked for," I said. Wayne looked over his shoulder and stepped out of the doorway. He closed the door and looked around. I could hear people chat as they walk by. I quickly bring up my hands to my chest and take out the bag. I take a quick step towards Wayne and slam the bag into his chest. He grabbed the bag and swiftly jammed the bag into his pocket.

I take a step back as Wayne fumbled around with this hands.

"Thanks." Was all Dominique he said.

"Don't tell anyone about this." Wayne quickly nodded before turning around. I stop him before he could open the door. "Wait hold on," Wayne looked over his shoulder. "Get some people who can control water."

"Oh yeah." He responded. I quickly turn around and walk off.

He better not get caught smoking.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

11:39 am

I quickly jump back as Goldie's tail slammed into the ground. Dirt flew up into the air as Goldie lifted her tail. I quickly stick out my spear in front of me and attempt to stab her stomach. One of Goldie's tails came out of nowhere and struck the shaft of the spear. I stumbled forward, my right foot kicked my left shoe. I felt my feet leave the ground. My back tingled as a thin shadow fell over me. I instinctively use Wind's Cannon and launch myself to the side. My spear flew out of my hand as my sides slide across the ground. My body rolled to a stop. My arms burned and my legs felt heavy as I quickly got back up.

Goldie sighed as her tails wandered around aimlessly. I use the wind and let the spear fly into my hands. I look down and shyly kick at the ground. Goldie took a calm step forward.

"I told you not to use magic." She said with a calm tone.

"I did it by accident. I haven't used my weapon lately." I said while I look up and rest my spear on my shoulder. Goldie stared at my spear then stared down at me.

"I'll let you use magic if you use it through your spear."

"What does that mean?" Goldie's tails tensed up while a blank expression formed on her face.

"I don't know how to explain it that well. The best advice I can give is to focus on your spear and not your body." I stare at her with an annoyed glare.

"Can't I use my other weapon?" Her eyes flickered over to my spear. She focused on my spear before responding.

"At the demigod camp, they didn't want you using the weapon you brought with you, right?"

"I don't think they cared."

"Well, I don't want your weapon being broken again. You're better off using that Japanese spear."

"You mean the Naginata?"

"Yes, that." Her tails suddenly pointed straight up into the air while she pointed to my spear. "Attack me with your spear, but stay right where you are." I hold my spear right in front of me and point it in her direction. I can't reach her from here. I blankly look at my spear.

I wind back my arm and aim for Goldie's chest. Goldie's tails hovered in front of her chest. I put all my energy into my arm as I threw the spear. The spear flew towards Goldie. Her tails stayed near her chest, I use the wind and quick change of the direction of the spear. The spear circled around and aimed towards her back. Goldie quickly jumped, I change the spear's direction again and aim for her sides. Goldie stomped her foot, a pillar of dirt quickly rose out of the ground in front of her. The spear stabbed the middle of the pillar, the sharp point of the spear was engulfed by the pillar. The wind tugged the spear out of the pillar. The spear swiftly flew around the pillar.

Goldie's tail swung down to try to block the spear, the spear flew back as her tail whooshed by the spear. The spear faked going to the left but then swiftly flew to the right. Goldie easily predicted this and stepped forward and grabbed the spear right before it was about to strike her chest. She looked towards me with a smile. She lightly tapped the ground with my spear. The ground rose up and swallowed my spear. Before I could blink my spear leaped out of the ground just a few inches from my face. I quickly use the wind and catch the spear before it could fall. I bring down the spear to my height and grab out of mid-air. I spin the spear in my fingers before stabbing the ground. I take my hand off the spear and look towards Goldie.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask Goldie as she walked towards me. She shook her head before responding.

"You did go but, I just wanted to show you something else." She reached out towards my spear and plucked it out of the ground. Her arm started to glow red as she held up her arm to my eyes. She used her free hand to put her hand under my chin. I stare into her eyes as she lifted up my chin. "I want you to watch closely." I blankly stared at her as she let go of my chin and stepped back.

"I know you've mostly been focused on magic, I don't think I'll teach you how to use your weapon anymore. But I have to show you this one last thing before I move on to other subjects."

"Why won't you teach me how to fight with a weapon? You teaching me how to defend myself was your idea." The light in her eyes dimmed for a second before they went back to normal. I notice a tiny tear form in her eye. She left the tear hang there as she responded.

"I'm not giving up, I just can't teach you that well. I don't want to risk teaching anything wrong."

"So, what you're saying is that you don't have much experience with weapons." She nodded.

"The only weapon that I actually know how to use is a rifle." My eyes widen as her arm stopped glowing. She rested the spear on her shoulder.

"You know how to use a gun?" I would have never thought she could use a gun. I always thought she would use a bow, or maybe a sword. But not a gun.

"Or at least I think it was. I know most people, including me, were using the same type of gun."

"How did you learn how to use a gun? I always imagined you using a bow." Her face formed a blank stare as she looked off into the distance. Almost immediately, she formed a fake, happy smile. She stared down at me with an unfocused look.

"Do you remember what time I told you I grew up in?" I think for a bit before responding.

"The Civ-" My eyes widen as I suddenly realized how she learned to use the gun. She bent down until she was on my level. She put her hands on my shoulder and stared deep into my eyes with a tearful look.

"I've served in the war for a little bit." She slowly raised up her hand and grabbed a handful of hair. "I thought I was doing good, I thought I was on the right side." She took a deep, calm breath as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She let go of her hair. I notice that her tails twitched as she kept ongoing. "I thought the people I was fighting were my friends." She rubbed her arm for a few seconds before stopping. "When I first shapeshifted into a human, my skin was not accepted. I didn't know it was not accepted. I thought my friends accepted me." Her tails stopped twitched as she looked down at me. "I would love to think that my friends didn't know what atrocities they were doing, but they did." She took one more deep breath before holding up my spear to her chest.

"Make sure you watch carefully. If you do this wrong then your spear is going to break." She said with her voice breaking. I couldn't help but feel bad about her situation. I looked down at her arms, I stared at her white, snow-white skin. I've never noticed how white her skin was, she couldn't have been that white before. I know she can shapeshift but did she know how to back then? She wasn't accepted because of her skin, she grew up during the Civil War, I don't like the sound of that. I grind my teeth as I try to focus on the spear. I step back as the spear burst into giant red glowing flames. The head radiated out of the spear. Goldie twirled the spear in her hands with ease before the flames died out.

"Did you put magic into that spear?" I said with awe. She curtly nodded before handing the spear back to me. I know that I have some attacks that don't use magic but instead take up my health. Did she do her own version of her attacks? She used magic but it was with a weapon. I take the spear and look down at it. I've put my magic into two things already, the skull ring and Tribute. But they were made to use magic, I haven't tried using magic on a normal spear.

I close my eyes as I channel my magic into my arms. I felt the spear get lighter in my hands as it filled with magic. I rub my hands up and down the spear, a clear vivid picture of my spear popped up in my head. I felt my magic leave my arm as it was absorbed by the spear. My chest tightened up the more magic I put into the spear. I felt the air in my lungs burst out of my lungs as the wind rushed towards my body and swirled around me. My hands were bit by a sharp cold sting. I quickly let go of my spear and open back my eyes. Blood dripped down from my hands as I looked down at my spear.

The wind swirled around my spear as it dug into the ground. The tip of the spear shattered, parts of the shaft flew off and into the air. I brought up my arms just in time to block a piece of metal from digging into my face. I wince as ice smacked the back of my head. The wind suddenly stopped, little pieces of ice fell onto the grass. I step forward and look down at my spear. Huge chunks of the shaft were chipped off, the sharp pointy tip of the spear was instead replaced with a round tiny ball. I bend down and pick up the spear. I drop the spear and shake my hand as the spear dropped back onto the ground. A sheet of cold ran and down my arm as I used the wind to pick up the spear. Flames lit up on Goldie's arm as she snatched the spear out of the air.

"I'll fix this later," she said while inspecting the spear. I stare at her not knowing how she can get over something so easily. Her friends betrayed her, she told me while getting emotional, now she's back to normal? How is she still not upset about it? Maybe she's hiding it? I was snapped out of my thoughts as Goldie rested the spear on her shoulder. "I think that's it for today." I look up at her before nodding. I took out my map and placed it down on the grass. I snap my fingers and activated the hieroglyphs. I stare at Goldie and couldn't help but feel bad.

"Hey, Goldie?"

"Hmm," she said while looking to face me.

"I-I Uhm- I'm sorry about your friends." I quietly force out. Goldie smiled she wrapped her tail around my spear and walked over to me. I confusedly look at her as she stopped in front of me. She quickly wrapped her arms around me in a warm brace before I could comprehend what was happening. My body felt light, it felt, warm. I felt safe in her arms. I lift up my arms being to wrap my arms around her, I stopped myself before my arms could fully warp around her. It felt wrong being held. I liked the feeling, but it felt like I was some on other planet. The warmth in my body left when she let go of me. I felt an empty, longing feeling in my chest as she smiled. I walk over to the poster and slowly wave goodbye as my vision faded to white. My vision slowly returned.

I sighed as I found myself back in a forest. I bend down and pick up the poster so that I can store it in my Inventory. I kick at the ground as two boxes appeared.

Because you stored magic in an object, you gained a new skill!

Lvl1(67%) Item enhancement- You can store magic to give the object magical effects or to enhance the strength and durability of the item.

This seems good, it's kind of like Empowerment. I like this one more though. I close the box and look over at the other box. I have to level up that one, it sounds useful.

Your relationship with Goldie became stronger!

Goldie's compassion. Friends and loved ones will receive a 15% health boost whenever they are around you with an added bonus of feeling what they feel.

This one... Why can't it be for me? I roll my eyes and close the box.

"At least I learned one useful skill today."

Thursday, April 3, 2014

6:34 pm

I walked through the streets of the market. I stopped and smelled something strong. I sniff the air again, I noticed that it smelled like smoke. It didn't' smell like smoke from a fire, but an earthy smell lingered in the air. What was that? I took a step forward but stopped myself again. Why does that smell familiar. I look around in the sky and notice a thin trail of smoke rise up into the air. It took me a realize that the smell was from someone smoking. My body tensed up as I realized that the smell was from someone smoking. I walk into a nearby alley and speed-walked towards the smoke. My first thought was Wayne. I better not catch Wayne smoking.

I turn a corner and walk into an area that was hidden by the stalls nearby. There was a group of people standing in a circle. I kept my distance as people cheered.

"Wayne just do it!" I heard one person say with anticipation. I clench my jaw as I walk towards the group. I know for sure I told Wayne to keep it a secret.

"Wayne!" I shouted at the group. They all turned to me with a confused expression. I saw an arm push past the people, Wayne stepped out with a guilty expression. "Come with me, I need to talk to you," I demanded in a calm tone. I felt my finger twitch as he nodded and slowly started to walk towards me. My eyes flickered to a joint in his hand. I wrinkled my nose as he got closer.

"Wait hold on." I hear someone say behind him. My eyes looked to the people behind him. An average-looking teen with brown skin walked up to Wayne and stepped in front of him.

"Why should he waste his time helping-" I glare at him as Wayne pushed him to the side.

"Leave it Sai," Wayne said gently as he quickened his pace.

I turned around and walked towards the main area of the market. I stop and turn around. Wayne stopped right in front of me. I snatch the joint out of his hands and toss it to the ground.

"I was going to smoke that!" He yelled desperately. I grunt as I lift up my foot.

"I told you to not show anyone," I said in a cold hostile voice. I slam the front part of my foot onto the joint. I snuff out the joint, Wayne stepped forward and tried shoving me. I swiftly step back. "I asked you to do one thing, and you couldn't even do that. You just had to go off and show off to your siblings."

"I told you before, they're my uncles," Wayne yelled. His body stiffened, his fists clenched up. I nervously look up at him. I fake glare and step forward.

"You stilled showed it off. I trusted that you would keep your word," Wayne looked away with a nervous look. He backed up, I step forward. Wayne shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.

"I-I'm- I just wanted them to" he unclenched his fists. His eyebrows raised with worry, the corner of his mouth twitched. "I just wanted my uncles to respect me, I wanted them to think I'm cool." I stared at him with disbelief. I could've gotten in trouble, just for some stupid reason? I'm so happy I found out that Wayne would go back on his word today. Who knows what he could've done if I still talked to him. I look down at the joint and swipe my foot over it to hide it in the ground. I stare back up at him not really knowing what to say. I sigh.

"You could've just helped me with making the camp actually have running water. I actually trusted you. I was going to give you stuff for helping me. But I don't know if you can keep it a secret."

"Wait hold on-"

"I'm pretty sure they would've respected you too." He looked down in disappointment. I turn around and looked over my shoulder. "I'll just get something else to do it." I wait a bit for Wayne's reaction. He just stood there with a self-pitying look in his eye.

"Be grateful if we ever help each other again."

Saturday, May 10, 2014

6:27 pm

I look up at a tall concrete cylinder, I strained my neck from trying to stare up at the top. I look over and see 3 more of the same cylinders behind me. There were thick white pipes sprouted out from the sides of each cylinder, the pipes connected the cylinders together. I turn back to see Qaid climb the ladder on the side of the cylinder. Once he was halfway up, I followed after him. Once I got to the top, I notice a t-shaped metal bridge that hung a flat metal roof. There was a small, metal bridge that connected each of them.

"What are these things we're on called?" I asked Qaid.

"Right now, we're standing on top of the disinfection plant."

"Oh." I walk towards the middle of the disinfectant plant and stretch. The cold wind gently washed over my skin as Qaid yawned. I look towards Qaid. "What did you call me up here for?" Qaid looked down at me, there was a strange look in his eyes that I couldn't tell was anger or something else. I continued to stare up at him as he responded.

"You know how two months ago you told me that Coach would help us if we finished in six months?" Sweat formed on my palms, Qaid leaned in closer. Almost like he was interrogating me. "I asked him about it." I felt my heartbeat in my chest. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. I should've lied better. It was a horrible lie and now Qaid found out. I don't know how I can get Qaid to see my reasoning without telling him about what Coach is going to do with me. If I did tell him then that would lead to other problems that I would rather not deal with.

"What did he say," I exclaimed while trying to sound nervous. I take a deep breath as he responded.

"He said he knew nothing about what you said. I can get why you would want to hurry up so we can work on other stuff, but why lie about it? If you can't think of reasons to support your argument, don't lie about it." My mind raced to think of excuses. There's not much I can say. If I tell him about Nuxiel, then he'll tell Coach. The way I can see him being on my side is if I tell him about Nuxiel. I take a deep breath and fake a face of shame. Qaid crossed his arms. "Are you going to say anything?" I fake a twitch of my corner and stare up at him with wide eyes.

"I-I have a problem." Qaid tilted his head, his eyes were a dull black.

"What kind of a problem." I take a deep, deep sigh. I shake my head.

"Well, I uh... have a tendency of lying. I was diagnosed when I was young but I don't know what I have been diagnosed with. I tried to uh, fix myself but, I uh" my eyes flickered around the place trying to think of what to say. "I just keep lying. My mom took me to a doctor for treatment, but there was none. Before I came here," I fiddled with my fingers. I felt the adrenaline in my body die down. "I actually did see some progress, but now, now I have so much freedom, it's kind of hard not to lie." Qaid looked at me with a nervous look.

"How can I be sure that this isn't a lie."

"A lie is only fun if I can get away with it."

"Do the words mythomania or pseudologia fantastica sound familiar to you?"

"I think they do." I snap my fingers. "I think I was diagnosed with Pseudologia fantastica!"

"Well, um," Qaid stared at me with a sympathetic look. "Try to control yourself." I nod my head as Qaid walked to the edge of the bridge. "You kind of did the camp well, trying to hurry everyone up. Using magic to control water instead of using pressuring systems? It's a smart solution." He turned around to face me. "I rather not rush it anymore, but I also didn't expect us to almost be done. Let's just work on putting it the pipes, connecting everything then work on other projects."

"So we're not going to do everything properly now?"

"What's the point? We already rushed everything, we might as well just do your solution." I give a curt nod. He stepped forward and poked my chest. He twisted his finger hard into my chest. "But don't lie about something so important again."

"I'll try, but it's so hard sometimes." Qaid rolled his eyes.

"I'm going back to sleep. You coming?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'll stay here for a bit."

"I'm going back to the cabin then, see you later." He said as he started to climb down, I call out to him. He looked up at me with a confused expression.

"Thanks for being so um, understanding about my diagnosis."

"No problem, you're my brother, I know you wouldn't lie on purpose." He said as he walked down. I walked close to the edge of the bridge and watched Qaid walk off.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I sat on the floor. A huge smile swept across my face. A giggly feeling washed over my body, I heard my heartbeat loudly in my chest with each passing second. My legs shook with excitement. I force myself to stand back up as a box appeared.

Thanks to you using Lying often, Lying leveled up!

Lvl26(8%) Lying- You can lie to some people. Most people will have a 60% to catch on to your lie, the smarter the person is or the more the person knows you, the more chance they have of catching onto your lie.

I smile as I closed the box. That skill just probably saved my life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I stare at the sun out of a hole in a wall. I reluctantly turn my head and look around a vast, barren building. I frown at blue pipes sitting down in front of me. The pipes had to at least be the size of two average-sized people. I look down at a book between my legs. In the middle of a page were the blue pipes twisting and turning in random positions in a room. I furrow my eyes in confusion as I pick up the book.

"How Am'I supposed to know what connects to what?" I grind my teeth together before letting the book float in the air. I heard a door open behind me, slow-paced footsteps echoed through the building. I turn around and saw Jax walking towards me. I drop the book onto the floor and get up. I walked up towards Jax, he blankly stared down at me.

"I want to talk to you about the electricity problem." He said with no emotion.

"If you're going to ask how we're going to power this whole thing, I already figured it out." Jax shook his head.

"I was just wondering how we're going to get electricity for camp. I know we don't have it now, but we're going to need it."

"I don't know how Jax. Either way, I'm focused on this," I say and point to the blue pipes.

"Me or Qaid can probably do this," Jax said calmly.

"I just want to do this one thing, I feel like I haven't been involved that much in my own idea."

"You were busy going to school that's why," Jax said with bitterness. I stay silent not knowing what to say to that. What's so wrong with going to school? "At least you got the stuff we actually needed though."

"I guess," I mutter under my breath.

"I was thinking," He looked towards the hole in the wall that leads to the outside. "We use what's outside of camp."

"You mean stuff use stuff like dams and wind turbines?" He shook his head up and down quickly.

"You said you could connect the pipes right?"


"You connect the pipes and I'll explore outside the walls of the camp." Jax nodded, shrugged, and walked away.

"I guess I'll go explore tomorrow then."