The Debt Collector

Chapter 73

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

4:05 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I enter my room and drop my backpack by the side of my door. I glance around the room looking for anything to do. I've done all my homework, I don't have to study, there's nothing that needs to be done. I could get the insecticide that Alice needed, but I'm going to get the solar panel parts tomorrow anyway. I glance over to the TV hanging on my wall and the gaming consoles sitting underneath the TV. I don't like playing video games by myself either. I could go to the camp and see what Qaid needs. But I don't want Coach asking me what happened when I went down the trap door.

My mind quickly flashed back to when I fought Dominique. I take out the piece of paper Dominique gave me and look at it. The people who owe Dominique money are supposed to pay today. I don't wanna do it but at least it will pass the time. I turn around and put the paper into my Inventory. I quickly turn around and take out a poster.

If I'm going to go out anyway, I might as well ask Qaid if we need anything.

I just hope that Coach doesn't try to ask me anything.

4:15 pm

I walk into the Fūjin cabin and look around for Qaid. I spot Qaid talking to Jax in the corner of the room. I walk over to Qaid and tap on his shoulder. Qaid looked up at me with a glare. Jax shifted uncomfortably as Qaid got up. Qaid walked to him until he was right in my face. He breathed heavily, he lifted up his chin in an attempt to look intimidating. I back up and look him in the eye.

"Outside now," Qaid commanded as he walked out of the cabin without a word. I look at Jax, Jax looked away and stared into the corner. I follow after Qaid, I walk over to the side of the cabin, Qaid stood still with his arms crossed. I stop just a few feet away from him. I felt my chest swirl with uneasiness. What is he angry about now?

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked Qaid in the most gentlest voice I could fake.

"You lied, again!" What is he talking about?

"What did I lie about?" Qaid stomped his foot and took a step forward.

"We could've had wind turbines! Instead, we have to settle with solar panels!" Qaid yelled as he pointed up at the sky. Qaid snorted as he took a deep breath. Is he talking about when I talked to Fūjin? I did say that solar panels make more energy than wind turbines. Maybe he's angry about that? If he's talking about anything else, then I don't have a clue what he is talking about.

"What's wrong with solar panels?"

"Wind turbines generate more energy than solar panels. I wouldn't care if you didn't know that, but I mind that you just casually lied to our dad."

"Oh," I look over to the side and fake sheepishly looking at the ground. I use Illusion and make my cheeks pink. "I didn't know that," I say in a squeaky voice. Qaid took a few steps forward and wound his arm back. I felt the side of my face tingle.

I watch as Qaid's hand opened, I easily duck out of the way as Qaid's hand tried to slap my cheek. I quickly move to his side and sidestep behind him. Qaid heavily breathed as he turned around. I drop the illusion on my cheeks and glare into Qaid's eye.

"What was that for?" Qaid's face turned pink as he clutched his chest. I tap my foot waiting for him to catch his breath.

"I'm tired of you lying," Qaid said through gasps of air.

"I'm not lying, I didn't know that wind turbines made more energy than solar panels." Qaid took a step forward and grabbed my shirt. He formed a fist and drew his arm back. I stare up at him with confusion. I know Qaid can't use magic, he might be stronger and taller than me but I have more experience fighting. He's definitely not used to exercise or moving around though. I might not be able to use my aerokinesis skills on him though, I still have my cryokinesis skills though. I put my palm on his stomach and use Wind Cannon. Nothing happened to him, not even a sign that he was hit.

"I know I told you!"

"I don't think you did," I said calmly.

"There was a reason why I suggested getting wind turbines instead of solar panels, it's because they make more energy! It's even better than our dad is the God of Wind! It should've been common sense to go with the wind turbines!" Qaid yelled. Spit flew out of his mouth and onto my face. I felt anger rise in my chest. I quickly calmed myself and grabbed his arm. Qaid let go of my shirt and stepped back.

"I didn't know that, you said that if a cloud blocked the sun it would stop the solar panel from creating energy. If you said something about the efficiency of wind turbines then I would've gone with it. You just compared how they work in different circumstances."

"Ivan, I'm tired of your bullshit. I know that you went with solar panels just to spite him. I don't know what you have against your dad, but you better not let your emotions keep the camp from progressing."

"I made a mistake Qaid, I can go return the solar panels, I can go get the wind turbines. It's not that big of a deal." I shit around on my feet. Qaid glanced around and stared down at his feet.

"Actually, I think we're done here." I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"We're done working together, I'm tired of having to worry whether or not you're lying. It's exhausting. I wouldn't have had a problem if you didn't know you were talking about, but it's clear that you don't care."

"I do care!"

"Then you would've researched it!" I point up at the sun.

"It's the goddamn sun! I thought the thing that helped plants feed themselves would make more energy than the wind!" Qaid sighed and turned around.

"As I said before, you should've researched it. I thought you would do good for the camp, but you're just immature." Qaid stated before walking away. I stood there and kicked at the ground.

I don't think I needed him anyway.

4:36 pm

I look down at the piece of paper as I walk out of the train and onto the train station. I stare at the number next to each name on the paper. All the names had the number one thousand next to their names. I walk out of the station and squint my eyes as the cartoonish town filled my sight. I blink several times and look around.

The people who owe Dominique money better be in this town.

4:43 pm

I look down at the map and look at the street sign. I glance at the paper and back at the street sign, I made sure that the street name on the paper was the same street I was on before going from house to house trying to find the right house.

I look at a mailbox and walk up to the front door. I put the paper into my Inventory and force myself to stand up straight. I might knock on the door, I heard someone stomp right up to the door, the door swung open to reveal a small, obese woman with greasy hair. Her skin was covered with brown spots going up and down her arm. She frantically scratched at her arm, her eyes were wide open. It was obvious that she was on some kind of drug. The woman reached for the doorknob.

I quickly grab her arm and hold it up. The woman screamed and tried to walk backward. I let go of her arm and shove her back.

"You owe Dominique money, I'm assuming that you have the money ready." I coldly stated as I stretched out my arm. The woman suddenly lunged for me. I step to the side as the woman staggered forward. I make an ice hammer and aim for the woman's cheek. Her head snapped to the side as she stumbled sideways. She fell directly into the wall and slid down onto the floor. I melt the hammer and bring out Tribute. I point my gun straight at the woman's forehead.

"I asked where the money was, I have to repeat myself one more goddamn time I swear I'll shoot you." The woman rubbed her cheek. I waited a few seconds for a response before pressing the barrel of my gun against her forehead. The woman quickly pointed to the kitchen located to my right. She pointed to the cabinets under the sink. I take a step backward and let my gun hover in the air. I quickly rush over to the kitchen sink and open the cabinets. I screamed as roaches walked onto my hand. I quickly use the wind and blast them across the room. I take a step back and let the wind search the drawers for me. I stare down at my gloves and shiver. I have to thank Goldie for these gloves later.

A bundle of cash rose up from the sink. I snatch the money out of the air and count the money. I sigh as my fingers flipped through the twenties. I smile as I counted One thousand fifty dollars. I put the money into my Inventory and turn around. I walk over to the woman and grab my gun. I stare at the woman before walking out of the door.

I jog onto the street and smile.

I thought that was going to be way harder.

5:02 pm

I rolled my eyes as a guy wearing big round glasses and overalls proudly showed me a huge stack of cash.

"I have to thank the stock market for this," the guy said in a nasal voice. I grinded my teeth as I listened to his voice. "I didn't think I was going to pay you back but I've gotten really lucky that I inve-" I quickly stand up and stare him dead in the eye.

"That is all very interesting but I'm really busy right now." The man stood up and handed me the cash. I grab the money and put the wad of cash into my Inventory.

"Oh-sorry." The man said while looking to the side. I nod as I take out the piece of paper and showed him the paper. I pointed to the third person on my list, I hovered my finger over the person's address.

"Can you tell me where this street is?" The man pointed towards the door as he responded.

"When you leave my house, go to the left, go straight for two blocks, and go right."

"Thank you," I responded as I quickly walked out the door and flew up into the air. I let the wind carry me through the streets, I dropped down onto the concrete as I entered the street. I went up to the nearest house and look at the mailbox. I smile as the address matched up with the address on the paper. I walk up to the door and knock. I heard footsteps walk up to the door.

I stare up as a woman with long hair looked down at me. She slowly blinked as she stared down at me.

"Excuse me, ma'am, you owe money to someone named Dominique." Her eyes widened as she stepped to the side.

"I forgot it was today," the woman said as she smiled.

"But you do have the money right?"

"What was the amount again?" I step inside the house and look around the house. The house had a musty scent to it. It wasn't enough to make me not want to go in, but it was more than enough to make me gag. I notice a single couch in the middle of the room, there was a pile of papers littered across the couch. A few feet in front of the couch was an old square tv. I look up at the woman to answer her question.

"It was a thousand dollars," I stated. The woman's smiling turned into a worried look. She nervously shifted around as I leaned against the wall. The woman quickly hurried towards a room near the couch. She looked back over her shoulder and nervously smiled.

"Let me go get the money." She rushed into the room and slammed the door shut. I heard faint whispers behind the door before she came right back out. She only had five one hundred dollar bills. I walk over to her and stretch out my hand. She gently put money into my hand. I put the money into my Inventory and stare up at her.

"You owe five hundred more." The woman fumbled around with her fingers. I notice something small move in the corner of my eye. I take out Tribute and hold it by my side. My eyes widened as I spot a malnourished five-year-old wobble out of the kitchen. The child clutched his stomach as a loud rumbling noise came from his stomach. I look back at the woman, she quickly ran over to the child and gently grabbed him by the shoulders.

I shifted my weight from foot to foot as I remembered the time before I got my powers. I saw the same desperation of food in his eyes. I looked around the living room and realized how empty the room was. It kind of reminded me of how my room was before I was ten. I took out the money the woman just gave me. I look at the woman as she walked over to me. Five hundred dollars is nothing to me but to these people, it would probably make them think they're rich.

But after I leave her house, I wouldn't have to deal with them. But that child is going to suffering without this money. The child was already suffering with this money, but it might help them. I squeeze my eyes, memories of me stealing from convivence stores flooded my mind as the woman approached me. I sigh and wrinkle my nose. I reluctantly stretch out my arm and hold the money in front of her. The woman stared at the money.

"Take it, I don't need it." The woman pinched the corner of the money, the paper slid out between my fingers. She awkwardly stared at me before putting the money into her pocket. I turn my head and look for the kid. I didn't see a sign of the child. I look back at the woman. The woman whispered, "thank you", in a soft tone. I turned around and walked towards the door. I close the door behind me and take a deep breath. I looked up at the sky and start to walk to my next destination.

I stop dead in my tracks as I heard the sound of laughter come from the house. I turn around and walk up to the door. I stood at the door silently, I grit my teeth as I heard the woman laugh.

"That idiot!" I slowly blink as I take out Tribute. I use Wind Cannon on the door, the door slammed into the wall before falling to the floor. A fat man was by the woman's side. A long piece of rubber was held tightly in the man's hand. I aim my gun at the man's hand and pull the trigger. The man screamed as he dropped the rubber and clutched his hand. I aim my gun at the woman, her eyes widened as she dropped the money. I used the wind to gather the money.

"I know you have more money," I say in a deep voice. I notice smoke cover the man's body. I quickly aim at the man's head and shoot. A loud thump filled the room as I aim my gun back at the woman.

"I'll go get it."

5:08 pm

I duck as a fist went over my head. My nose tingled as a knee quickly rushed to meet my nose. I quickly step to the side and bring out Tribute. I use wind cannon and aim straight for the man's stomach. The fat man stumbled back into his front door and tumbled to the ground. I put Tribute back into my Inventory and use Wind Cannon on his head. His head banged against the door and left a huge crack. The man's body was still. I inch towards the man and bend down to check his pockets. I took out his wall and open it.

I smile as I found seven hundred fifty dollars in his wallet. I look at and stare at the old run-down house. I toss the wallet onto his stomach and put the money into my Inventory. I think that's all I will find from this guy. Why was he carrying too much money though? It was kind of stupid of him to keep that much money in his wallet.

I turn around and take out the paper. I jog onto the street and wander around from street to street. It took me a while but I eventually found the right house. I walk right up to the door and knock. Just one more class and I can go home. I heard the TV from inside but I heard no one walk up to the door. I back away from the door and walk around the house. I noticed that the windows were all covered by curtains. I groan and walk back up to the door. I take out Tribute and use Wind Cannon on the door. The wood on the door broke in half as the door flew off the hinges. I put a few points of Mp into Tribute before walking into the door. I looked at the Tv broadcasting a soccer match. I quickly aim my gun towards a tall, muscular man on the couch. The man had muscles that could easily crush my head. The man's eyes were a deep dark brown, his strong jaw was wide opened as he stared at me. He slowly stood up and began to stare me down.

In the corner of my eye and I noticed dirty the place was, there were garbage bags and cigarette butts scattered on the floor.

"Who the hell are you?" The man said in a deep, threatening tone.

"You owe a man named Dominique some money," I replied as I pointed my gun at the man's chest. Smoke gathered around his body as he raised his hands up to his chest.

"I'm not giving you shit." The man said as he slowly inched towards me. I roll my eyes and pull the trigger. The bullet hit the man's shoulder, blood dripped down onto the man's arm as the light started to bounce off his arm. His arm was glossy, his skin now had a slight gray tone. The man suddenly rushed towards me. I put Tribute back into my Inventory. I use Wind Cannon as the man got closer to me. My eyes widened as he rushed through Wind Cannon. I quickly take out Retribution and form a ball made from wind in the air.

The man ran straight into the ball. His shirt was shredded into pieces, small shallow cuts formed on his chest, the man gasped for air as he was slowly lifted into the air. The wind suddenly threw him headfirst into the wall. The man screamed as he fell to the ground. I kept Retribution in front of me as I rushed towards the man. The man looked up as I brought Retribution over my head and bring the blade straight down onto his arm.

The blade slipped off his arm, the man quickly reached for the blade. The man yanked the sword out of my hand. I quickly backed away as he started to swing the blade on the other side of Retribution at me. I take out a small Mp potion and form three spheres of wind. I let the wind guide the spheres towards the man's chest. The man's eyes widened as a sphere started to rip through his chest. The smoke surrounding his body faded as blood started to pout onto the ground. The man's grip on Retribution weakened, before Retribution could fall to the ground I used the wind and brought the weapon back into my hands. I let the spheres disperse as the man collapsed to the ground.

A large hole remained in his chest, the man started to gag as his body started to convulse. I step forward and look over his body. I watched as the man started to drool blood. The man's body suddenly stopped moving. I slowly blink as what felt like hours passed. I walk to his side and crouch down. I looked over his body as I looked for any sign that he might be alive. I quickly stood up as a box appeared right in front of my face.

The skill 'Vortex' leveled up two times!

Lvl 3(45%) Vortex- A ball of air will quickly spin around, if you don't interfere with the ball it will float around until it touches an object or a living being. When it touches an object or a living being, it will dig into the object/ living being for 2 seconds before launching them in a random direction. 100 Mp per use. Damage- 170

I sigh as I close the box and stare at the man's body. If he's dead, how Am'I supposed to get his money now? My body shivered as I reached into his pocket and searched around for his wallet. To my disappointment, there was no wallet to be found. I stand up and kick the man's body. I suddenly heard a loud gasp come from behind me. I quickly turn around and switch Retribution for Tribute. I lower Tribute as I saw a teenager who was slightly older than me. hiding behind a corner. The teen stared at me with his dark black eyes. His jaw was chiseled just like the man I just killed. The teen stared at the man and stared back at me. I look down at the man and around.

"Well, uh, I hope you two weren't close," I said in a quiet voice. The teen stepped out from the corner and shakily walked up. I noticed how skinny he was, he was like a stick.

"You- you're not gonna kill me now right?" I stare up at the teenager and tightened my grip on Tribute.

"Are you going to try to fight me?" He quickly backed up and shook his head. He rubbed his arm and stared at the ground.

"I can't fight either way," he said in a whisper.

"Do you at least know where his money is?"

"We don't have money." I stared at the teenager and sighed. I kicked at a random paper bag on the floor and look back at the teenager. The teen fidgeted around with his fingers. I turn around to leave the house. I let out a grunt as I felt the teen's hand on my shoulder. I turn back around and look up at him.

"What," I said in an annoyed tone. He looked over to the side.

"Do you think you can give me, do you have any jobs that I can get paid for?"

"What do you mean?" He stood a bit more confidently but he still had a scared look in his eyes.

"I have no money," he said in a squeaky voice. "I was just thinking that maybe you could pay me to do something." I stare at him with a blank expression. I stare down at the body. He says he has no money, he's around my age so I'm assuming that he doesn't have a job yet. Maybe he has other family members.

"I don't have anything for you, but I can at least pay for a ride to any other family members." Why did I offer money to a stranger? I don't have to help him, I could just leave.

"I don't have any other family either."

"You have nowhere to go?"


"Your mom?"

"Dead." He said with a sigh. I grit my teeth and look over my shoulder and look at the door. I could leave, but it wouldn't feel right. Nowhere to go, no people to rely on. I at least got lucky running into Goldie. But I had the boxes to help me too, I don't think he has any powers to help him. I felt my body tense up as I take out ten thousand dollars and show him the money. I'm an idiot for doing this.

"Go to the train station and go to a city called Magebourne. Get a job, find yourself a place. Just do something with your life."

"I'm fourteen though."

"I'm eleven and I'm doing fine." The teen looked down at the money and back up at me.

"Isn't this a bit much though?"

"If you don't go now I swear that you won't even make it to Magebourne. The teenager slowly nodded as he quickly rushed towards the door. He looked over his shoulder and stared at me. He nervously swallowed and ran out the door.

I close my eyes and wait a few seconds for him to be gone. I'm an idiot, the only reason I went out today was to get money, instead, I lost money by giving it to a stranger. I turn around and look towards the door.

He better do something with his life.

5:39 pm

I burst through the door and into my room. I yawn as I sit down and lay down on my bed. I rub my hand on the bed and close my eyes.

Today sucked.