AHH titles

Chapter 78

Saturday, May 23, 2014

10:14 am

(Ivan's POV)

I look up at Anenoid as he stared down at me sitting down on my bed. He had a bit of blood smeared on his cheek, his weapon was dripping with blood.

"Hey Anenoid," I said plainly.

"That's all you had to say?" Anenoid said in a low, gruff voice. I shrug.

"I don't really have much to say, Am'I supposed to say 'good job for killing people?'"

"You specifically called Nuxiel to have someone," he brought up his hand started to count on his fingers, "maim, kill, destroy, and terrorize. I did all of that." Anenoid took a step forward. "Do you even have a plan?" I give a curt nod. "What is it then?"

"Well, my plan is to rebuild the camp from the ground up."

"Why can't you just improve on everything there already?"

"Everything is so old and primitive," I laid down on my bed. "You were there, you saw how the cabins looked." Anenoid nodded.

"I'm going to be honest, I didn't even get to swing my weapon a lot. I just let the flying otters knock down everything. The other demigod camps took effort, this one didn't." I sit back up and raise an eyebrow and sit back up.

"How was this one easier?" Anenoid shrugged.

"I... I don't know? No one was fighting back I guess."

"That sounds like bullshit." Anenoid chuckled.

"It was only kids and teenagers, some tried fighting back but they weren't experienced." What about Rome and Coach? I know they're strong enough fightback against Anenoid, I bet they could kill him if they wanted to.

"Did you see anyone use water? Anyone who used sound?" Anenoid shook his head.

"Nope." After a few seconds, he snapped his fingers. "Actually I did see someone use water, he actually put up a fight. He ran away though." I nod and get up. He better be talking about Wayne.

"How many cabins did you destroy?" Anenoid smirked.

"I wanna say half the camp, but I definitely destroyed the East side." I nod and take out a poster and laid it out on the floor. Anenoid looked around my room and stomped his foot. "I still can't believe Nuxiel gave you a whole ass mansion, you even have his phone number." I look over my shoulder and sit down on my bed again.

"You don't have his phone number?"

"No! I've known him for twelve years and he only gave me a small apartment that I have to share with someone else. No money, no mansion, not even a phone. How'd you get this stuff?"

"Maybe I'm more important," I say with a bit of pride.

"I have fought gods and destroyed whole religions! I should at least get paid for this!"

"You fought gods?" I say with a bit of surprise.

"I've never won but I fought them." I squint my eyes in suspicion.

"But you lost to me?" Anenoid sighed in disappointment.

"I got cocky." Anenoid reluctantly said.

"Uh-huh," I responded. I step onto the poster and look over at Anenoid. "Destroy the rest of the camp tomorrow at two. I'll be there." Anenoid curtly nodded and turned around to walk out of my room. I look down at the poster and snap my fingers. My vision whitened for a second before I found myself in the camp's now barren garden. A bunch of the deformed-human-like monsters and stared at me. I wrinkled my nose at the foul, rotten smell they let off. I pull my shirt over my nose and walk through the garden. I took in a large gasp of air and I walked away far enough to not be able to smell them.

I blinked several times as I walked into the place where the cabins should be standing. I smiled as I saw collapsed pieces of rotten wood. I walked over the nearby debris. I felt a smirk form as I looked around and saw a wide area of flat ground with pieces of wood scattered across the ground. I have to make Anenoid do this more. I stare down at the debris and notice a tiny-sized hand struggling to move under the wood. I quickly drop my smile and use the wind to lift up the debris off the child. The child groaned and violently coughed. I toss the debris to the ground and take out a small health potion and a bottle of water.

I walk over to the child as the child struggled to crawl up to his feet. I calmly bend down and fake a warm caring smile. I use the wind to gently lift his body up, the kid wheezed as he held his chest. I gently set him down on the ground and use my arm to hold his chest up. I popped the health potion open and raise the bottle to his lips. I use the wind to gently tilt his head. The liquid quickly went down his throat. I toss the bottle to the side and held the child as he coughed. I kept my warm caring smile as little drops of the child's spit got onto my face. I quickly wipe my face and stare down at the child.

"Are you okay?" I asked the child in a fake caring voice. The child quickly nodded. I glance to the side quickly then glance back at the child. "Do you think you can stand?" The child quickly nodded. I lift the child up to his feet using the wind as I stand up; at first, he struggled to keep standing up straight but it only for him a few seconds to be able to fully support his weight. "What's your name?" I asked the child.

"Jaden," he responded back in a high scared tone. I put my hands on Jaden's shoulders and stare deeply into his eyes.

"Jaden, I need you to tell everyone to go where the Inari Ōkami cabin is. You don't need to do it, but it would really, really help the camp thrive. Do you think you can handle it?" Jaden hesitated for a minute before nodding. I take my hands off his shoulders and smile. "Thank you." Jaden silently nodded and quickly ran off. I quickly drop my smile and watch as Jaden quickly went to a group of teenagers in the distance. I making my way towards Alice's cabin, I tried my best not to stare at the battered corpses of children laying under debrie. I stared at a teenage girl bleeding from her thigh, she sucked in deep breaths of air through her teeth. I take out a small health potion and toss it into her lap as I kept on walking. I stared in the corner as a group of children ran away from one of those deformed human-like monsters.

I stopped and sighed loudly. I sent a wind arrow towards the monster, the monster stopped and stared at me before a hole appeared in its head. I started walking again hoping not to be interrupted this time. I felt my lips form a tiny frown as saw more and more cabins standing. I saw people with torn-up clothes and bruised bodies knock frantically on the old worn-down cabins. Kids and teenagers desperately rattled the doorknobs in a desperate attempt to get somewhere safe. Children screamed to be let in, my eyes widened as I saw a teenager ram his shoulder into the door. I stopped dead in my tracks and watch as the sides of the doors started to crack. I look forward but quickly look at the crowd of people trying to break into the cabin.

What's the point of breaking into the very same cabins that couldn't protect them from the monsters? Even when they get in, it wouldn't help them or anyone. What makes them think that getting into an already destroyed cabin would solve anything? The cabins were already not protecting them from the cold or heat, it's pretty much the same as sleeping inside. Breaking into another person's cabin would just cause more trouble, it would cause chaos. Nuxiel wants me to lead the camp, I can't let it lose itself to people resorting to violence. I step towards the group and muster up all the confidence I could.

"Hey!" I shouted as loud as I could. The crowd ignored me, only one or three people actually bothered to look in my direction before going back to trying to break into the cabin. A huge crack appeared across the door as a teenager gathered his magic into his arm and banging his hand onto the door. The top hinge suddenly break, the top of the door started to bend from the banging. I quickly take out a pebble and throw it up into the air. I snap my fingers, a loud bang erupted over my head. The crowd quickly silenced itself as they turned to face me. A burst of adrenaline ran through my chest as the sound of my heart beating pulsed through my ears.

"What the hell are you guys doing!" I yelled at the crowd. I swallowed a bit of my saliva, I felt my legs begin to shake. A calm soothing feeling came over my body as I forced myself to talk. "Your cabins were just destroyed! What's the point of destroying another cabin that people are actually living in!" A tall skinny teenager stepped out from the crowd, he had cuts and bruises running along his body. The teenager gritted his teeth as he towered over me.

"Where else are we going to go then?" The teenager said with an aggressive tone. I confidently looked into his eyes. I don't know what to tell him. Until I can get Alice or someone else to make shelters, there's nowhere for them to go. I can push some responsibility onto someone else for now.

"Just wait, I'm sure... Coach will have shelter for everyone who has had their cabins destroyed." The teenager stomped his foot and took a step towards me. I stood my ground and kept staring at him.

"Where was he when the cabins were destroyed! He was nowhere to be seen!" He yelled, he took in deep breaths of air in anger. I nod in fake concern.

"I'm sure Coach was busy with other issues within the camp. I'm confident that he's working on the cabin problem right now." I heard muttering come from the crowd as the teenager took a step back, his eyebrows furrowed in anger as he turned towards the crowd. He quickly walked off and left the crowd standing in the front of the cabin. I looked at the crowd and pointed down the street. "Just be patient and wait somewhere else," I commanded, some people walked off but it took a while for the rest to walk away.

I huffed as I saw a little girl peek out from behind the door. I smile at the little girl and wave. The girl quickly hid. I roll my eyes and make my way towards Alice's cabin. It took a while to get to Alice's cabin. I walk up towards the door and knock. I heard a few whispers before it suddenly stopped. I waited and waited but no one came to open the door. I know someone is in there, why aren't they opening the door though? I knock on the door hard. I tapped my foot as I waited. I sigh when no one came to the door. I step up close to the door and press my body up against the door.

"Alice?" I said through the door. A pair of heavy feet quickly came up to the door, I quickly stepped back as it swung forward. I stared at the familiar disheveled black hair. I stared up at Alice's sister as she quickly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into the cabin. I stumble into the cabin and looked around. I saw Alice and some of her other siblings sitting on their beds, they all had a face of uneasiness; their bodies were ready to spring up from their beds and run out of the cabin. Alice nervously stared at me, I ignored her and stared back at her sister. She had an impatient look on her face, she grunted her teeth and kept glancing at the door.

"What do you want?" She quickly rushed out of her mouth.

"I need your help creating small shelters," I responded.

"What makes you think I'll help?" She asked.

"I thought that you would like to help with the people who have nowhere to go." Her gaze softened as she looked down at me.

"I usually would help, but now is not the best time with everything going on."

"So when else are we going to build a shelter for the needy? I'm sure when this cabin is destroyed you'll want to have shelter. We might as well have at least some sort of shelter ready for when the rest of the cabins are destroyed." I said in fake confidence. Alice's sister stared me directly in the eyes.

"I'm sure Coach will do something." I felt a corner of my mouth begin to smile. I quickly hide it and respond.

"Coach wasn't anywhere to be seen when the camp was getting attacked, Coach isn't anywhere to be seen now. I doubt he's going to do anything soon." She loudly sighed.

"Well, what do you want us to do?"

"Just make buildings made of dirt." She raised an eyebrow.

"Natives back in the day made houses made of dirt and mud, it's just for a few weeks until cabins could be built but it's better than nothing."

"What's stopping them from getting destroyed?" She asked plainly.

"I'm getting people to help defend the camp, so far it's just a group of five people but it's a start." She looked nervous.

"Fine," she said in a huff. "But only three people. No more than that."

"Why three?"

"I don't want to lose all my siblings if something happens." I stared at her for a few moments before rolling my eyes.

"Can I at least take Alice?" I asked with a disappointed face. I looked towards Alice, she had a scared look on her face, I could tell that she wanted to beg me to not take her. I signal to Alice to follow me. I look back towards Alice's sister, "I'll wait outside," I commanded before turning towards the door and leaving the building.

I tapped my foot and waited until Alice and her brother and sister came out with her.

Anenoid better destroy the rest of the cabins tomorrow.