June grew up to be beautiful and slender young lady. Most people said she got her looks from her mother, but not her character. Sure, her mother influenced her in one way or another but when it came to her behaviour, most of the things she did were a reflection of her father.
She became fascinated with animals, especially the mounts in the stables. Her favourite game was to retrace her father's steps whenever he came back from town. She would have loved to test her skills when they went to the big cities like Omashu, but her mother wouldn't allow her. Her father thought that all this was just a phase she was going through. It didn't help when she found friends who were willing to play games with wooden swords and shields as well as a bow and arrows. The older she got, the more she showed an interest in being a bounty hunter. So, on the night of her eighteenth birthday, he surprised her by giving her a letter. In it were a list of things she would have to get. Some could be bought, others she would have to borrow or find. She spent the following day running up and down, and when she was finally done, she met up with her father who took her to a camp site within the forest near their town.
She was surprised to find Uncle Taru and Aunty Zoraya there, and when she was told that she was going to be part of the hunting team she was excited.
"But first, we need to make sure you can hunt," said Uncle Taru.
"Of course I can." She protested.
"Then you won't mind catching us something to eat, say, a buffalo-yak perhaps?"
"No problem. And I get to eat half of your share."
Taru placed his hands on his round belly. "Kid, you have a long way to go before you can even finish a quarter of my share." She set off but was quickly called back by Aunty Zoraya.
"Wait a minute! How do you intend to kill the buffalo-yak?"
She looked back at Zoraya and saw her holding up a bow and a quiver that was half full with arrows. She felt embarrassed as she walked over and took them. She then made sure she had everything she needed before she started off once more.
A few minutes later Feng and Zoraya followed after her while Taru went to the river to catch some fish.
"Just in case she isn't able to bring anything back," he said.
"Why couldn't you have picked something easy like a bird or turtle duck?" Asked Zoraya.
"She might have taken it as an insult," said Feng. "In any case we need to get going. It was smart of her to go downwind, that way no wild animal can track her using their sense of smell."
"Unless of course she ends up bypassing one."
They both looked at him and he knew he should have kept his mouth shut.