His Claim


It has been over a week since I've seen that woman at the club. That woman whom my body is attracted to. Whobig beautiful green eyes that draw me to her beauty. And her brown lengthy curls of hair make me want to run my fingers through it.

The night after I met her at Heavys, my body was on fire--specifically little junior down there. It has been on fire the moment I laid my eyes on her across the bar. That night I had to take a cold shower. I clean myself from head to toe including my dick which I take my time washing just like any other part of my body. Though instead of tamping down my erection, I ended up needing the release instead because if not my nuts would combust at any given second.

"Are you okay?" My longtime best friend, Aaron asks beside me. I am currently in the middle of a meeting and to say that I'm uncomfortable is understandable. This never happened to me while in a meeting. I ooze with power that my very own stony glare makes every man in here coward from me.

I'm frustrated because my balls are so tight due to restless thoughts of someone specifically, the unknown beauty that I have decided is mine.

Of course, I'm not okay.

"Um, yup" I tried to get comfortable in my seat to only make it worse. My balls make contact with the fabric of my undergarments. Fuck! I lowly grunted. Attracting all these men's attention is the last thing I wanted. Well, at least I hope I don't.

I let out a heavy breath causing all the men in here including the one who was currently talking. All eyes stopped to stare at me. These motherfuckers.

"Well, stop wasting my time and continue with the goddamn meeting!" I roared and instantly everyone forgets what just happened. At least they better for their own good. Except for my stupid friend who seems amused at the situation. I give him a glare. "That goes for you too, idiot." His grin just widens.

"Is it the lady you met at the bar that got you twisted into knots." Aaron wouldn't stop nagging at me after seeing a woman finally say "no" to me for the first time. Of course, he didn't get to see her beauty. Otherwise, he wouldn't understand what I am dealing with here. Since then teasing me seems to be his new favorite past-time.

"What the hell are you on about?" I keep my stature stoic but as my best friend, he is not fooled by it.

"Man you got it bad!" He smacks my back before falling into a laughing feat at my displeasure.

"Mr. Phillips, we need the additional files of Mr. Smiths' in order to continue the meeting about the additional cooperation.

I fixed Aaron with a glare. He is the one holding up this meeting.

He just shrugs. "I told you my PRA will bring it." He stares at his watch. "In about 2 minutes I'm guessing." Why I cooperate with his company? I will never understand. Aaron is never ready with his shit, but then I wonder how his company is so successful. At age 27, after me, Aaron is the second youngest multi-billionaire in the whole of North America.

*Knock. Knock.*

Everyone's gaze turns towards the disturbed door. In came a lady with brown straight hair. She was wearing a business blouse and skirt that hugs her petite body. When she entered I was solely looking at her from the bottom.

I gasp! As my gaze eye in on the intruder. It's her and damn it if she's not even more beautiful.

I get lost in her beauty before realization kicks in. What the fuck? She is Aaron part-time PRA? You mean all of this time, I could've paid a visit to my friend's company and see this beauty once again.


My boss, Mr. Smiths have forgotten the files that I'd placed on his desk for the meeting. So here I am at Phillips High Co., to give them to him.

As soon as I close the door behind me and turn around, my eyes roam the meeting room before they go wide. What the fuck? Yes, that is exactly what I'm thinking right now. Right in front of me is the man from Heavys. I mean who can forget those sharp grey eyes? But I did want to forget him which I had no luck all week. To make matters worse I might have to see him on some occasions like this one since now his company is cooperating on a project with Mr.Smiths'.

"Are you just going to stand there, or find a seat?" The nerve of this guy. Who the hell does he think he's talking too? I don't know if he remembers me but by the look, he's giving me proves that he does.

I ignore him and continue to place the files in front of Mr.Smiths. "Is that all Mr.Smiths?" I ask my boss hastily ready to bolt out of here. Just my luck my boss motions for me to get closer.

"What did I tell you about calling me 'Mr.Smiths,' Jules?" He playfully whispers near my ear. But I already explained to him. I don't feel comfortable calling my boss by his first name. It's too weird and is like breaking personal boundaries.

I whisper back. "You know why, Mr. Smiths," I playfully wiggle my eyebrow at him despite feeling uncomfortable with all the men following our every little conversation. One of them, of course, not surprised 'Stranger' guy held a grim posture. His light grey eyes have turned slightly dark as if from anger. His gaze made me self-cautious so I stood and straightened my clothes which were just fine. "I should be heading back to work Mr. Smiths," I say my goodbyes to everyone including 'Stranger guy' hoping for a nice retreat.

Only I was wrong.

"You are not going anywhere until we talk!" Before I could take a foot into the elevator, I turn around to a booming voice. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

Of course, I was not going to listen to him. But I was stopped by strong arms pulling me away from entering the elevator.

"You are no one to make demands of me!" I yank my arm to turn around and poke at his chest.

"You are mine, so I do whatever the hell I want with you," What the hell? Who the hell makes such a claim on someone he barely met. I wanted to shout at him. He has the nerve to use his baritone voice as to emphasize his point.

"Last time I checked I belong to no one especially not you." I seethed in anger. For some reason, this guy infuriates me. He makes me want to scream and punch everything soft insight.

"You keep thinking like that." He crosses his arms over his chest before giving me a stoic glare. "And stop flirting with your God damn boss."

"First of all, I was not flirting with him. And second I flirt with whomever I want too!!" I scream in exasperation. Exasperation caused by this unknown sexy hunk of a man.

"You don't flirt with anybody. You hear me, darling or should I say, Jules." He yanks me by my waist to his chest. I struggle to pull away from him. I come face to face with his chest making my breath uneven. His arms roam my back and my mind search for hurtful words to hurl at him. I wanted o lash out at this man. Better yet I want him to get it in his skull that I'm not his.

"You don't get to call me Jules. That is solely for my friends and you sure as hell aren't!" I struggle in his hold while hitting his chest demanding he lets me. But his grip tightens but not hard enough to hurt. But definitely possessive. I surrender to him but not before feeling disappointed at my defeat. Not before feeling disappointed at my self for feeling aroused from this crazy and never-meant-to-happen altercation.

He growls. "Calm down woman," He tries to soothe me with his baritone voice. "Calm down." He repeatedly breathed in my ear while rocking me back and forth. For some fucked up reason, my body listens to him. Well until his next response. "One thing, why the hell is your boss calling you by your first name? Are you fuck bodies or something?" His words give me enough strength to get out of his grasp and slap him hard across his cheek.

The momentum loosens his hold allowing me to slip out for a second.