"Tell me how's it feel sitting up there?

Feeling so high but too far away to hold me

You know I'm the one who put you up there

Name in the sky

Does it ever get lonely

Thinking you could live without me"


"Hi unniee~"


There were a lot of students greeted me as i pass by.. not to be rude i greeted back

Min Nahee Victoria Leigh

It's been a week after what happened and i really didn't tell anyone about it.. lorraine knows it but i threatened her to keep her mouth shut

Good thing Jungkook didn't look for me at all..besides he don't know my name that's why im positive he won't have any information about me

"Leighhhhhhhh!" I look behind me there, they are the three little idiots

Choi Jake Jaehyun

Gonzales Lorraine

Choi Kara

These are my crazy bestfriends by the way they may be crazy but trust me they have a heart of gold that's why i love them..

"Yahhhh Why are you so early?" We hugged each other tightly

"Nahh you guys are just late" I just roll my eyes at them

"Heyy... is the meeting today? I'm so excited!!" Jae squealed jumping along with the other two, agreeing

"Yeahhh it will be later" I replied shaking my head.. i look at my watch

"Hey let's go, class are almost starting" Math is my first subject along with Jae while Lorraine and Kara have History

We separated ways agreeing to see each other at break time

"Leigh, which school we will be going?" Jae asked as we started walking to class

"Honestly, i don't have any idea but my Grandpa will be announcing it later" We just shrugged and decided to just wait until dismissal for the meeting..

Class soon started..We were listening to the prof. well since this prof is kinda strict

~Time Skips to Dismissal~

"Class Officers,School Leaders and Student Council Officers, please gather at the School Hall for a meeting"

We are now here gathered for the meeting We are still waiting for the principal..

"Let us all settle down now please.." i spoke through the microphone.. by. The way did i already mention that I am the student council president.. it is really tiring but i don't have a choice

"Ok..thank you... So i think you already know why we are gathered here today but for the leaders not here last time, we will be having an exchange student program and Student Council Officers,School Leaders and Class Officers were the chosen ones to participate this program.." They cheered as i announced about the program they sure is excited for this..

"There will be slips to be given,we won't be allowing you guys to come with us if you can't pass this slip or if your parents won't allow you then you can't" i signalled the school's vice president which is one of the most famous boy in this school.. Jung Hoseok to distribute the slips along with the other council..

"The deadline for that slips will be this friday" I look around to see if my grandfather is here...

"Ok for the other announcements let us all welcome Señor Min" I passed the mic as I bowed to him

I went to the side of the stage to listen the other announcements

"Good Day Students! I'm sure you guys are really excited for this program.. this is the first time we did this program and I hope nothing bad will happen.. The school you guys will be staying is really big and famous I'm sure you guys heard about this school.. And this is really a big honor that they invited us with this program.. I hope you guys won't disappoint me.. the purpose for this program is to let you guys experience and learn something about the place not just that but also for you guys to meet new friends to enrich your personal development.. This is our time to show others what this school teaches, which is to be an obedient, responsible and also a friendly student.. you are bringing the school's name hope you will always be positive and do well.."

"Next week... We will be going to Seoul Phoenix Academy" The students were cheering and whispering excitedly.. me too... i'm so excitedddd

"We will be staying there for 2 months...(i know student exchange is not that long..but this is MY story so yeahh)... and also pls prepare a presentation so we can show to them our talents" my grandfather looked at me.. he is giving me the responsibility of this.. I just gave him a little nod

I'll just ask someone to be the leader of this..i'm not really good at a task when it comes to performing on stage..


Okayyyy... Today is the dayyyy!! Actually i'm excited but also nervous..Hope nothing bad will happen

"OMGGGGGG!I'm so excited There will be a lot of pretty boys there" I roll my eyes at Jae.. we are here in front of the school waiting for the bus.. I'm really busy right now because also I was given the list of students names so meaning i will check always if all are present.. I'm the teachers assistant for today, good thing it is Ms.Co since we get along really well

"OK EVERYONE! PLEASE LINE UP BY YEAR LEVEL!" Ms.Co shouted so i just helped her line everyone up..


"OKAYY SO SINCE WE ONLY HAVE 3 TEACHERS GOING WITH US.. Mr.Ji will be in charge for the 4th year with The 2 council Ms.Bae with the 3rd year with the treasurer and Historian.. Me will be with the 2nd year with our Student Body Parliamentarian " The council officers went to their assigned teachers

"So the council secretary,vice pres. And president will be in charge of the 1st year.." I went to the 1st year area with lorraine since she is the secretary and we saw hoseok already standing there waving at us.. I could see the maknaes smiling excitedly and giggling..

This will be a longgggg day..




-Zyphris Mimi-