"All that you are is all that I'll ever need"


Nahee's POV

"OK GUYSSSSSS! SETTLE DOWN!" It's been many minutes im trying to chill them down theyre too hyped and i'm the only one, plus my allergy is slowly starting to annoy me again

I think it's time to be strict

"I SAID SETTLE DOWN!" the bus went quiet.. ugh finally.. "YOU KNOW ME GUYS WHEN I GET MAD DON'T START ME, YOU GUYS ARE LEADERS AT OUR SCHOOL! LEADERS SHOULDN'T BE HARDHEADED!" Someone caress my hands to calm me down. I look at hyunjin and kimmy beside me.. I let out a deep sigh

"I'm sorry..." i said as i already cooled down "so once we get there no one should get away from the group okay?" They all nodded so I just gave them a smile before giving one by one instructions while going out of the bus I let hyunjin and kimmy first so they can lead the others. I look around the bus one last time to check if there's still important things left after I checked there's none i took my bag.. I forgot my medicine for my allergy what should i do? I touched my forehead and neck. I'm starting to get hot, maybe the clinic has medicine..

My allergy appears when I am in a new eniviroment everytime I leave Daegu my allergy appears.. I can't adopt new environment well..

I went out saying thank you once again to the driver. I got surprised to see Jannah waiting for me and WOW! This school is really huge..

"Unnieee~~" I look at her confused as she clinged to my arms We walk behind the others so that i can watch them


"Why are you sorry?" I look around the hallway smiling at the people who were smiling and greeting at us

"For earlier.." I just chuckle at her

"You don't need to be sorry it's just my way to keep you guys down, don't worry it's not your fault.."

"But unnie i al- -" i just pressed my finger at her lips to shut her up and gave her a smile

"Just go to your seat.." I rubbed my arms to warm me up it's so cold. We entered the hall greeted by really huge crowds. Wahh they're so many.

I followed our maknaes on their seat..

"Noonaa~ Can we go to the comfort room?" Jun and Kyle approached me

"Do you guys know the comfort room?" They shook their heads

"Noona can you come with us? There are really a lot of people what if we will get lost?" I contemplated at first but just shrugged it off and guided them to the comfort room. We passed by a lot of people we were talking while walking on the way there

"LEIGHHHH" I look ahead of us seeing the 3 idiots with some other guys

"Heyy guysss" I greeted as I reached them

I got surprised as someone jumped onto me hugging me. Its not one of the three but one of the boys they are talking to

"Uhmmmm... Who are youu?" I said awkwardly

"Yahhhhh! Is that how you greet me?!" Wait! I know this voice... I pulled out the hug to see who it is

"OMGGGGGG!CHIMMMMM CHIMMMM!!!" I hugged him tightly jumping up and down in joy

"Ayeee come onnnnn guyssss!!" Kara pulled me away from jimin making me pout

"Chimmmmm where have you beennnn?!" I whined at him, i haven't seen him for about 3 months already

"Yahh!Don't call me thattt!"

"Ayeeee! You didn't even at least call me... you're jinjaa... sooooo soooo meannnn!" I started to walk away him making my way to lorraine..

"Come onn vickieee I was busy" I signalled him to zip his mouth, he followed it directly closing his mouth

"Ayeee stop it you two.."

"How's babysitting?!" Jae teasingly said.. I just roll my eyes at him..

"It's really tirin- - ahhh aniii it's funnn" I quickly changed it as i remember the other two are here.. while the others are laughing silently

"Don't lie Noona you turned into a beast earlier" I glared at Jun

"Shut up"

"Noona, you can wait for us here.."


"Leigh it's time for you to introduce" Lorraine gave me a teasing look I got confused so I look at the other two making me froze..


I look at Lorraine pleading her with my eyes help.. She just gave me a smirk..

I gripped onto her arms trying to hide... ughhh Could i just die right now

"Ayeee what are you doing?!" Kara looked at me teasingly...

"Yahh!You're really redd.." Jae chuckled at me...

"Ahh..a-anii it's because o-of my allergy..." i look down shaking my hands to calm myself down

"Hiii... I'm Min Nahee Victoria Leigh" I bowed at them. I look at him.. he's staring at me deeply giving me a teasing smile

"Aren't you going to shake hands with them?" I glared at Lorraine as she keeps on teasing me

"Annyeongg! I'm Kim Taehyung!"

"I know"

"Nice to meet you..but how did you know me?"He let out his hand for a handshake

"Ahh Nice to meet you too..actually someone told me about you.." I accepted his handshake

"She also said that you she like you because you are perfect..and you know what? She said that among all men she would choos- - -" I was cut off by a really in panic lorraine

"How about the next one.." I groaned internally as I remembered the next one

"Jeon Jungkook" He let out his hand for a shake

I accepted his handshake, he pulled me closer not too obvious for the others... trying to say something quietly


The name you screamed the last time.."




-Zyphris Mimi-