Chapter T W O : Everyday Is A Cherry Blossom

Since last 200 years , the world has changed a lot; a renaissance would be the actual perfect word to define the whole situation, we're residing in. I don't know whether to call it a positive change or lethal.

We have everything ; starting from technology, privilege, conveniences to every presumable luxury, one can ever want. But there is no renovation, no real music, no love. And we are living like some yardbirds in our own place.

Ha! 'We' means the rest of the Homo sapiens sapiens i.e. humans..

November 3rd, 2239.

A lot of things have changed. The whole world has gone to a designated hodgepodge of various craps. In the present situation, we, humans are nothing but some mete out latent pawns of the undergoing sinister game plan. We can die anytime, anywhere, but nobody cares.

But 'we' only refer to the rest of the sapiens species.

This mere thought triggers intense indignation and an unbeatable ignition in me. And this seems not to fade away any sooner. As long as I will live, this thing will reside inside me.

Princeton ladies are whom I hate. But this sinister cycle is what I loathe.

The feeling is bad, the world is unthinkable, and the system is repulsive.

The ones who are at the root of all improbable miseries in our lives, are not our kind; but a very familiar kind with unfamiliar genes.

They are humanoid robots or in short, cyborgs; the very monolith that choking the natural flow of selection in our world; the very shear crack that has made our life a living hell.

They have enrooted their adamantine genesis throughout the whole world while crusting upon our blissful lives.

For that very reason, their number is overrunning to ours. And that is not at all a fact to be considered lightly. I don't know why people are trying to act all dumb when the truth is right under their nose.

The World war III of the 21st century left the world on a viciously dangerous cliffhanger, once again questioning men's ability to reign the world competently.

The nuclear-viral war that provoked in 2038, between the entire human race, left traces of its malice destruction behind. Millions of lives had fallen off ill-timely like some scattered leaves. Millions had merged within the stream of blood that followed. Sleepless nights had been spent in tears and heavy mournings. But the evil of the consequences is what we are paying off till today.

At the end of the vicious war, the survivors' crew stationed at various space-stations came to the only resolution to this immense human crisis.

They started making robots to get their help to reestablish the civilization.

Two sacrifices were made among the scientists, to create the very first cyborgs with humanlike emotion, amazing cognitive powers and a spectacular power of natural coitus: Jasper and Jennie. And they became the Adam and Eve of the Genesis.

Once they were created, their fate was already destined. They were bound to be lab rats, going through a number of trials to give birth to the first naturally born robot child to confirm their anticipation.

They didn't want their fate to be doomed like this way, so they gathered a army of the newly transformed robots from the disabled survivors of the World War III on earth, and called on war on humans during the mid-winter of 2049.

Somehow they managed to have victory against the humans, and on a fateful starlit night when every mother muffled her child's cry and silence roamed everywhere, a direful treaty, Mossuc, got accepted by the representatives of robots and humans across the world, as they bartered our lives away in the name love, peace, and optimism.

They made a deal with the robots offering them the same rights as we have or rather had and dual governing power while in return for that, they were to rebuild our civilization and to compensate for the mess that had created.

They had to rear up the newly cloned human babies and protect their own child, so they thought it to be the charms of an Oracle, a positivity that will again fill their lives with blissful roses of past. But they failed to see the thorns among these.

And that ignorance turned out to be a wrong turn, a false check of the monochromatic chessboard. The beneficiaries of this situation, are none but the sly robots. The peace treaty has been stuck at our neck like a gallows rope, threatening to choke every single moment.

The human governors are nothing close to any mere optimism but disappointment. It's true that they have no power. They look like some wobble snails if front of those fully-armed robot guards, shrinking in their shells and waiting for the surrounding to be less threatening. They simply nod their heads in agreement with whatever law or rules the Roboti Royalty may produce. They are of no use or hope to us.

And 'us' means the rest of those human beings who are still struggling to cope with their feelings and emotions to make their existence count on this world.

On the other hand, those shrewd bots manipulate humans, synchronizing their every movement and action like some creepy malevolent puppeteers. After all they have their hands around Mossuc, the e-paper treaty where our lives had been put into an inescapable panic room where torment is the ultimatum.

Moreover the treaty gives away most of the amenities on their favor.

It is providing them some continual allowances of roaming freely on streets and anywhere they want, even if it means trespassing in our places at the midnight or under the stark daylight without any proper explanation. And they need not to.

They can attend schools, colleges, varsities and all kind of research centers and fundamental set-ups while mingling with normal human bodies.

They can visit courts, banks, balls, parties and bars without any levy or anything like that whereas humans are not exempted in these cases. They are holding onto high official and business positions and defy us into believing that we are nothing better than them in every sphere of our lives.

A recent change have been made in the tax section where we are forced to pay off 47 percent annual levy on the gross funding in banks, instead of the earlier 30 percent.

They can mess around anywhere and easily get away with that. No wonder.

But the torment session does not end here.

Unlike us, they are free from any kind of sex-obligation. They can mate with a human as well as their own kind anytime, anywhere they like, but they must not get it pregnant as per the law. In other words, they can get inside a girl's privacy no matter even if it is termed as rape.

In their words, there's no thing called molestation. It's all a natural process of attraction and biological mating to release the libido and sexual needs. No hard feelings! So all must cooperate.

It would be an utter understatement to call our lives, especially mine, a devastating twister. It is much more excruciating when you become an alien in your own land with no common allies by your side.

Robots have their own place in the systematic framework of classification. Roboti is what they call their kind. It has three division: Prototype (without AI), Metatype (designed with Augmented Intelligence), and Eutype (designed with Artificial Intelligence).

Eutype has two more types: Observatory bots (with ANI-Artificial Narrow Intelligence), and Eubot or Cyborg (with AGI- Artificial General Intelligence).

Maybe a closer analysis will be able to make my point more prominent.

Eubots are divisible into four distinct group, viz. Pyhog, Cromdutt, Krop, Livonn.

The Pyhogs are the inferior most robot clime. They are gigantic biped monster type robots, made up of mostly wastes and sharp steel substances. They can be both as long as a skyscraper and a one-storey house, have sharp metallic teeth like that of a sharp, and a shiny metal body with numerous sharp edges stuck at their back side of the body, making them more unearthly and more hideous. They effectively lack any contrite, conscience and empathy protocol, so they can go on slaughtering without blinking an eye.

The head bots use them as guards to their places, offices, secret Hevrn ( the place where they keep valuable papers and files like Mossuc ) and the dark dungeon, Fili.

Secondly there comes the Cromdutt, the third in the ascending series with advanced and adapted modifications.

Owner of an average human body, these robots have an effective feline instinct to be able to see unmistakenly at night. They lack compassion protocol, so they are extremely grumpy and cynical, and loathe our kind.

They are held in the security and offices of various institution, research centers, hospital, courtrooms, including the Hevrn. Their shiny metal body glistens like jewels under the scorching sun and at night they give off some cold light like a gemstone, making their presence notable even at the darkest hours.

Their bionic eyes shows nothing but rigidness. But the face they are blessed with, is quite something that can tempt anyone, even an anti-bot human being as well.

Cromdutts and Pyhogs are the slave bots, who were created by the bots after the war of 2049,only time serve the formers as royalty. And they have no right for slow education. , and must have All Inclusive protocol and Fast Learning protocol installed in their system during birth or installment.

The Krops are the second in the ascending line and these young bots are meant to form the aristocracy system along with their mentors or parents whether they want it or not. After all, they have grown up in the milieu of wild generation with us, so some of them refuse to get sucked up in the so-called system and protocols.

They are filled with human emotions and more advanced cognition, and ain't void of any popular mortal feelings like love and pain. But they are deliberately left out of one emotion so that they can be austere when it comes to serve the royalty; and it's love, hence they only know lust, but never love.

They just look like mortal human except the fact that they have a hard metallic body covered with living flesh and skin. Even they are fertile. Their handsome sturdy alluring frame can make anyone fall instantly at their feet and they take proper advantage of that fact.

In short, they are horny playboys.

Lastly and finally the picture turns to the Livonn, the advanced and the superior most class. They are regarded as true royalty. They are not that much in number; but they are reigning their own self-made paradise with powerless human governors which is completely a show behind their each and every decisions. But they are sitting at the top of the system. They have all kind of humanly instincts and emotions while being blessed with the most upgraded power of coitus and sturdy chiseled physique.

They has a human body, but all the organs are finely electronic and artificial, above which flesh is formed inducing Bio-guiser injection, designed by cells from each of the living organs from a human body. They are almost a human, but the total number of their chromosome is 70, different from a human and similar to a bot.

They are extremely smart and very cold towards other Roboti climes along with humans. They are those who made the law allowing random adultery and fornication with human where they hardly let themselves be caught up into these messes.

Sometimes, I feel this urge to give all of them a proper piece of my mind.


After the petty morning ado, I find it hard to fix back my cranky mood and turn it away from the seemingly sinister trance, messing around inside my head.

If it were a mere bit possible to jump off one of the white bridges that start to create invisible blocks whenever one decides to commit suicide by jumping from there or falls off unintentionally, while preventing their presumable deaths, then I would be the first one to try it out myself.

I am so sick of everything going on in my life. It seems that miracles do no longer happen these days. Maybe they are also sick of this hypocrite of a society and system.

Getting the breakfast ready for the Princeton siblings and prepping them for their schools, I walk out of the dining space and step onto the backyard with my regular pancakes. The door closes behind me.

"Welcome Elle," the computerized voice greeted me with its usual formal tone. I sigh.

I retire to my corner under the canopy of a black metallic swing seat which was giving off enough heat to warm me up and then look at the now roaring sky. This moment it was shinny, burning with sun and the next, it's ready to pour.

How ironic! The sky is also playing like everyone else.

I lean back against the seat and start to swing back and forth in a slow motion.

The strong smell of freshly bloomed jasmines hits my smell buds. I open my eyes and stare down at the small flowers, sprouting out in masses. I planted them when dad died. And they are the only trees here inside, except the eucalyptus which is outside the round glass covering the backyard. A subtle smile stretches at the corner of the lips.

It has now ceased to be drizzling subtly outside. I can merely see my eucalyptus getting drenched groggily as it is getting a bit darker regarding the intensity of the saturated clouds up in the sky. But I can feel it smiling as I place a hand on my heart.

That old fella may have grown in age ;but he has got a very candor heart inside. I've known him since my childhood. And as far as I can recall, it has been growing since my grandfather was a youth. That was the only thing, dad told me about his family. I instantly felt a weird yet a cozy connection with him the very moment I laid my eyes on him.

Right at this moment, I can feel a warm tug at my heart. Memories related to this certain eucalyptus always thwart the cold inside me with its elusive warmth.

I can hear the pittar-patter of the falling drops on the thick glass surface overhead.

I can't even remember the last time, when I got drenched in the rains. The memories are in blur and I have learnt to get used to it.

Our entire house and a few yards around it, are covered with a parabolic thin yet diamond like stiff glass that allows only sunlight and oxygen and prevents free permeation of dust, rain and cold breeze. The insiders can look through it , but the outsiders can only see their own reflections on its shiny surface. There's a safeguard in it which is screened with DNA locks and hologram password so that no intruders can ever dare to step inside. And for the safety insurance, that daring trespasser who has somehow managed to get inside, is given high electricity jolts through the mini ground-drones.

I guess, it's called hustle, sweetheart !

Now with those insurance bots away, the scenario can change any moment. And that is what I am afraid of.

However, it's not exactly a good thing that I haven't felt the pouring droplets for years. These had been a pure torture to me. Besides, I have no time to socialize. And on the top of that, some certain best friend of mine doesn't even has the gut to come back and confront the reality.

I didn't realize how long I stayed like that way; merged in my own thoughts. My awe breaks when Mr. Frizzball , the six-year-old Chartreux, rubs his petite warm body against my legs and goes on with his soft humming. Picking him up, I place him on the seat beside me and stroke his back while finishing my undone breakfast. I guess, he is the only one who can see the real me and by giving me his silent company, he does me a great favor without even knowing.

Getting inside I do the dishes since the cleansing devices are sent to for annual check-up. Next, I head towards the laundry room. I put the dirty cloths inside a wall bucket, press '1' at the side dial of the glass bucket. Instantly water starts to get filled up. Next, I press '2' and three detergent balls fall into the water from a container on the wall, just above the bucket. With the pressing of three, a mini whirl builds up inside there, causing the foam to form up rapidly. I stop the flow perpetually. Now I will wash them up as soon as I return home.

I look at the digi-clock on the wall. 8:21 a.m.

Damn! I'm freaking late for my first day.

I literally jump out of the laundry and turn tail towards my attic.

I swear, I cursed every lock that appeared annoyingly on my face. Finally reaching there, I redo my hair into a messy bun and get my digital white backpack. The zippers are open as the corner of my file is still in sight. I press the second button on the handle and the zipper put the corner inside while locking the bag properly.

The drizzle has stopped by now and the sun is peeking here and there from behind the enormous vapor filled clouds. It seems that it'll rain soon. But it's gonna be fine just for now.

There's a glass elevator in the middle of my room. I activate it with my room controller and the door opens up for me. Stepping inside, I put on my earplugs and push down the large red button on the left strap of my backpack. I swipe up my favorite playlist of 21st century on the screen of my Mu-PaD. Pop-thuds hit my ear buds while a bizarre warmth fills me in.

The elevator stops at the ground. And then getting over the final main security lock, I hastily make my way towards the 'Hesking & Stafford's Med Academy', one of the most popular and most prestigious school for medicine.

It is indeed my first day here. And I did quite some digging about this. And the things I found out, are quite interesting.

It's the first med school in history that allows human and robot education parallelly, side by side.

It was founded around 2133 by one of the famous female bots of Roboti Royalty of those days along with a human benefactor. She was a Livonn bachelorette and he was a human doctor. She was passionate about education, books and music; she was an odd among her kind and she loved humans. On the other hand, doc was a very simple person, always lost in his own world of science and medicine. Her name was Gillian Hesking and he was Dr Robert Stafford. They were poles apart yet they bore the same dream. They wanted to make a place where education would be equal for everyone. They both were professional and equally competent at their own fields. They fought tooth and nail to forge their dream into reality.

But problems arose right when an improbable romance initiated between them. That was where came the law, the society and all other blockages. They became the star-crossed lovers. To escape the severe criticism and law implement, they got married. But that backfired. Problems got more entangled and more complicated. But they never gave up on each other. They showed the entire world that nothing is stronger than their love. They inspired thousands like them.

They even had a child together. He was a half-human and half-robot. The cross is called Hubot. It was the first Hubot that had been born naturally without any help of in-vitro fertilization processes.

But fate had other plans. Shortly a havoc broke into their lives. And one day everyone got the news that the first natural-born Hubot died in a blazing fire at the Hourtwon Hospital. Rumor has it that it was all a plan and that it wasn't an accident.

It was heard that the child was more of a human than a robot with an immense capacity to understand artificial intelligence, which could have been used to demolish the entire Roboti. And fearing for this presumable extinction, the higher Livonn Royalty conspired to blaze up that fire to kill that mere innocent life. Not only the child, but thousands died that day. Hourtown made its name in history; but never got renovated.

The couple dramatically disappeared and the news got buried in the ashes. After that, cross-cultural relationships got banned by law. They made sure that every couple of interculture may have a painful death.

The old article I was going through, added no more further details about the scandal; rather they bantered on the school's offered facilities, teaching faculties, its status around the world and so on. But there was hardly any report on how things work inside the school. I guess, they skipped the part intentionally.

The next thing that promptly caught my attention, is the fact that the school has its own uniform. They call it Blass. It looked like some tight-fit wet suit; but the shinning white suit with a little black shoulder and black waistline outlook, came out as strikingly glorious. While working in the lab and the field, the students have to wear a black Gothic shallow-tailed coat over it. And it further didn't mention the features of the suit. They stopped only at the description.


After a good 15 minute walk from the downtown Alby Street, the busiest street of 23rd's New York City, a large towering edifice comes in sight. The mere sunrays strike against its glass surface, creating a larger halo of the oval shaped building. A stethoscope shaped long structure is clasped around the building and at the top, is placed the dual head of the stethoscope while an ECG graph is on the top of it. The name tag is erected in red glass at the tube of the stethoscope : H & S Med Academy.

It's nothing like a crystal castle or a straight cut-out from the classic fairy tales from the nineties'. This place is not where a beautiful princess is held captive, waiting for her prince Charming to save her day. Nah! Never.

This is a place where humans come at their own will and wait for to be leashed like a puppet while the strings are at the hands of the royalty, synchronizing humans as they wish.

I heave off a sigh, I never knew I was holding.

I step inside this place and realize that what they say about the place is absolutely true. This place is indeed a paradise.

The lower few floors are constructed with long bended yellow glass walls while the upper floors are in the shape of a honeycomb, bright blue.

But one improbable thing that caught my attention, is that the place has immense green, various kinds of plant species are kept there, some that are placed in the ground floor are beyond my knowledge. It is indeed surprising.

Thousands of glass doors opening-shutting, beeps of countless bots and devices, drones and Multi, a ropeless elevator where hundreds of transparent cabins can move both vertically as well as horizontally, have made the place look like a miniature of a busy city.

The enormous space is shrunk inside the building in different dimensions. The floors are made of frosty glass, blocking the view of other floors.

Doctors, students and professors are roaming and running from one corner to the other, busy in their own business.

I get straight to the reception area to get my schedule and uniform.

The male bot who has been standing behind the large frosted glass counter, looks at me with a scowl and then offers me a forced smile. Promptly he averts his eyes away, turn them back on the digi-top and looks deliberately oblivious.

Right now I want nothing more than to get on his nerve. I actually miss those times when I used to pull pranks on the bot kids at the elementary school. Though I would love to do the same, I have to rather refrain myself from that. Hence it's my first day, I will rather try to play safe cards and be a good girl.

"Welcome to Hesking & Stafford's Med Academy, Miss. This is C-O-B-2-1-4-2 and I'm here to serve detail on everything you have been looking for," he states using his professional voice. It's surprisingly more like human than what I expected. The accent is definitely not American, yet neither too poor. Maybe he's manufactured in China or Korea.

Pulling out my file from my backpack, I was about to place it for scan, when his voice stops me in there.

"But before you submit your CV, let me tell you, the recruiting has been closed a day ago. The ward-men have already been selected. So we request you to return and I hope you may be a little more punctual next time I see you. Hope you have a nice day, miss," he says calmly without averting his eyes from his screen and takes a light sip on his warm coffee.

I blink once, twice, and then again. I just can't process. I take back my file and look at my smartwatch, the screen appears instantly. It's nine past five. That means I'm 5 minutes late.

But this is way too much to handle. My anger rises to the surface the moment his words sink in me. I place my ffile on the scanner with a thump. The cromdutt look at the source of sound, then at me and his surprise transforms into anger.

I smirk mentally. The scanner process through my resume and announces my identity in a moment. "Access granted. Welcome to Hesking & Stafford's Med Academy, Elle carter, oncology student, batch of 2239, sector-B, species- Homo sapiens sapiens. Join our journey and build the finest career of your life."

A small blueish card pops out of the container beside the scanner with my name, erected on it in shiny black. A proud grin beams on my face as I take my identity card. His face drops and the pride is now torn apart, smashed on the floor.

I smirk eventually, realizing how embarrassment is something that they don't take lightly and I care less.

I raise me gaze and look straight in his eyes. I stretch my hand and clear my throat.


I guess,he's annoyed to core and he's losing it.

"My schedule, butthead, I mean robot," I retort in a chirping tone, adverse to his.

He clenches his jaw in anger. The mood meter, on the counter, moving up and down repeatedly, unable to decide whether to follow his mood or mine.

"The tag code, please," he says looking away and typing furiously on his digi-top.

Taking my file and opening it, I reply as calmly as possible. "2-2-5-9-K-O-S-K-2-3-0."

He sips from his cup again, type something and wait for a moment. A glass blue board comes out of his right side counter. He place it on the counter before me. Taking it in hand, I look at it. It turns out to be my schedule.

A small monochromatic cube comes out of the same place, seconds later. He place it before me with a thud, startling me. "Uniform," he answers my unasked query without sparing me a glance.

I take it cautiously and try to study it properly. "Don't try to press anything here. Open it in the Starters' Room. We don't want any scene here. Thank you." His voice is calm yet menacing.

"Got it. Thanks anyway," I assure curtly.

As directed on the schedule, a small silver dot on the blue screen leads me a way to the Starters' Room, which is on the 5th floor. I decide to take the moving spiraled stairs, instead of using Multi, at the middle of the building.

The room is enormous enough to fit half of the school's population inside. It didn't look this much bigger from outside until the fact that now I'm inside of it, absolutely gobsmacked, my jaw right down on the floor and I find it hard to shut my gaped mouth.

Okay. Snap out of it !

The room is filled with students, all most probably freshmen like me, and the guys and girls are going into two different sub-rooms, on both opposite sides, and with a brief analysis of the room, I cannot place my finger on any face I'm familiar with.

The room has a bit darkish aura, a mere result of the reflection of its smoked glasses, and is divided into three sub-units by abstract glasses, reflecting blue and indigo, where I can practically see my face with my whole attire. Two big glass walls face each other and nothing can be seen from the insides of the sub-rooms.

I motion towards the room signed with the 'lady mark' on the top of it.

As I enter, I hoped to see something different. Within a few seconds, it turns out that it's indeed different in a more explicit way. More revealing. More naked!

A natural surge of nausea ushers through me as there stands girls, either half-clad or stark naked. Some are even posing in that way, their private parts in full show, the rest are busy in keeping their privacy up to least decency by finding rather comfortable corners. And with each pace towards the middle of the glass room, the room appears more to be a total creepy prank of a pervert hormonal teenager rather than a changing room of a school.

And then when I look to the front wall, I gulp hard and blink repeatedly.

Holy cow!!

It turns out that the glass walls that apparently seemed like an abstract mirror from outside, they are, in fact, transparent glasses, placed side by side, from inside.

And from there, I can see straight to the guys' room which appears to be constructed with transparent walls, similar to this room. I gulp again.

And that explains the weird behavior of the girls here. I turn away quickly from the ongoing games of eye-flirting or eye-raping. My virgin eyes get flinched seeing those naked and half-naked guys over the other side of the wall. The guys are stripping and getting dressed over there. A few guys seem to be equally as hormonal as a few girls here while others look to be quite neutral like it doesn't even affect them.

Never in my wildest dream, had I ever thought of such thing to be happen at a med school. The articles definitely, deliberately skipped this awkward system. I don't know how much more embarrassments are waiting for.

Everything about this school is tricky and mysterious; not in a pleasant way but a dark aura which piques my curiosity even more.

Pacing around a bit, I finally find a corner place vacated by a brunette, just a moment ago and start to take my cloths off one by one. I know I can't escape this. The guys can also see us. All naked.

I open the cube by taking out the mid piece and my uniform comes out of it. An usual scowl never left my face. In a breath, I put on the Blass, make my hair into a tight ponytail and storm out of the room to match my steps with the others to the COMMUNITY HALL ROOM.
