Chapter E L E V E N : How The Lady Killer Flies

Secrets can be pretty deceptive, can change the past and definitely the future, and even have the potential to control a person's attitude and actions dominantly. It's quite scary.

I never, even in my wildest dreams, have ever imagined of Princetons having a past so dark that it could lead up to an event like today. Not only because they have never talked about it, but also I never thought, they are capable of bearing something deep or heavy; let alone camouflaging it almost flawlessly so others don't even get a single hint about it.

I surely did underestimate the resolution of human beings.

5th November, Tuesday, 2239.

I walk through the entrance of the academy as I feel something invisible passing through me. I look back skeptically, but see nothing suspicious, so leaving a sigh behind, I go ahead, my head swirling with thoughts from this morning. I know, it's me uselessly thinking, but still it's disconcerting.

The seemingly flashy girl who was supposed to live in her own bubble, always surrounded by her entourage, slapped her sister for the first time, not because she's jealous or something, but for the sister upset the mother and crossed some line, still obscure to me and probably to the entire world as well.

"Booh! Gotcha!"

Someone squeals behind me as both slender arms sling around my neck and the very person jumps upon my back, almost tripping me in the process, but somehow I manage to make a rough escape from a dire fall, and probably save myself from lying down in gummy hospital gowns.

Karma is definitely a bitch!

"What the-" I rasp and shrug off the weight from my back, making a loud thud follow, and leaving my assailant groan on her own.

"Devil fuck you!"

I turn towards the noise, and cross my arms neatly as I tilt my head down, wearing annoyance and amusement, both at the same time, all over my face. "I don't think, I'd pass it up."

"Devil, huh? I bet, he would also love that. I don't like it, but I must say, you can perfectly do a job like playing a little matchmaker, River," I taunt.

"Ow! Okay, fine! You got me, okay?" she surrenders. "Now don't be so mean and lend me a hand here."

I caress my chin with a finger, as I feign to be thinking deeply. "I guess, I should, or you're gonna chew my ear off all day long, since I'm so stuck with you, so..."

I stretch my hand out towards her, and wiggle a brow. "Take it, before I change my mind."

She flashes a tight smile, looking at me with those big doe-eyes, before taking my hand and getting up on her own feet.

"Oh my! You're so kind," she mocks and rolls her eyes dramatically.

"Oh! I'm flattered. But it's not like everyday that I'm this kind, you know," I retort with a playful concern.

"You-u-u...are the one to talk," she points before striding up ahead of me.

I adjust the strap of the backpack on the tip of my shoulder blade, as I look at her retreating back with an aloof face. After a couple of steps, she stops, stomps a foot on the floor, and maybe groans in frustration, before coming back to my way. A slight amusement crawls upon my face, as I look at her mumbling something to herself.

"Ain't you coming?" She asks, putting her pride aside.

"Yeah, why not?", I reply back with nonchalance, shrugging my shoulders. "You go ahead. I'm coming."

She exhales a quite amount of breath in annoyance, as she shoots a look at my way. "Ugh, you're making me go bonkers, you know! Why would ya have to stomp on my pride every single time?"

She looks like someone on the verge of breaking into tears right now any second.

Should I call it over-drama? No...perhaps melodrama would be the exact word.

Ugh! What's wrong with everyone today?

"Now what are you getting mad at?", I ask, rubbing the back of my ear.

"You, you, you , you, and... your cold heart," she exaggerates, pouting her lips like before. "And I'm afraid that I might develop a pneumonia."

"FYI, pneumonia needs Diplo Strepto to come into the scene. How come you passed the bar exam in the first place? And....if you're gonna keep up with this screenplay, then step aside, cause I'm outta here."

I sigh upwards, making the bangs on my forehead take a brief swing, as I start to walk ahead, leaving her stand behind.

"Oh-oh! I was just saying it analogically, no? Why take it personal," she whines as she runs to catch up to me.

"Ugh! It's not about taking it personal, it's 'bout you being annoying," I retort without looking at her.

"Whatever you say, but we both know that you love it," she announces proudly.

Really? Now why even they both sound alike!

Do I have to arrange my funeral beforehand?

Honestly for God knows!

"Getting cocky, are we?" I stop, only to catch a glimpse of amusement on her face.

"Oh my! I won't even dare," she replies grinning like a 5-year-old.

I scoff, and maybe a small portion of my lips get tugged upwards.

My assumption gets confirmed as I heard her saying, "Wow! I guess, I just made you smile. Wow! Like, dude! C'mon then, gimme me a hug!"

She opens her arms, with a grin on her face, as she looks at me expectantly. "C'mon!"

I grimace my face, taking a step away from her. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I made you smile, and FYI, it's rare like a naturally born Hubot, no? Like they do exist, but too tricky to get a hold of!"

And that catches my attention, and a bizarre sobriety fills in me. "What are you talking about?"

She laughs blithely to dismiss the awkward situation on hand. "Ha! Nothing! But the main point is, I made you smile, and so as a tip, you're gonna give me a tight hug."

She hugs herself, sways her body from side to side with a mellow grin still on her bright face, and then again opens her arms towards me. "C'mon!"

"I don't want to," I declare as I turn my back on her face, and start walking away from her.

"C'mon! Don't be so cold," she calls out to me from behind.

"I'm not cold, it's just in my genes, and I can't help it," I state nonchalantly without turning to her way, as I lift an arm up to make a subtle dismissal gesture for her.

I chuckle to myself as I hear her snorting and mumbling something incoherent behind me. I keep it so low to make sure that she can't hear me.

In the spur of the bizarre moment, I bump into something. I groan and my gaze shoots up instantly, my mouth ready to spew something blunt. But then on the very last minute, everything gets stuck inside my throat, and without any tactile palpation, I can already feel my pulse vibrating like a furious wildfire, without a cease or impediment.

Not again!

"What a brilliant way to start this day, ain't it quark?"

A haughty smirk catches up to his lips, as a horrid expression crosses my face the moment I realize that both of his hand are resting on my shoulders. At once, I jerk his hands off.

"Woah! Why do I feel like I'm missing a lot here?", River cuts in with an amused expression plastered on her face.

"It's nothing like that!", I declare.

"It's a long story!", he chuckles, while emphasizing the word 'long'.

I let go of a small exasperated sigh as I realize that we both just said the exact conflicting words at the same time. I find River glancing over both of our faces curiously, once to his and the next to mine, and studying us like some psychic chic.

"Oh! I'm definitely missing a lot," she gives her final verdict, and nods her head, being clearly thrilled with the interaction right before her sly eyes.

"So see you at the lunch-break, I guess?" He asks, as he spears a hand through his messy sleek hair and flaunts a small flossy smile. "Cafeteria! 5th floor!"

"Mmm-hmm," I hum in response, with such a strange expression on my face that I can't even figure it out.

He chuckles, and looks at me up close, as he bends slightly to me, placing both hands on his knees.

With him being this close, his heavy woody scent sweeps past me, and I find my heartbeat soaring up even more, thumping against my chest so relentlessly, and an eccentric feeling rushes over me that it makes my mind go hollow and my extremities get numb, and even I'm having a trouble in gulping on my own saliva.

Damn! I'm so doomed!

"And try to play dumb in Harrington's class. He doesn't like it when people are smarter than him," he informs with a weird smile, showing a small amount of his perfectly paired incisors.

I am literally unable to answer him back, because my throat is way too dry and I'm afraid that my heart is beating too fast that even if I dare to speak anything, I will only gasp then on instant.

But hold on that thought!

I guess, I do have Harrington's class today, and if I'm not that wrong, it's the class before the lunch-break.

How came he knows that?

"" I start to stutter awfully, so I stop myself there.

And then without a heads-up, he steals a quick kiss on my lips softly, beyond anyone's notice, making me put stupefied on the spot. Everything else fades away in the backdrop, and for a moment, I find myself staring back at his intoxicating eyes like it is the only thing in this entire world.

"I don't like it when someone else makes you like this...except me. Don't ask me why, cause...I'm equally clueless as you," he whispers into my ear slowly and huskily, his warm breath tickling the hairs on my lobe, his voice slightly coarse and he talks like as if he's testing the effect of his words on me, teasing me. I know, he is relishing it to full tilt, and he knows that too.

"So don't try to tease me or get me worked up...or you're gonna get three folds of what you put me through...intentionally or not."

"Cause I fucking want you," he concludes with a small snicker, and then straightens up himself so nonchalantly as if nothing happened just now.

A row of bizarre goosebumps runs through all over my body, making me shiver on my bones, and some gravity pulls in between the folds of my private parts. And my whole inside is screaming in frustration.

It's so fucking crazy!

A broad smirk cracks on his face, seeing my reaction. "Don't think too much. I have my own ways," he exclaims ambiguously, and starts to step backwards, away from us.

"Ahem!" River clears her throat, catching his attention and also successfully breaking my trance in the process. "You see, you have some audience here, so go and get a room!"

"Don't bother, I also have a class to catch, so I'm off," he replies, looking at her amusingly.

"See ya later!" He winks at me before turning on his heels and moving on to his way.

"See ya later," River mimics his voice with an exaggeration in her tone. "Huh?"

"Don't," I wave her off, and begin to walk towards the multi.

"What's up with you two?"

"Don't bother," I groan.

"It's already been a day, and you're still keeping in the dark," she whines behind me.

"Don't you have a class?", I growls at her, stopping on my tracks and turning on my heels.

"We have the same class before lunch! Harrington's," she replies nonchalantly, dodging my question impeccably. "Ah! Speaking of Harrington, I'm curious how on earth our cap got his hands on that piece of info? I guess, you only let me see your schedule."

She is quick to connect the dots, so her dumbfounded expression gradually starts to fade and get replaced with a wild excitement.

"Oh my! I've only heard the rumors about him, and I can't believe, I'm witnessing that thing myself, and...with these very own eyes," she squeals excitedly. "Oh sweets!"

I look at her with the most incredulous look plastered on my face.

"Spill the beans! Right. Now," she demands and she literally starts to jump on me again.

I somehow manage to dodge her and promptly get inside a multi which is about to close.

As the door closes, I see her groaning and stomping her foot on the floor. I wave my fingers at her disdainfully, and a small smirk creeps onto my lips instinctively, as the elevator starts to go up.

Oh boy! I guess, I'm getting infected with his virus.


"Just give up already," I groan, as I rub my forehead and follow River quietly inside the cafeteria, who is still pissed on ditching her this morning before multi, and again during our class together.

"Not 'til you're gonna tell me the entire story," she snaps, jerking her head towards me. "From the ground up to the end."

"Ugh," I groan again. "There's no story, in the first place, to begin with."

"Ciao, people," she greets the people from yesterday's chaotic group, as she settles herself on a free space beside Blake, while ignoring me completely.

"Oh hello to you too, milady," Blake perks up at the sight of her, and cracks a small smirk. "Still in need for tickets?"

"No thanks, Blake! I'm good," she replies with a pout, before turning her nasty look towards me.

I sit across her, beside Bree who greets me with a soft smile. I place my order, as I start to take notes of the others.

Danny is hardly putting it together as his state can't be messier or clumsier than yesterday, and his face is slumped against the table, his eyes are barely open as he looks up at me. I cast him an empathetic shrug, and he closes his eyes again, as he enjoys a rough massage session from Bree.

Bree is kneading Danny's shoulder muscles with a bit pressure, making him wince in pain at times. She curses under her breath as she does that.

And as for Tarun, he's way too focused on his food, making slurping noises as he pulls the noodle strings with a fork inside his mouth, so oblivious to the fact that new people have joined the table.

Gray, Theo and Jay are the only people who are yet to bombard this already crazy enough group.

As if on cue, a bizarre stillness invades the usually chaotic cafeteria, as if it's been struck by a once-in-a-while comet, and the fall of everyone's jaws down the glass floor is so loud that it gives me shudder and thrill both at the same time.

The remaining trio of the group and probably the most attractive set than the rest of us, makes their way to our table, stealing the spotlight solely to themselves and making everyone around them fade in the delusional focus.

And if to talk about the dashing trio, which I'm going to give it to them, then Theo is the sweetest one with his goofy smile, black long hair tied up in a messy ponytail, cozy charcoal eyes seeking warmth, and an easy-going get-along vibe all over him; Jay is the quietest one with his closed-off personality, deep black eyes, and an obscure mystery registered behind his calm face; and last but not the least, the blond prick who goes by the name Gray, is the smugest one with his flirtatious smile, charming vibe oozing off him, and he knows that well, since the smirk is always evident on his plump soft lips.

Honestly, I need serious help!

Theo hops on the available seat beside River, grinning and waving at her like the charming he is, and brushing the wayward strands loose from the knot in his pony away from his face. She acknowledges the subtle gesture by a forced smile before resettling her rage filled gaze upon me.

And I honestly don't know how to get rid of that expression of hers without any exposure.

I was so busy with that thought that I didn't realize when both of my sides get occupied, and all the heads have been turned towards me, either in surprise, curiosity, jealousy or fulfillment of anticipations, unless and until two different genres of heavily masked colognes reach up to me: first off, the familiar heavy woody smell from this morning, and secondly, a queer rich vanilla scent which is so foreign to my system.

Adrenaline pumps in with an intense intensive salience to move my head side by side to discover my current situation, but I was so stuck in my head and the whole attention thing that I decide against so.

I feel the eccentric goosebumps sweeping through me as a slender arm brushes against mine.

"Sorry!" That same smooth yet deep voice resonates against each fiber in my skin, and like the first rain over the acres of barren fields deprived of rains for years, it touches something deep, both in figurative and literal sense, unbeknownst to me.

I look up to its owner, and not to my surprise, it is Jay indeed, who gives me a quick apologetic nod, with a blank face. I look away without any acknowledgement, since I'm sure as hell that he has felt the same thing as me: the unexplained electricity.

Someone starts coughing beside me. I turn my head to the source, and it's Gray who has wedged himself in the insufficiently empty space in between me and Bree, and also has this various emotions brewed up on his face, which I can hardly name.

But he doesn't say anything.

"Need help there, dude?", Theo quips amusingly. "That can be contagious, you know? Should I take you to the infirmary?"

"Nobody asked you, dude!" Gray groans.

"Ow," he groans again, as Bree slaps his shoulder with an annoyed expression registered on her pretty face.

"And no one asked you to slut-fit in this tiny gap," she complains, making Danny straighten up, while letting go of his previous drowsiness.

"Now I know why you're studying Urology," he retorts. "Sadist AF! You love watching men in pain."

"Like I don't know why you've taken up Onco! My. Dear. Baby. Bro," she barks back at him. "And FYI, Uro ain't all bout men, you gummy snobbish!"

But before she could be done with her insult session, someone intervenes their not-so-peaceful conversation.

A girl with pink hair covers his eyes from behind with her tanned slender fingers, taking his by surprise, but it somehow gets turned into ecstasy as he flashes his notorious smirk, with his eyes being literally blindfolded. A heavy floral smell oozes off her entire body which can be tantalizing to others, but it has already started to smother my insides. bending over, she pushes herself against his back, and in fact, she crushes her assets there, so that can explain the smirk.

"Guess who, baby boy?" She speaks huskily, tapping her finger tips lingeringly on his skin, her voice deep and coarse enough to make him turned on right then and there.

The smirk broadens on his face, as he unclasps her loose grip against his hooded eyes, and while taking her hand in his, he turns himself towards her, and in that spur of the moment, he pulls her towards him, making her crash against his firm chest. To my utter surprise, she makes it up to his lap, as her arms rest around his slender neck, her eyes dripping with lust, her red lips parting with a familiar reputation.

"Sal, my foxy girl! How could I not know?" His hands cuddle her curves eagerly, making her giggle in the process.

She caresses his freshly shaved cheeks. "You're the same smart as I remember the last time...Oh boy! It's really you. I thought, I'm never ever gonna see you again, and look at you, here you are!"

"Did you follow me here to the med school?" Gray quips cockily.

She slaps his chest playfully. "You haven't changed, have you?"

She giggles heartily, making our annoyance hike up rapidly.

Bree was about to say or do something, but Danny was on time to prevent her any sort of imminent reckless action.

Jay scoffs beside me as he focus on what he was writing previously while his food has started to get soggy now. But the rest of the group seems to be enjoying the ongoing performance in front of them.

And as for me, I don't know what I should be feeling right now, but I have this strange urge to rip her body off his, and smack her face against the wall to make sure there's no further repetition of this not-so-decent act in near future or any sooner.

And before I can anticipate anything, she engages her lips with his in a sudden fierce grip, with his one hand in her short sleek hair while the other blithely rests on her ass cheek.

Unable to watch the steamy make out session, I turn my head away. Catching on the hint, Jay moves to the side, making space for me to move away from the duo, which I accept eagerly, without making it the least obvious.

"Are you free on Friday?" Gray's husky voice erupts with rapid gasps, as he probably puts a temporary cease on his bold deeds. "Wanna have some fun at Dorkiez? Our old neon spot?"

"With you, I won't even mind the corners, baby boy," she replies wittily, as she taps her fingernails along his sharp jawlines.

"Then Dorkiez it is!"

Her giggles resonates around our table, as the group shares some looks at each other, excluding Jay who is submerged in his scribbling, Tarun who is trying to stay oblivious to the whole thing, and me who is too embarrassed to deal with this whole new circumstance.

I shouldn't care, and I definitely shouldn't.

But I'm not sure why I'm having this little sting inside my chest, when I don't even want this in the first place.
