"I'm not going to massage you." Fortune inserted, not moving an inch to comply to what he asked of her. "I can't do that, do I look like your servant? Just because you recused me out there, I didn't beg you and now you want me to massage you? Sorry, I can't...just lie for some minutes, the pain or ache will subside."

"AaaAaa!." V shook his head, turning once again to look at her. "First and foremost, you're still my servant and I still have rights over you. You better get to work, my beautiful body was damage all because of you. So right now, give me a massage or I get you to do it the hard way."

She stared at him for a moment at what he said. She saw something flickering in his eyes, she couldn't understand if he was joking or if he means his words. And how much she hates the way he stares at her, not that she actually hates it but the effect of his stares...she can't seem to think straight. She moved uncomfortably on the sofa, hoping he quits staring at her that way but he isn't stopping which was making her more uncomfortable.

Sometimes she wondered what has gotten into her, why she behaves like a drenched cat in front of him, she always look him in the eyes. Always have the guts to talk back at him but nowadays, she finds it hard to look at him talk more of talking back at him. She always stutter anytime he's close or too close to her. And judging by the silence, it occurred to her that they are the only ones in the house. Jeremy and Jeff aren't at home, suddenly she became alert. What if he tries doing something to her...like raping her. She can't trust him because he has done worst things to her in the past.

"I....ha...ve... to.... go now." She tried to steady her voice but she kept stuttering. "𝐹𝑢𝑐𝑘!" She cursed inaudibly. "Our next lecture has started and I don't want to miss it."

She made a move to stand up but he was a fast one, he stopped her immediately. He made her sit down again, holding onto her arm so she won't get up again. "First, our lectures are over and you're not going anywhere." He said.

She tried not to look at his chiseled hairless chest, this is the second time she's seeing him without a shirt. She kept swallowing with uneasiness and she prayed he won't hear her swallowing. She averted her gaze to the wall tv, staring at the black screen.

"And whenever I'm talking to you, look at me." He turned her face to his direction. "Are you going to massage me or do you want me to force you?"

"Hmphh." She scoffed. "You can't force me to do it, if I want to do it...I will do it without you forcing me but I will not do it." She managed to muster the courage and tell him. She tried to stand up again but this time he pinned her down with his body, hovering over her like a hawk ready to catch its prey. She was beneath him, lying on her back and trying to free herself but he was more powerful.

"What are you doing?" She asked, trying to free herself. "Let go off me."

"Are you going to do what I asked of you or you want me to make you do it the hard way?" He asked. "And quit struggling."

"You can't." She challenged, making him to let out a chuckle. "You can't make me do it, I said I won't do it and my no is no and please release me. I want to go, I will scream and accuse you of rape if you don't free me." She threatened.

"Even if you scream, no one will hear you." He said and smirked, still pining her hands down, trapping her. "And now, you mentioned rape, I think I should try it at least if you accuse me. I will accept gladly that I did it."

She widened her eyes at his words. "𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡?"

"Yes." He smirked and drew his face close to hers. She struggled when she saw what he's doing. "V, please I'm begging you to let go off me. Don't try anything stupid on me." She warned.

"Are you warning me despite the fact I'm pining you down and you can't escape." He wore that smug smile on his face and stared deeply in her eyes, there he saw fear and her heart was racing fast that he could hear the sound. He always wondered why she's always afraid whenever he's close to her like this, is she afraid of him doing something to her?

He kept staring at her and she returned his gaze back to him, but those eyes of her contains fear and uneasiness. He looks from her eyes down to her lips and the urge to kiss those lips suddenly overtook his sense of reasoning. He knew he doesn't like her, she's way too arrogant and daring for his liking.....but he's always not himself whenever he's this close to her. I mean no girl in school has the power to make him loose his self subconsciousness but this one right beneath him was making him loose his guard.

He tried to restrain himself from kissing her but the urge was more powerful than him. He leaned closer, down to her lips. Her breath quickened when she saw what he was doing. "Let go off me." She demanded and struggled, she struggled very hard so he won't try doing what he was about to do.

V...kiss her? Never will she allow it. She prefer to be kissed by a psycho than him. She tightened her lips very close and struggled the more.

"Quit struggling, you're making this hard for me." He prompted, looking up to meet her eyes.

"Then release me." She snapped sharply. "I won't stop struggling if you do not release me."

"And I won't release you if you don't comply to what I asked of you, massage me or I will make you do it the hard way." He said

Why is he so bent on her massaging him? She wondered. After some moment of struggling, knowing that he won't release her anytime soon. She decided to stop struggling and locked eyes with his, in as much as she doesn't like this guy. She can't help but admire the features of his face, his thick eyebrows and his tiny pink plum lips. He's so handsome and the urge to touch his face was overwhelming for her, she really wants to feel the skin of his face against the palm of her hand.

Lost in his stare and driven by her instincts, she raised her hand and stroked his left cheek. He froze when she did that....he was really surprised at what she was doing. Her palm feels so warm against his cheek, he couldn't understand why his heart was palpitating and leaping with joy at the same time at the way she was stroking his cheek. Lost in each other's stare and loosing track of time. He slowly leans his face close to hers, feeling her heart beat. His breath tickling her nose which made her smile a little. She kept caressing his cheek unknowingly, lost in his eyes.

He leaned his face more and more close to hers at the verge of his lips touching hers. His lips gently and lightly pressed against her lips, she closed her eyes, inviting him in with her lips when they heard a voice.

"What's going on here?" They heard a voice. They immediately broke away from each other.

"What is going on here?" Jeff asked as he and Jeremy walked in and saw the two of them about to kiss. There were questions in their eyes as they stare back at them. Immediately Fortune heard their voice, she was brought back to her senses.

She picked her bag and rushed out of there. What just happened in there? She asked herself the moment she walked out of his house. She was about to kiss him.....was she in her right mind? How could she allow the guy she hates so much kiss her? God....what did she just do? She cursed under her breath as she made her way back to school.

Lost in her thoughts, she almost ran into Ekene who was coming out of the cafeteria. She didn't even notice him and she was about to walk pass him when he drew her back. He stared at her and noticed the expression on her face.

"Fort?" He called, gently touching her arm, bringing her back to reality. "Are you okay? You're in a rush, what happened?"

"Oh...." She answered, coming out of her thoughts. "Nothing...I'm fine, I was just lost in thoughts."

"I know, I can see that from the way you were walking." Ekene said. "What's wrong, tell me what's wrong? What's bothering you? You can rely on me?"

She looked at him and didn't know how to tell him she almost or kissed V. She was more shocked with herself at what she did. She caressed his face. What was she thinking when she did that?, now Vincent will see it as she also feels something for him when she doesn't. She will never feel anything for him. She looked at Ekene, feeling hesitant to speak....after some minutes she spoke up. "It's nothing, it's irrelevant. You shouldn't concern yourself with it." She forced a smile on her face.

He gave her a skeptical and worried look at the same time. He knew something was bothering her but why isn't she opening up to him. He always wonder why she can't confide in him, he wondered if what people are saying about her sister was what's bothering her.

"Are you thinking of the news of your sister posted online?" He asked, having her attention. "You shouldn't waver your mind on it, no matter what people say about your sister. You shouldn't feel sad. No matter what, people will still talk, that's the law of life."

"Yeah, you're right." She nodded her head in affirmation, covering up what was going on her mind. "But thinking of it now is getting me so worked up, I mean I know my sister will be feeling dejected right now. Is it a crime Chris chose her for a wife?"

"It isn't a crime but....I don't know what to say." He casts his gaze on the students roaming around. "I'm sorry for what your sister is going through right now, she must be feeling traumatized."

"Yeah, I'm really concerned about my sister." She heaved a sigh. "I hate seeing her that way, I'm so tired of it."

"Don't be, I'm always here for you." He smiled at her. He pulled her close to him, patting her shoulder. "No matter what I will always be here to listen to you. You shouldn't worry about what they are saying."

She smiled at his words, although she wasn't thinking about her sister's predicament but his words soothed her soul. She's grateful having a friend like him.

"I have been looking for you." Ada ran up to them, panting like one who ran a 200 meters race. "Where have you been?" She referred her question to Fortune.

"Me?" Fort asked. "I have been with your brother. "I have been here, why are you looking for me?"

"I saw you walking out of the classroom with a bag." Ada prompted. "I couldn't ask you where you were going because it seemed you were in a hurry and I was too busy."

"Yes, I went over to Vincent's lodge...." She said and was cut short by Ekene.

"To do what?" He asked as if he's her father or husband. Immediately his face turned into a scowl. Fortune and Ada wondered why he flared up immediately at the mention of V's name. "Are you still working as his servant? Didn't I tell to quit it?" The sound of his voice was that of anger.

"No, no way." Fort answered sharply. "I didn't go to work but to return some clothes to him."

"What clothes?" He asked, giving her an intense look.

"Some clothes he bought for me to wear and follow him to his brother's music festival." She answered, wondering why he's asking her that.

"Do you believe now he's Chris's brother?" Ada chipped in.

"Yes, I do." She answered and gave her a forced smile.

"You went with him to that music gala?" He asked, his face turning into an angry look. "Why did you go with him? You know that guy is of no good, he's bad for you. Did he try to do something funny on you?"

Fortune's heart skipped a bit at his questions. What will happen if she discloses to them she and V almost kissed each other. How will they react? Especially Ekene, he despises V a lot.

"He didn't do anything to me besides they were many guests there." She answered and smiled. "So there was no way he would do something funny on me."

"But why did you agree to follow him?" Ekene interrogated.

"Because he insisted on me coming with him as his date even when I refused. He insisted."

"As his date?" He asked, disappointed. "That guy is so flirtatious, all the girls in this school are not enough for him that he insisted on taking you with him?"

"I'm equally confused as you are. I keep wondering why he needed me there but anyways that's irrelevant now. I hope no lecturer entered the class when I was away?" She asked.

"Yes, we're still on our break period." Ada said. "No lecturer came in."

"Alright let's make our way to the classroom, Vincent isn't important. Let's not dwell in his thoughts." Fortune inserted quickly and moved towards the classroom.

The twins looked surprise at the way she was walking and talking about Vincent, she seems nervous calling out his name. What happened between them? The twins wondered.


"Dude what are you doing with her before we came in?" Jeff asked, giving him a suspicious look. "Were you trying to kiss her?"

"No way, no." Vincent answered sharply. "What makes you think I was trying to kiss her?"

"Because that's literally what we saw." Jeremy replied instead. "I mean she was beneath you with you hovering over her. Her hand was on your cheek and you two were about to kiss if not for us." He looked at Jeff and they both smirked.

Vincent knew they are making fun of him but he will let it slide. "I wasn't kissing her, I was only teasing her." He covered up, the truth is that he was about to kiss her, he couldn't understand the force pulling him to her. She isn't the type of girl he dates, she's not even up to the standard of girls he dates. She's too innocent for him since he's the type who lives a nonchalant life.

But recently he has been going out of his way for her. She might be thinking right now that he feels something for her which is the opposite. He has to stop, Fortune will never be the kind of girl he dates. He will only use her to pass time.

"Dude, you were teasing her with your lips?" Jeff asked, sitting down on a cushion opposite him, focusing his eyes on him. Giving him an intense and suspicious look at the same time. "What do you take us for? Do you think we are kids you could fool anytime?" He asked with some sternness in his voice.

"You shouldn't be doing this,V." Jeremy chipped in. "Why her? There are many girls in school who will happily throw themselves to you but definitely not Fortune, she will only be a thorn to you. You shouldn't be doing this to her..... she's too innocent for you. You don't want to use and dump her like you did to every girl in campus..."

"𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘?" Vincent inserted sharply, thrown off guard by their words. Why are they making him look like the bad guy here. "What do you mean I shouldn't be doing this to her? What did I do to her and why are you making me look like I'm bad for her?"

"Of course you're bad for her." Jeff prompted, crossing his legs. "You're not good for her, you don't deserve her. So please stop whatever you trying to do with her."

"Silly!!!" Vincent cursed and stood up immediately, annoyed by their words. "Why are guys acting all protective at the mention of her name, I mean why are you both sounding like I will end up destroying her? Do you think I'm that bad of a guy? For your information....I have some morals in me."

"Even if you still have some morals left in you, leave Fortune alone." Jeff cautioned. "You will only get entangled in the web. I care about you, you can mess up other girls but not her.... she's too innocent and more dangerous than you could ever imagine."

"And what's this?" Jeremy asked, pulling the bag on the foot of the cushion. He brought out the clothes in there. "Why are these clothes here and who are they for?"

Vincent snatched the gown in his hands and examined it, he ruffled the bag and saw the clothes he bought for her for the music gala. She returned them, she returned all of them. Now he regrets why he bought all these for her. What was he thinking, buying all these?

"These are the clothes I bought for her." He inserted and tossed the clothes aside. "She returned them."

"You bought all these for her just for an event that will last up for a day?" Jeremy asked, rhetorically. "And these clothes are quite expensive, well I won't blame you, you came from a wealthy home so money won't be your problem….I mean your brother is a top musician recongized all over the world. But don't you think ravishing it all the time is too much and she returned them all in spite of how expensive they are."

"What's wrong with that girl?" Vincent asked, referring to Fortune. "Any other girl will be happy to possess all these clothes but she returned them to me, she fucking returned them." He cursed under his breath.

"Fortune is not any other girl and she will never be." Jeff said. "Don't try buying her with your money because it won't work."

"So what do you intend to do with these clothes?" Jeremy asked, folding his arms against his chest.

"I will return them to her, she doesn't have any right to reject my gifts." Vincent said. "No one has ever done that."

"Instead of doing that. Give the clothes to me and Jeremy, we can give them to our sisters." Jeff said. "They will be more appreciated."

"Yes, V, I don't want you to loose your guts because of that girl." Jeremy nodded his head in agreement.

Vincent ignored them, what was going on in his head was how to bring Fortune down on her knees. He wants to crush that ego of hers and prove to her every girl in the institution desires him including her.


At night, Jane assembled her family in the sitting room to discuss some important stuffs concerning her life. The way her life was going isn't giving her joy, everybody is just doing what pleases them in her life. Everyone is giving their opinion concerning her life. She's human and she deserves to be the one controlling her life not the other way round.

"Daughter you called us, what's wrong?" Her Dad inserted, immediately he and his wife sat opposite her and Fortune.

"Yes." Jane nodded. "I called you all out for a family meeting and whatever decision I make tonight, no one should question it cause I'm in the right position to say how my life goes."

"This isn't about your marriage with Chris, is it?" Her Mom asked with a frown on her face.

"Actually it is." She said. "So I did a lot of thinking and I have arrived to a conclusion."

"Which is?" Her Mom asked, her voice a bit anxious.

"Go on, we are listening." Her Dad said, calmly.

"Sis be fast in saying whatever you want to say because the bed is already calling me." Fortune prompted.

"All I want to say is that….I'm calling my marriage with Chris off." She finally lets the cat out of the bag. "I'm no longer interested in marrying him and this time I'm not going back on my words."

"You did what?" Fortune went crazy at what she heard. "How could you do that, just because of what his stupid fans said? If you call off the marriage….it will look like what they said were true and if they learn about it. They will make mockery of you the more, is that what you want sis?"

"I don't care what they think." Jane said. "This is my life and this is what I choose, I don't want to marry Chris anymore, everyone is free to marry whom ever they choose to be with. I'm no longer interested in him and I'm not doing this because of what his fans or the social medias said. I'm doing this for myself.….I deserve more, I desire my self respect, my self worth."

"You said you have given it a lot of thought." Her father began. "If this's what you want and since you're happy with your decision then I have no problem with it. As long you are happy." Her father smiled, she smiled back. This is the reason she loves her dad more, he always understood her no matter what decision she takes.

"Well I have a problem with that decision of yours." Fortune interjected. "I'm not happy with that decision of yours at all, why would you call of your engagement with him just because of what some fans said. So if they talked trash about you. That shouldn't make you call off the engagement so suddenly….. have you thought of how Chris would feel if you call off the engagement?"

"Actually he won't feel anything because this's an arranged marriage." Jane chuckled. "He didn't want this marriage in the first place so I'm actually doing him a huge favor by calling it off and besides I'm tired of people making decisions for me. I'm human and I deserve to have some say in my life. If I say I won't marry Chris anymore, no one should object to it. My life was going great before I met him."

"Daughter I'm happy for the decision you took." Her Mom smiled at her. "You really make me proud, I'm saying this not because I don't like Chris but because your happiness is of importance to me, I want you to be happy. I want you be with the man who brings out the best smile out of you and Chris is just not that man. I'm happy you decided to take this huge step."

"Really I'm not happy." Fortune pouted, her eyebrows knitted together in a frown. "Why are you all sounding like Chris is a bad guy because he's a star. It's not the guy's fault he's a musician, can't he have a normal life like the others?"

"Well, Jane, your sister has a point." Mr Alfred said. "I mean it's not too late to rethink."

"Dad, I have given it a thought many times and I stand by my decision. I'm not going back, I'm calling it off."

"Okay if you say so." He stood up and left for the bedroom.

"Don't ever speak to me." Fortune stood up too, giving her an annoyed look. "Starting from today, you cease to be my sister, we are now strangers to each other. I mean it, don't talk to me, hmphh." She scoffed and left.

"Don't mind your sister." Mrs Esther laughed. "She can be dramatic sometimes but don't worry, she will get over it."

"Mom, I hope I'm making the right decision." She asked, nervously. 'I hope it won't shatter anyone. I just want everyone to be happy that's why I made this decision."

"Yes, child, you did good." Mrs Esther smiled. "You made the right choice and I know Chris and his parents will understand why you took this huge step."

She smiled at her mom's words and hoped they are true. She's really nervous but a girl got to do what a girl got to do.