"I asked one last time, what do you want from me?" Ada asked, glaring at him. If eyes go kill, Jeremy would be six feet down by now.

"Hey stop glaring at me that way." He said, almost flinching at the effect of her eyes. "I came in peace, I only needed your help and Jeff and Vincent aren't in the right position to do it." That last sentence he said it while looking directly at Fortune.

She wondered why he's giving her that look. She isn't Ada so he should be looking at Ada.

"Look Jeremy I don't know what games you're trying to play but I'm simply not interested."

He pretends to gasp, covering his mouth with his palm. "You're hurt me." He inserted, dramatically almost making Fortune stifle a laugh. "How could you think that, I only want your help. Why are you so mean?"

"Hmphh." Ada scoffed, digging out her book from her backpack and placing it on the desk. "I don't have your time now and when you're ready to leave. Feel free."

"Fortune, what about the project the teacher said we gonna have a partner in doing it?" She faced Fortune, ignoring his sheepish smile.

"Yeah that's right." Jeremy chipped in immediately. "That's exactly what I'm here for. It's two days from now and I want you to be my partner in it."

"Huh?" Ada stared at him with shock. "As a matter of fact, I don't want to be partners with you. I'm already partners with Fortune even before the project started."

"It hurts to be rejected." He placed his hand on his chest dramatically. "Ohh….my beautiful heart witnessing its first actual rejection."

His words was too funny for Fortune that she couldn't suppress the laugh building in her. She lets go of her mouth and laughed…. really hard. Ada stared at her with annoyance.

"I'm sorry." Fortune apologized immediately. "He's just very funny and I couldn't stop the laugh but I think you should really give the poor guy a chance." She eyed her, wearing a smirk on her face. "He went all through this trouble because of you."

"See…. she's in support of us being partners." He pleaded with his eyes. "Here look." He digged his hand in the bag he carried and brought out a package. He placed it on the table and opened it, it contained five chocolate cupcakes.

"These are for you." He handed them to Ada.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Ada asked, giving him a skeptical look.

"No, I only wanted you to help me, that's all but it seemed I wasted my time coming here." He inserted, looking at her disappointedly. "You're so impossible." He got up and left, leaving the cup cakes behind.

"Phewww." Ada lets out a breath the moment he left. "Finally, I can't stand that guy."

"Uuuuuh…." Fortune cooed, wearing a smug smile. "When did you two grow fond of each other? I noticed he's all over you. Hope it's not what I think it is?"

"Stop, you're itching my ear." Ada said, not smiling at her jokes. "What's wrong with that guy, why can't he let me be?"

"Simple, he might have fallen for you." Fortune went on to tease her.

"He did say that to me but I don't believe his words." Ada prompted. "He said I'm not the kind of girl he dates but he has fallen for me…..urgghh so cheesy." She shrugged in distaste remembering Jeremy's words.

"He already did and you never bothered to tell me?" Fortune asked, mouth ajar. "When, how and is your brother aware of it?"

"I didn't want to tell you or my brother cause I know you both hate those guys especially you." Ada said curtly. "Ever since he made that confession, he's always around me and it's getting on my nerves. I mean he pisses me off."

"That he's friends with Vincent doesn't mean he's like Vincent." Fortune suggested. "He might be a good person, maybe he isn't that kind of guy you think he is."

"Fort, how can you say that?" She asked, perplexed at what she said. "Those guys literally change girls like clothes. We will end up becoming old chapters in their lives, you may fall for Vincent's charms but I'm not falling for Jeremy. Birds of the same feather flocks together…. he's no good like Vincent."

"You might get swayed but I will not." She concluded.

"Okay, alright, calm down." Fort said and stared at her in bewilderment. "I'm not saying you should date him, I'm only saying he might have some emotions in him."

"I'm surprised at you." Ada shook her head in disappointment. "I'm surprise you're the one saying this, I can see Vincent has captured your heart, you think everything and everyone associated with him is good. What has he done to you? You of all people hated them. You call them spoilt rich brats, what happened to that now?"

"Yes I know I said that but you know people change when they fall in love, the way they view things change and that might have happened to Jeremy. He has come to like you…..that's why the way he saw you at first changed." Fortune lectured. "And one more thing Vincent haven't done anything to me, I still despise him. He's not even my type of guy."

"I think we have come to the end of this conversation if you don't see my point of view." Ada said, annoyed. She stood up and carried her book. "Like you said…you have changed alot too ever since you started working for Vincent."

"Wait Ada…" Fortune stopped her, holding her arm. "Are you mad at me for what I said? Okay I take back my words. Jeremy is a playboy and doesn't deserve a girl like you."

Ada smiled at her, settling her book back on the desk. "I was only teasing you." She laughed, sitting down once again. "Look at your face, you look all surprised at my behavior. But one thing is certain, I can never like Jeremy, he's too pompous for my liking."

"Hate is a strong word." Fortune mumbled inaudibly but unfortunately for her. She heard her.

"That also applies to you." Ada smiled.

"Huh?" Fortune looked at her inquisitively.

"Nevermind. Let's get to why we are here." Ada said.


"I know why you are here." Chris's Dad implied, staring at Jane who was seated on one of the sofas. "We saw the news." He referred to himself and his wife.

"You called off the engagement and I know that's the reason you're here." He continued, sitting beside his wife who haven't said a word since Jane came.

"I'm sorry, I took this decision without informing you two first." Jane apologized, not looking up to meet their eyes. Her gaze fixed on the tiled floor. "I did a lot of thinking and this is the best decision to make. I can't marry your son anymore, hope you understand."

Mr Bruce and his wife kept quiet for a while, Mr Bruce exhaled, looking directly at her. "I understand, this is tough for you but I think it happened for the best. And we're sorry if we hurt you by forcing you to get married to our son."

"No, it's alright. I just came to inform you about it, I know calling it off through the medias must have left you depressed." She said, looking at Chris's Mom.

"It's alright, I'm fine." Chris's Mom managed to say. "My son is really a dork and doesn't deserve a girl like you, you deserve someone better. Someone who will always keep you happy. I'm sorry if I had caused you pain by shipping you off with my son, I didn't know his fans values Cassandra more."

"Not to worry." Jane smiled genuinely at her. She hates to see his Mom all depressed and heartbroken, she knew she was all pretending to be okay but she's not okay. Calling off the engagement really caught her off-guard, she could see the distance in her eyes. She wished to elevate the pain in her heart but this is the best decision she has ever came up with.

She has cried enough, she won't shed anymore tears for Chris. He had hurt her enough….if he didn't reject her in the first place. This might not happen and if she ended up getting married to him because of some stupid one sided love she has for him. She might regret it for the rest of her life.

Getting married to a celebrity is like getting married to the world's property. And you have to entertain girls from here and there and that's not the kind of marriage she wants. She wants a simple marriage where she and her husband will live beside the countryside with their beautiful children in the lovely home.

And Chris isn't that kind of guy. Whatever feelings she has for him, she knew it will die down the moment she stops running or thinking about him. It's hard to forget one's first love but she knew she will get over it. Just a matter of time.

This is for the best. He should get married to his fellow celebrity even if it isn't Cass. She too will find another love.

"Your son is a great person, he's a wonderful friend not just someone I will want to marry." She added. "No worries good girls are all over the world and you will find one for him soon."

Mrs Gwen, moved by her words, stood up and walked to her. She sat beside her, holding her hands. Her eyes filled with invisible tears and compassion. "You're good girl and I hope you be happy for the rest of your life." She strokes her hair lightly. "I'm happy I came across you even though you didn't end up becoming my daughter in-law."

Jane smiled, nestling in the warmth of her hand on her hair. "Chris is lucky to have you as his Mom. You're a good mother who looks out for her children. Both of you are great parents just that some things are not meant to be."

They smiled at her.

Just then her phone started ringing, she fetched her phone from her purse and stared at the screen. Chris is calling her. She picks up the call, wondering why he's calling her.

"Hello Chris." She answered, waiting for him to speak up. Chris's Mom lifted her eyes the moment she heard her say her son's name.

"Hello Jane." Chris said with some force. His voice carried some authority. "Where are you? I can't find you at your work place."

"Oh sorry, I'm at your parents house." She answered calmly. His voice told her he was fuming with anger but what's he angry about?

"My parent's house?" He asked, stunned. "Doing what?"

"I don't know what kind of question is that." She retaliated. "What kind I possibly be doing at your parents house?"

"Fine." He breathed, calming his nerves down. "Okay I'm coming there, wait for me." He said and hung up immediately, not letting her say another word.

"Weird." Jane said and removed her phone from her ear. She placed her phone beside her.

"My son called you right now?" Mrs Gwen asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

"What did he say is his problem?" Mr Bruce asked, peering into her eyes.

"He didn't state his problem, just told me he's on his way here."

"Hope he isn't here to create some ruckus." Mr Bruce rolled his eyes inwardly.

Some minutes passed when they heard the sitting room's door slamming. Just then Chris barged into the sitting room and saw her with his Mom. How father was sitting across them.

"Good day Dad and Mom." He did say that with sarcastic tone. Jane could see anger glinting in his eyes. She wondered what he's so upset about.

"Can I have a word with you, privately?" He directed his question to Jane.

"Yes sure." She nodded and stood up from where she sat. His parents looked at him, wondering why he looked all worked. But it's better the two have a talk….to sort things out before parting ways. Mr Bruce wondered if his son is aware of Jane calling off the engagement, well it's all over net.

Chris took her outside his parents compound and started scolding her like she was a little baby.

"Why would you go live and call off the engagement?" He asked with all the rage in him.

"That's the best way." She answered calmly. "That's the best way to calm your fans down."

"And you think going live and calling off the engagement will calm them down?" He asked rhetorically, he dishevelled his neatly dreads in anger. "You didn't even tell me before doing it, you just went ahead and do it."

"When you made that announcement at the gala, did you inform me?" She asked, trying to calm the anger brewing in her too. "You just went on and proclaim me your wife to be in public without seeking for my opinion first."

"Isn't that what you wanted?" He asked, raising his voice. "You wanted to be my wife and now you are blaming me for doing that?"

"Not anymore." She said, averting her gaze from him to tall trees behind the gate. "I'm not longer interested in being your wife, don't you get it? I get hurt each time I come close to you. Your fans and some of your co celebrities made fun of me just because you made that announcement. At the end I will be the one suffering."

"Besides you never wanted this marriage." She went on to say. "You're just pretending to be because of your parents, you're doing this for your parents. And I'm also doing you a great favour by calling it off. Your fans are hating you too."

"You shouldn't go about making decisions for me without informing me first." He thundered. "Yes, I might be doing this for my parents because they are my parents and if getting married to you is what they want. Then I'm doing it...they gave me the best, they stood by me so it's my time to repay them. And I'm getting married to you and that's final."

"You don't own me." She fired back, raising her voice back at him. "You don't have any right to make decisions for me. I own myself and I take decisions for myself. For goodness sake stop trying to blackmail me using your parents especially your Mom. I'm not going to fall for it…..I'm a human not some robot, I have feelings you know.

"You can't keep interfering in my life because you're some celebrity, I'm tired of it. Everyone should stop trying to point out their own opinion in my life. I'm not some rollercoaster, I have skin with blood flowing through my veins." She gestured

He stared at her with surprise, mouth agape. For the first time he's seeing her this upset. It might not the be the first but her words and the expression on her face told him that she's fed up with everything and everyone. Her words sounded so solid that nothing can shake it. What happened to the Jane he knew, the Jane standing before him looked different and sounded so different. The fact that she went live and called off the marriage still angered him. Without consulting him first….yes he never wanted this marriage but he will still adapt to it if he lives two or more months with her.

"Yes I wanted to be your wife." She continued, this time he could see her eyes turning glossy and a hint of hoarseness in her voice. "I wanted you to acknowledge me, I wanted to be called your own because I loved you so deeply, I loved you so blindly that I failed to listen to anyone saying you're not good for me. I never heed to their words all because I tried to see the good in you."

"You rejected me so many times because you said you never believed in love or happy endings and you never told me the reason why you hated it. I accepted my fate and you're saying now you want me to be your wife no matter what? Chris I'm a human and my decision is final, I'm not longer interested in marrying you. I'm fed up with you."

They didn't notice when his parents walked out. They were drawn by their yells….these two are always on each other's throats when they're together. They don't share the same point of view.

"Yes and I'm sorry for that." He inserted, trying to calm his racing heart. "I know I'm a dork and I have hurt you in the past. I know I'm not good for you, I admit to all that but you shouldn't have gone live and said that. That will only make my fans think you're the one after me and that you're only trying to fit in. You made them win."

"Look Chris, I don't care what they think of me, they already of me as the worst being on earth." She inserted, showing no emotions. "I'm tired of it even if I get married to you or not. They will still make fun of me, they labelled me the other woman in your life. They made me look like a slut, technically they made it look like I took you away from Cass. That I casted a spell on you. Chris you're a good guy and there are good girls all over the world, I'm just not the girl for you."

"Fate showed it to me some many times in different ways but I refused to see it. But now I'm not going back on my words. I'm calling off the engagement and your parents understood that.'

"This time, I'm changing that so called fate." He took her by the hand and dragged her towards his car.

"What are you doing Chris, let me go?" She demanded and tried to snatch her hand from his hold but he tightened his grip.

"Chris, where are you taking her to?" His father asked, shocked at his son's behavior.

"To rewrite the fate." He answered, angrily.

"Please son, don't do anything irrational." His Mom said, worried. "Please don't do anything you will regret later. You're not in your right mind, listen to her and the reality that she can't be your wife. You lost her."

"Mom, I'm the one getting married to her so need to worry." He inserted, making Jane sit in the front passenger's seat. "It's time the world accepts the woman I choose to marry." He unlocked the gate, pushing it aside.

He went back to his car, climbed into the driver's seat and started the accelerator, taking off.

"I don't feel good about this." Mrs Gwen said feeling anxious. "What if he does something drastic, you know he's a stubborn kid. He never listens."

"Let's wait and see what he's up to this time." Mr Bruce said, watching his son drive out of sight.


"Where are you taking me?" Jane demanded furiously. "Let me out of this car, Chris let me go."

"You're not going out of this car until you take back your words concerning our engagement." He fired back, speeding up the drive.

"What do you mean?"

"That we are still engaged and that you weren't in your mind when you called it off." He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and focused on the roads.

"𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕, 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚?" She asked, shocked at what came out of his mouth. "What part of I have called off the engagement and not going back on my words don't you understand?"

"The part where you don't take decisions for us without asking for my opinion first." He retorted. "We're going live so you can take back your words and tell them we're still engaged."

Jane looked at him as if he has lost his senses. This man seated beside her literally never wanted this marriage. Why is he so worked up all of a sudden simply because she called off the engagement?

"You're crazy." She said, placing her hands to the steering wheel to stop the car. "I'm not going live again and I'm not going back on my words."

"Yes, I'm crazy, I'm the most crazy being in this planet." He said, trying to take away her hands from the wheel. "I'm not some puppet you use whenever you want. I'm human too and we are getting married no matter what you say or anyone say."

"I'm going no where." She said, tightening her grip on the steering wheel and struggled with him. "Let me go now!" She demanded.

"Jane stop, we are going to have an accident if you continue to struggle with me." He warned.

"I'm not letting go of this steering wheel if you do not stop this car and let me go." She prompted. "Are you letting me go or do you want us to end up dying?"

"Fine, I'm stopping." He placed his legs on the brakes, pretending to stop the car when he marched on the accelerator pedal and speeds off again. "Jane, trust me. I'm also doing this for your own good."

This time around she dragged the steering wheel with him with all the anger in her. He tried to maintain the speed of the car but her hands on the steering wheel kept distracting him. He tried to remove her hands on the steering wheel but she tightened them instead. Due to the way she kept struggling…he tried to maintain the speed but it wasn't working, he moved left, right, left, right, trying to maintain the speed but the car kept going off limit.

"Jane if you don't let go of this car, we are going to die." He said with fear.

"Then let's die, you're not the only one who is headstrong." She inserted, she's bent on stopping the car.

Trying to stop her, he didn't know when he missed his balance and hit the tree beside the road with full force. She bump her head on the air bag with force. Chris hits his head on the steering wheel and raised his head immediately, he tried to move back but the brakes aren't working anymore. Jane raised her head, all the hair in the back of her neck rose up in fear.

"What's happening? Why can't the car stop?" She asked, her forehead was already bleeding but she cared less. All the fear in the world gripped her, she was already sweating.

"I don't know the car won't just stop." He answered, ignoring the blood dropping down from his temple. "And the brakes won't work either."

He placed his hands back on the steering wheel and tried to put it under control, the lucky part is they are the only one on the road, no car was coming in front or behind them. The coast was clear. He moved back, trying to control the car but it took them off guard when it speeds off on its own. And he kept trying to stop it but it just won't work. Jane joined him in trying to control the car but all was in vain.

The car speeds off to a cliff and somersaulted five times, hitting the stones, the tiny trees down the cliff. They somersaulted until they reached the safe ground. The windshield of the car and the side windshields were all broken, the rare mirror broken too, the car was disfigured. From afar the car looked all terrible and not worth looking…. there's no chance they will survive.

Jane flew out of the car when it was somersaulting and tumbled down to the safe ground, loosing consciousness, her body all bruised…..her face was beyond recognition with blood gushing out of her arms, hands and legs including her face. Her face wasn't that good to look at. Chris on his own part lost consciousness the moment the car came to a stop after it finished somersaulting. His legs and hands all bruised. Blood was gushing out of his face and belly, tiny broken mirror stuck on his face and arms, both of them was really in a very bad state and there's not chance they will survive this fatal accident.

If only both of them aren't too stubborn…if only one of them has some sane in him or her.

Sometimes Fate is so fucking cruel.