After the funeral of Jane two days ago, Fortune couldn't bring herself to go to school for a week although Ada and her twin brother visited her to know how she's doing and also to console her. She never went to school and teachers are quite aware of the reason she isn't in school. Some of them came for her sister's burial.

Lying on her bed, she stared at the photos of her sister in her phone, this used to be she and her sister's bed and bedroom but now she's gone and she still feel the void in here. Each time she walks into this bedroom, she felt her sister's spirit still lingered there. She stared at her phone screen which comprises of her sister's photos, the ones of her smiling, the one of her drawing or painting in her workplace. The ones of her sleeping, she took pictures of her sleeping without her knowing. Seeing those pictures brought tears to her eyes. She blinked her eyes to fight the tears, she went to her videos and started scrolling to search for her videos. Videos of her dancing in her studio, of her cooking, videos of she and her sister acting all silly.

Seeing her smiling face made her heart bled, she's no more. She left her. Jane have everything she wanted in a sister, she's a mother, a brother, a sister and a good friend to her. She feels empty without her. She placed her phone on the bed, turning the screen upside down so she won't get to see those pictures or videos, they will only haunt her. She looked around their room ( hers now ) and heaved a deep breath. Well everything in life happened for a reason, she won't question God. She laid her head on the bed with memories of her sister still playing on her head, she didn't know when she slept off.


She was in the kitchen making dinner for the family and her parents weren't back home yet when the door bell rang. She rushed out of the kitchen to the door, upon opening the door she saw her sister standing on the door step. Words can't express how happy she was, she thought she was gone for good, she thought she wasn't coming back again. But here she was in front of her.

She hugged her as if her life depended on it even Jane was surprised on how she was hugging her. They broke away from each other, Jane stared at her inquisitively.

"I knew it was all a dream, it was never real." Fortune looked her up and down, examining her every where. "I knew you are not dead, it was all a big deadly nightmare. I know you will never leave me, I know you won't." Jane stared at her not understanding what she was ranting on about, who said she's dead? I mean she's in front of her standing with her flesh and blood, where on earth did she get that idea she's dead?

"What do you mean by dead?" She looked at her in a puzzled manner. "Why would you think I'm dead?"

"Everybody kept saying you died." Fortune replied. "Even that doctor, he showed us some girl claiming you're the one but I know he was lying. I know you will never die, you're my sister and you won't leave me."

Jane smiled and patted her head. "Of course I'm not dead and why would the doctor say that. Look at me, I'm here in your presence and I'm not going anywhere. You're my sister and nothing can separate us not even God himself." Fortune took her hand and held it tightly, staring deep in her eyes.

"Promise me you won't leave me no matter what."

"I promise." Jane placed her hand on her head. "I'm not leaving you." She drew her in a tight embrace but suddenly she felt something drop in the kitchen. She told her sister she needs to check what she's cooking. She lets her and by the time she came back her sister was no where to be found. She searched the whole house, calling out for her but there was no answer. Where could have she disappear to? Suddenly there was loud banging at the door and it was as if someone tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around but saw no one. The banging became louder that's when she opened her eyes.

It was all a dream. No one came neither was her sister still alive. It was all a dream. She lazily sat up, the images of her dream still playing vividly on her head. And she was sweating due to the effect of the dream. It felt so real, she could still feel her sister's pat on her head, her touch and her hug. She started climbing down the bed when the loud banging on the door came again. She cleaned her sweaty face as she climbed down from the bed. The banging on the door was real but who could be at the door at this time of the day? Her parents are not yet back. As she made her way to the door, she looked at wall clock and saw it was 2:12pm in the afternoon. She walks out to the sitting room, rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

She opened the sitting room's door and was shocked to see the figure standing there smiling like a maniac, she had to rub her eyes the second time before she could finally realize the figure is real. She wondered what he's doing here and who gave him the address of where she lives. Her eyes descended to the leech in his hand, a dog was beside him sticking out his dog, a white fluffy dog.

She raised her eyes to meet his eyes with all the questions in them. Vincent really felt uncomfortable at the way she was staring at him, won't she at least let him in than giving him a weird look and judging by the bags under her eyes, he would say she just woke up from sleep.

"Ummmm won't you let me in?" He smiled awkwardly at her. He wondered why he's feeling uneasy all of a sudden, he always taunt her in school, always annoy her and never for once did he feel uneasy beside her but now he couldn't understand why. Maybe he's feeling that way because he never been to her house all by himself, this is the second time of him coming to her house.

"What are you doing here?" She folded her arms against her chest, giving him a pointed look.

"Is this how you welcome your visitor?" He chuckled awkwardly at his own joke. She didn't say another word to him, just that pointed look of hers.

"At least let me in before you start with your interrogation." He said again when he noticed she won't speak up. He smiled awkwardly at her again, after what seemed like forever, she moved out of the way to let him in. He went in with his dog, she closed the door right after he walked in.

"So tell me why are you here and who gave you my address? Don't tell me you force that out of my friend's mouth?"

"Urghh calm down." He tried to slow her down because she was kinda fast in her questions. "How do you expect me to answer all that at the same time?"

"Then don't keep me waiting." She snapped. "I'm not in the mood to entertain visitors talk more of you. So start talking." She said that last part with a stern voice.

"Okay fine." He gave in. "No one gave me your address and besides I was present in your sister's funeral, have you forgotten that? And I came to see you to check up on you, you haven't been in school for a week and half so that's why I am here."

"Thanks for your concern but I'm not in the mood to see people, I want to be left alone." She was still standing, growing impatient of him being here.

"I thought we now get along?" He asked rhetorically. "What happened to that and you didn't even say hello to my dog, even if you don't want to get along with me at least get along with my dog. She's harmless."

She rolled her eyes at his dramatic gesture. She watched as he lifted his dog's legs and waved them at her. Despite the fact she didn't want to entertain anyone she won't deny the fact he has a cute dog. This wasn't the first she's seeing his dog, the last time she met his dog was on the road when he ( Vincent ) was still being an asshole. She wondered what happened to that part of him.

She couldn't help but smile at how he was acting all cute with his dog. He smiled back when he noticed the tiny smile on her face which she concealed immediately with a frown. "See kitty, she smiled, she just did."

"But I don't know why she doesn't want to see me, I mean I'm all concerned about her but she think I'm lying because she believed I'm of no good." Even though he was talking to his dog, she knew he was referring to her.

"V, what do you want?" She asked again, folding her arms against her chest again.

"Come sit." He tapped beside him.

"Say what you want to say, I'm fine listening to it while standing."

"Why are you being all stubborn?" He stood up and drags her against her wish to sit beside him. "Good that's more like it." He smiled.

"So tell me why you are?" She averted her gaze to the wall tv.

"Well like I said earlier I came to see you." He began. "You missed school for a week and half so I came to know what's wrong."

The way he said that somehow calmed her nerves, she really felt she can open up to him but he already know the reason of her not being in school. She opened her mouth to speak but it felt her throat dried up, the images of her dreams still playing vividly in her head. The pain knowing that was all a dream still lingered in.