Karen was surprise at his behavior. Who bumps into someone and doesn't apologize? He gave her the same attitude he gave her when he saw her at his parent's house. Just a 'you' and he walks off. She wondered what's wrong with that Rock star, she never had any contact with him but just the attitude he exhibited at his parent's house and now made her see him as a saucy type. But the thing is why did he come to her? And she didn't even notice his presence when he walked in and the next question was what's the famous celebrity doing here?

"Do you know her?" Adam repeated his question as he watched him lay back on his training bench and started working out again with the barbells. Chris ignored her and continued doing his stuff. "Answer me! You know how much I hate it when you ignore me like this."

"No, I don't know her." He answered icily, pushing the barbell up and down. Adam gave a long look before returning to his work out, sometimes he do not understand his friend, his personality always confuse him.

"So when are you going to return to your singing career? Your manager kept asking me where you're and why you're not picking up your phone so when are you returning?"

"I told you I'm quitting, I don't wanna sing anymore."

"I will take that as a joke." Adam laughed. "You can't be serious or are you?"

"Do I look like a clown to you? Why would I joke about it?"

"Umm….. sorry to interrupt your conversation." Karen walks up to them with a bottled water in her right hand and handkerchief on her left hand. She thought this would be the best time to apologise for what happened between them in his parent's house. For asking that question.

Chris pretended she wasn't standing there and continued working out. He didn't know why but he feels irritated by her presence, he won't say for sure why he feels that way tho. He haven't mingled with her or anything but he just don't like her. But he won't deny the fact she's so beautiful. "Hello pretty lady." Adam cooed in a flirty way. "How can we help you?"

"Umm actually I came to apologise for the other day." She directed her words to Chris.

"Other day?" Adam cocked his head in surprise, he looks puzzled. Looking from Chris to her. What other day are they talking about? When did he meet her without letting him know. He thought he was still grieving Jane's death, what's up with this lady he never came across before?

"Yes, the other day at his parent's house." Karen answered. "Actually I'm the daughter of his Mom's friend, I helped looking after Rose when he was in the hospital."

"O…..kay?" Adam gave her the look to continue. "Go on, continue. What happened the other day?"

"Will you quit asking her that question?" Chris looked at him with irritation written over his face. "Nothing happened the other day okay? So there's nothing to ask about."

Karen could hear the irritation in his voice, the distaste in them. Why is he behaving this way whenever it comes to her, does he have anything against her for asking that question? She didn't mean to upset him with her questions. The thing is that she always admired him from a distance, always love his songs and how he carried him on screen and standing in front of him and breathing the same air with him was like a long forgotten dream coming back to life.

But why is he being an asshole, this personality wasn't what she expected of him, like she thought he will be all sweet and cool…..stuffs like that but this man sitting right here in front of her was totally different.

"Dude, chill." Adam scolded. "I just want to know what happened and judging by her words, she came to apologise. Why being a meanie to her? You're better than this you know."

"Really I'm sorry." Karen continued. "I didn't mean any harm, I was just curious. I'm sorry."

Chris kept mute and ignored her presence. Karen noticed he won't speak up, left. She has done her part by apologizing, it's left for him to accept her apology or not. She walked away from them but she mistakenly twisted her right foot and fell. She winced with pain and tried massaging the place she twisted. She stood up when she saw someone stretched their hand as a support for her. She narrowed her gaze to the person and it was Adam. He had that angelic smile on his face that she couldn't resist smiling back.

"Come on I will help." He supported her because she was limping in her steps. She circled her arm around his shoulder while he snaked his arm round her waist guarding her steps. Chris ignored the both and how Adam was trying to be a gentleman, he continued to his business.

Adam helped sit her back on the rowering machine. "How are you feeling? I think you should go to the gym clinic and see if your ankle is dislocated."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I will manage." Karen smiled at him and narrowed her gaze to Chris who was busy doing push ups with the barbell. "Umm how did you know him? Sorry if I'm crossing my limits by asking that question." She smiled nervously.

"Oh don't beat yourself up on that." He waved his hand dismissively in the air and chuckled, he sat beside her on a stool. "You're aren't crossing your limits, anyways he and I are good friends from childhood so you can basically call our brothers."

"Ohhh that's nice." She nodded, loving the flow between them. "But what's up with him, why is he acting all grumpy...you know I'm one of his biggest fans, I love his songs and it has always been my dream to meet him in person. But he's behaving like a woman on her menstrual period."

That last part of her sentence really got him laughing, his laugh was so loud that it attracted both Chris and some of your people there. He didn't know but he ( Adam ) found her appealing. She's pretty, sexy, attractive and all that and with her kind of person. She can make Chris smile with her jokes. He appreciates her sense of humor. He was impressed with her first impression.

"You know, I already like you, I love your sense of humor." He continued chuckling, he mistakenly narrowed his eyes at Chris and he was already giving him that pointed glare. That kind of glare you-better-not-be-gossiping-with-my-name. He smiled and returned his gaze to her.

"See that's what I'm talking about." She mumbled enough for him to hear it. "That face, what's wrong with him? I expected him to be all friendly, jovial in reality because his personality on screens depict that or does he have double personalities?"

He laughed at her joke again.

"Really I think we should be good friends, you really know how to turn a bad day into a good day." He complimented.

"Thanks." She bent to massage the place she twisted. "I'm happy at least someone noticed my sense of humor, usually my brother doesn't laugh at my jokes. "He always say they're lame, hehehe."

"Haha, your jokes are good but by the way what did you come over to apologise for and what happened between you two at his parents house?"

"Actually I asked questions I shouldn't have asked." She picked up her bottled water and took a gulp out of it. She settled it down beside her, placing her hands on her knees.

"What questions? You're getting me all curious, tell me what happened?"

"Actually the day he returned from the hospital, I was babysitting Rose so when she heard he's back. She ran to him, I followed her that was my first encounter with him, my first encounter with the world famous celebrity. You know it felt like I have seen an angel descended from heaven." She looked away from him and fixed her gaze on anything there and spoke in a dreamy way. "You know that feeling you have in you when you see your favorite star standing in front of you, breathing the same air with you...."

"Why are you sounding like you have huge crush on him?" Adam arched right eyebrow in a suspicious manner.

She leaned closer to him, enough to whisper in his ear. I have had a crush on him the day I started listening to his music so basically I had a crush like any normal fan would."

This time Chris attention was fully on them when he saw her leaned close to him, he wondered what they are talking about. Just then, his phone started ringing. He brought down the barbell he was holding high above his chest level because he was distracted by two figures flirting with each other. He fetched it from his pocket, he sat up and dabbed his sweaty face with his hand towel. He looked at the screen of his phone and saw his manager's name written boldly on it. He groaned inwardly, this must be Adam's doing. He switched on his phone and now he will keep getting calls from here and there. He wanted to have some quiet weeks until he was good to go out again but he guessed he won't run away forever. It's time to face the world outside.