"Karen I'm sorry for what happened yesterday, the technical maintenance didn't arrive on time, they arrived this morning," her boss inserts looking worried.

"Don't worry Sir, I'm fine, I'm good and I understand, you don't have to apologise. I'm glad the problems are solved."

"I'm worried about the Chris," she heard the concern in his voice. "What if he decides to back out from the contract because of this? He had to sleep in the cloth room with you…."

"Umm Sir, we didn't sleep together, we spent the night there," she corrects and chuckled. "And don't worry about him backing out of the contract, he won't and if he does we find another celebrity who will advertise our products."

"It's easy for you to say, Chris is the highest well known celebrity over the whole world and….." he trailes off the moment he noticed the coat in her hand. "Isn't this one of our collections, why you have it?"