"Wtf?" Kendrick stare at her like she has gone nuts. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me well," she glares at him and tries to get him off his seat to do the same what he did to her. "You don't have the right to grab my butt even if there was a gallop you shouldn't have touch me there."

"Will you two stop acting so immature or I will send you two out to find another bus that will take you to your destination," the bus driver yells at them, looking through the rear mirror at them.

Kendrick could the fury burning in her eyes, he wondered what's wrong with her? It wasn't his fault there was a gallop and he suddenly grabbed her butt. He was only trying to protect himself from her body squishing him hard. Marianna glares at him with the anger radiating all over her body, she decided to keep quiet for driver's sake and she recognized him a little bit, his voice.