Marianna showed him some places in Yamate and other neighbouring cities in Yamate Yokohama. He on his on side coached her up like he did promise. Sunday afternoon, she was in her room playing her guitar when her phone on her bed buzzed, she looks at the screen and saw his name, a smile creeped on her face. For the past weeks she known him she enjoyed his company, he's an easy going celebrity. Just like his personality on the TVs that's the same personality he has in reality.

"Hello what's up?, " She answers her phone, keeping her guitar beside her nightstand and leaping on her bed.

"We are going out today because today I wanna taste some Japanese dishes, the ones I saw on the net watered my mouth, I can't wait to savour them."

"Really?," She asks, lying on her stomach and letting her legs dangle in the air. "I thought you have been here, didn't you try out their dishes?"