"I know this was bound to happen," Mrs Esther Jane's Mom growls at the images of Chris being showed on the tv with Karen. "He killed my daughter and now he already found another woman he's in love with? I will never forget or forgive him for what he did to my daughter, he toyed with her emotions, he made look like a fool all over the….."

"That's enough," Mr Alfred shushes her. Her words were itching his ears, yes they lost their daughter but will she forever hold a grudge against someone who has moved on with his life? it's already two years since they lost their daughter and this year is coming to an end. "I don't understand why you're making a mount of a molehill, after all these years you still haven't gotten over this?"

"Like the saying goes, a wound might heal but the scars will still remain, I may forgot my daughter's death but whenever I see his face I'm reminded of my her death…"