Marianna was lost in thoughts as she makes coffee for the customers, she remembered what transpired between them, it was all an imagination but it felt so real and he did buy her lies when she said she was thinking about reaching her peak like him.….bla, bla, bla and so on.

But he believed something else was on her mind but he didn't try to pressurize her on what she was thinking, it will be so embarrassing if he learns about it. Well yesterday went fine and Yuzuki covered up for her telling her parents she slept over at her place.

If her father learns she slept over at a man's house, one he doesn't know about...he will send her body to the heavens. The reason why he allows her to sleep over at Yuzuki' house even though she had an elder brother is because of Yuzuki and she's the only one they could trust. But a girl got to do what a girl got to do, if she wants to attain her glory she got to be a rebel and the celebrity in question in a disciplined one.