Marianna flew her eyes open and was met with the white ceiling, she trails her eyes to the window and the ray of the sun emitting inside, she trails her eyes downwards and met the worried faces before her.

"Marianna, you're awake," Yuzuki squeals almost deafening her ears. She threw her arms around her and hugged her so tightly, Marianna tried to grasp for air cause of the effect of her hug.

"How are you doing?," She saw the look in Kendrick's eyes when he asked that question. It was a look of worry, pain and some other emotions she can't depict. He smiled at her but behind that smile was worry.

'I'm good but where am I?," She tries to sit up but Yuzuki didn't let her. "Hey lie back, you just woke up, you don't have to stress your muscles already."

"I'm glad to see you awake child," Mr Katusmi moves closer to her, examining her face with a smile plastered on his face. "You got us all worry."