She descended the flight of stairs and made her way to him. She really didn't want to stay behind but because of the heavy downpour outside, she had no other choice. After they both were filmed to advertise a kitchen utensil actually a food spice for some company trying to introduce a new food spice to the people, the crew left while she stayed behind including his manager but not quite long he left too. Okay let me make this clear, she didn't want to leave earlier after the shooting because she was so tired acting for the cameras.

She's no actress and she messed up couple of times but you won't blame her, she only knew how to sit behind her desk and design clothes with her laptop anything other than is a zero. For some reason everyone wants her because of those pictures and videos fans took of them at the coffee shop. Not to talk about that some of the adverts include a child, advertising with someone's child for one brand or another and also children foods.