"Why did you bring me to the market?" Marianna asks as they roamed the market. Looking at food stuffs and their price tags.

"I was planning on cooking some Japanese dishes, I have been eating out a lot but this time it is good to make something on my own right?," Kendrick asks looking over at where tunas were displayed.

"You want to cook a Japanese dish?," She gave him an amused look and diverted her eyes on the ingredients displayed. "Why do you want to do that? You already have the money to eat out throughout your stay in Japan, I know you are not gonna stay here forever."

"What if I am?," he stopped to look at her, arching an eyebrow at her. "Japan is great, the people, the dishes, the environment. Everything feels and looks wonderful, why do you think I won't stay here forever? And why are you in a rush to send me back to my country?"