Life in America wasn't what she thought it would be, she wanted to tour this country and also know what it feels like to breath in the air of this country. America was in her list of countries she would love to tour if fate permits her and look it's already doing that. The air, the weather, the atmosphere and the people of America is so different from Japan. She couldn't forget the way she and her band gawk at the town immediately they dropped in, they stared at it as if the country wasn't real, kinda a fairytale.

"I always wanted to see the statue of liberty," Rie prompts as they entered the limousine sent to them by Fiddlesticks records.

"Me too," Rika chips in. "I have only seen it in movies, wonder what it will feel like to see it in reality?"

"Movies make the status of the liberty little, I bet your jaw will drop when you witness it in person." Kendrick flashes her a smile.