"Ouu, let's go see him," Rika pleads with her eyes, watching the unreadable expression on Kendrick's eyes. "I heard he's in America and he will be performing live in Manhattan city, please let us go."

"Why do you want to go see him that badly?" Kendrick asks rhetorically. "And you know you shouldn't be seen outside frequently."

"But we don't go outside like we want," she pouts and entwined her arm around his, batting her eyelashes at him. "We are always caged in here all the time, we are restricted to so many things but you are our manager. If you go with us, then we have no troubles and besides we will wear camouflages so no one will recognize us."

"You really are persistent, aren't you?" He looks over his shoulder to her, wearing a small smile on his face.

"Of course," she gives him a brilliant smile. "I don't know when next we will get to see him again so I don't want this opportunity to slip off. So please let's go to his concert."