Chris watched as she talked with the kids, every now and then he kept stealing glances at her. He couldn't tell why his heart keeps racing at the sight of her. His eyes mistakenly locked with Mr Okoye and the look on his face wasn't welcoming at all, he had that grumpy look. Chris snots out a laugh, Marianna, Rika and the kids turned to look at him.

"Oh don't mind me, continue with what you're saying. Something made me laugh." He promoted and returned his eyes to Mr Okoye. Mr Okoye had that look of once-we-get-out-of-here, you-got-a-whole-lot-of-explantion-to-do. Chris nods his head and channeled his attention back to the kids.

"Miss Marianna, tell us, how does it feel being a popstar?" A little girl of 5 years old asked.