Never A Home

Aiden passed his security gate and continued to drive up the driveway of his house that stood tall up on a hill. He lived about twenty five minutes away from the office, which only added fuel to his unwanted workaholic tendencies. He had purchased all of the land that surrounded the mansion and had converted the multiple acres into patches of beautiful gardens, grape vineyards and tree orchards. It wrapped the house in a lush green that helped him sooth.

He reached the front of the house that anybody would think was made for a king. The structure itself was massive. The exterior was a mixture between brick and stone giving it a country and antique aesthetic. It had green thick vines climbing towards the top and wrapped around the walls giving it even more charm as small flowers bloomed throughout them.

Aiden parked the car next to the fountain that decorated the front of the house and walked to the door. It was a large dark wood door that complemented the wood work of the houses windows nicely. Taking out his keys he opened to step inside and was immediately welcomed by two full grown Grand Dane dogs.

"Hey guys. Missed me?" Without bending down he could easily stroke both of their heads thanks to their horse like builds. They could easily lay their front paws on his shoulders if they tried, but since both of them had received thorough training neither of them would do so unless commanded.

Aidan didn't like people roaming around his house until dark so he had a strick rule of having everybody out by six in the afternoon. By that time all of the people employed to clean and keep everything in order would be dismissed. He didn't mind being received by his watch dogs instead of a person. He was more than used to it.

He made his way down the hall towards the kitchen where he took out an apple and a bottle of green tea to snack on before going to bed. As he reached his bedroom door he turned around to look at the two dogs that had followed him since he stepped into the house while wagging their tails non-stop.

"Moose, Bear, go to bed." Hearing their masters command both dogs quickly dashed down the stairs in search for their own sleeping beds.

Walking into his bedroom he set the bottle, wallet and his phone on his nightstand before he headed to the bathroom to shower before bed.When he came out he was wearing a pair a briefs with the waistline just below his marked v-line while drying his hair with a towel.

His body was as if it was made to be a Greek sculpture in a museum exhibit. His eight pack was glistening from the water droplets that fell from his wet hair and his back muscle flexed as he kept drying the back of his neck. His arms and legs were just as toned as the rest of his body and thanks to his constant training under the sun he had a permanent tan that made him look all the more alluring. It was no wonder why he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the country, rivaling even the most famous actors and models around.

After he finished his night routine he slumped onto his bed finally giving himself a break from his hectic day. Since day break he had been supervising projects and rejecting one stupid proposal after another. He hadn't had many interesting proposals or business partners lately and it made his boring routine even more unbearable.

Aiden had seen and done everything he could imagine. From traveling around the globe to conquering the business world. He had done it all. He single handedly expanded Villan Enterprise to the empire its know to be today. Making it one of the worlds most successful businesses. It's presence was in almost everything. From fashion and hotels to hospitals and air lines.

Coming from old money he had no shortage of anything. Wealth, power, social standing, suitors, health and a striving business. What more could he ask for? In the eyes of the world he had it all. But Aiden knew that wasn't the case.

He knew that in the depths of his being he was missing the most essential thing that made a person human. That made a person whole. He could buy all of the properties in the country yet not even all of the money in the world could buy him a home. Never a home. No matter how hard he tried to make his house cozy and welcoming it always felt empty just like himself. One would think having employees move around the estate would create some kind of warmth, but having people so close yet feeling so distant from him at the same time pushed him to limit their time in the house even more.

He had tried in the last few years to befriend people and open himself up to others, but every single time he was played. He didn't know how to be the kind of person that others would consider special. Being raised by his grandfather to be the perfect successor after his parents died, he didn't know how to be anything other than that. He was bored and worse than that, he was lonely.

While lost in his thoughts he remembered what Jacob told him about Flinn Corporation's CEO. It surprised him how she had been established into the position a year and a half ago yet she hadn't done anything major. And then out of nowhere made such a big move on George. It was odd enough that her position wasn't given to any of Erick Flinn's sons, let alone somebody that wasn't related to him by blood. And on top of all that she was a woman, which was so unheard of that it consequently made her one of the firsts and only ones to hold such an esteemed position.

How could somebody that only popped up on the map a year and a half ago beat him to the chase? He was growing more and more curious about who this mysterious new rival was as his eyes shuttered shut and sleep overtook him.