Such A Bully

Just as Claire was about to speak, she noticed a box on Aiden's desk starting to flash red. Aiden followed her line of sight and knew that Jacob was waiting to be let in. Although he wanted to enjoy her company longer, he was aware the she came with somebody who was most likely trying to make sure she was okay.

Settling back down in his chair he buzzed them in. A few seconds later they walked inside. Jacob set a tray of refreshments on the coffee table in front of the office sofa. And just as Claire had assumed, it was filled with overpriced items.

"Well then Mr. Villan, seeing as we have come to an agreement I won't take up more of your precious time." Claire said as she stood up.

Anna couldn't have come at a better time she thought. She was having trouble not getting lost in Aiden's eyes and felt as if her tongue would slip at any moment. She stretched out her hand to him over his desk.

'Funny. You think you can get away so easily.' Aiden thought to himself as he stood to shake her hand. "It surely is a pleasure doing business with you Miss Collins."

Just as Claire started to turn around to leave Aiden spoke again. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7pm then."

She froze in her spot and slowly turned to face him again.

"Excuse me?" A knot was starting to form in her stomach. She didn't like where this was going.

"Well we just shook hands on our partnership did we not? And I believe I made myself clear before we were interrupted. So as I said, I'll be picking you up tomorrow at 7pm to finish our... conversation." He said as he grinned at her.

So she couldn't evade the topic after all. The knot in Claire's stomach tightened. He wasn't going to take no for an answer and she knew it. She sighed internally as another gentle yet fake smile crossed her face.

"Of course. How could I forget. Seven it is then." Slightly turning around she addressed her secretary. "Anna, would you be so kind as to clear my schedule accordingly? It seems Mr. Villan and I have yet things to discuss."

"Oh and don't forget to send me her address. A true gentleman always picks up a lady at her doorstep. Isn't that right Jacob?" Aiden smirked as he saw Claire's smile twitch once again. 'Oh you are just too fun to poke at my little angel.'

Jacob on the other hand felt his eyes bulge out of their sockets. 'What did he just say!?'

Quickly composing himself he answered. "Well of course Boss. Anything less than that would be disrespectful to a woman such as Miss Collins."

Claire gritted her teeth as she looked back at Aiden who apparently had a permanent smirk on his face. "Well how thoughtful of you Mr. Villan."

Having said that she turned around to leave before the man dragged the conversation on any longer. "Good day then gentlemen." Anna bowed slightly towards Aiden and quickly followed behind her boss's disappearing figure.

Jacob closed the door after they left and turned to face Aiden so fast he almost got whiplash. "A true gentleman always picks up a lady at her doorstep?" He then laughed so hard his eyes got teary. "I can't believe I didn't get that on video."

"Shut it or I'll shut it for you. She would've said no any other way." Aiden sat down and started to sign some documents on his desk while Jacob wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Wow Boss, that woman must really be something to have you say something as cheesy as that. Should I get things prepared for tomorrow night then?" Jacob said as he started to tap on his tablet screen.

"Yes. And indeed she is." He grinned as he continued to sign the papers. "Anything to report?"

"Yes sir. The team dispatched to watch the Phoenix Clan's movements have submitted a report." He tapped a few times on his tablet before continuing. "I've already sent it to you."

"Good. That would be all."

As Jacob closed the door behind him he smiled. "Finally some action." He mumbled to himself as he got to work.


At Claire's Villa.

After the work day was over, Claire was glad to be back at the villa. She was exhausted.

"Long day Madam?" Ben asked her as he took her long coat from her shoulders.

"You have no idea Ben. Is Colton home?" She asked as she took off her high heels and put on her bunny slippers.

To the world, Claire was a ruthless business woman. Cold, calculative, mysterious and straight to the point. She would show no mercy to those that dared to cross her and managed to always be a mile ahead. Hence the name She Devil. But to the few people who really knew her, she was another person all together.

Seeing her in bunny slippers, cute animal print pajamas or painting her own nails was a usual occurrence. She would only let that side of her show when she was in the privacy of her house and in the company of her selected few.

"Yes Madam. He is currently in the kitchen." Ben answered her.

"Thanks." Claire then started towards the kitchen.

The villa's interior was similar to her office. All white walls with a few accent pieces here and there. But although is was indeed beautiful, it looked as if nobody truly lived there. No matter where you looked, it was if walking through the property magazine pages in a realtors office. There were no pictures hanged on the walls or scuff marks on the floor. Nothing seemed homey about the place. There weren't even signs of the furniture being regularly used. If they were ever to leave, there would be no trace of them ever existing.

As Claire walked into the kitchen she smiled when she saw who she was looking for. Not the usual fake gesture she showed to others, but a genuine smile filled with joy.

Sensing himself being watched, the man stirring something on the stove turned around and immediately opened his arms once he saw Claire. Without wasting time she crossed the kitchen and landed in his arms as he gave her a bear hug. He kissed the top of her head as she only reached his chest.

"Hey Cece. Tough day?" He asked her. He could always read her. And right know he knew she was tired.

Without breaking their embrace she looked up at him and saw the love in his piercing dark green eyes staring back down at her. She couldn't help but feel warm inside.

"Nothing I can't handle." She gave him a cheeky grin as they separated. She turned to her side and hopped on the countertop to sit on.

"Well you do know I have many talents. One of them just happens to be listening to other people's days while making hot chocolate." He pinched her nose to which she giggled, then turned to his side to keep stirring the mixture on the stove top.

"Well I was kinda coerced into going out tomorrow night." She told him as she bit a piece of unused chocolate.

"A date huh? It's about damn time." He told her as he grinned.

"COLTON! IT IS NOT A DATE!" She almost choked on the chocolate as she yelled back at him.

"Oh really now? Then why are your cheeks so red?" He chuckled as he saw her slowly turn into a tomato.

"I can't believe my big brother is such a bully." She told him as she pouted.