A Warm Comforting Hand

Aiden sped through the little traffic on the way and in less than fifteen minutes he pulled up in front of Imperial Hospital.

On the way there the only thing that could be heard was the car's engine and Claire's deep breathing as she tried to compose herself.

As soon as he stopped the car, Claire jumped out and started to run towards the entrance. Aiden was hot on her trail even though he still didn't know who they were there to see. But based on the drastic turn in his little angel's personality took, he figured it was someone important.

As soon as Claire stormed through the hospital doors she quickly made her way to the information counter.

"Collins! The two patients with last name Collins that were admitted thirty minutes ago! Where are they!?" Claire asked the nurse in the counter with a raised and trembling voice.

The nurse looked up and noticed the woman shouting at her. She was sweaty from running and her loose hairs were sticking to her face. Her mascara was starting to run as she couldn't contain a few tears that had escaped her eyes regardless of her efforts to keep them at bay. She was a mess.

"May I see your identification Miss?" She asked as she looked for the patients room numbers on the computer.

"I don't have it! Please just tell me where they are! I need to see them!" Claire had left her bag with her belongings back at the car as well as her shoes. She had ran barefoot. She didn't even notice the pain in the soles of her feet as she stood on the ice cold floor due to her worried state.

"I'm sorry Miss. Due to hospital policy I'm prohibited from sharing patient information unless you identify yourself and the relationship you share with said patients." The nurse explained to Claire as she looked up at her again.

"They're my family!! I don't give two fucks about your policy! Tell me where they are!!" Claire had left her phone behind as well so she couldn't ask anybody else. And she sure as hell wasn't going to waste another second looking for it.

"Miss I'm sorry. Without iden-" The nurse was interrupted as she spoke.

"That won't be necessary." Aiden had finally caught up to Claire and had heard her yell at the nurse who wouldn't give her the room numbers.

"And you are?" The nurse looked up at Aiden and almost drooled. 'What a freaking babe!' She thought to herself.

"Aiden Villan. Now give her the damn room numbers before I lose my patience." He was irked by the way the nurse was wasting time staring at him like a deer in front of headlights while Claire was in such a state.

Having heard his name the nurse felt her eyes bulge. Aiden Villan! He was one of the major share holders of the hospital! Without wasting another second she looked up the last name and the two patients popped up.

"L. Collins is in room 342 in the pediatric ward in a stable condition while C. Collins is still undergoing surgery Mr. Villan." She told him as she read the computer screen.

As soon as the nurse said where they were Claire took off running again. Without taking in account anything else she sprinted through the halls until she reached the stairs. She held her dress up to avoid tripping over it. Jumping three steps at a time she made her way to the pediatric ward without a moment of delay. If Colton was being operated on there wasn't anything she could do but wait so she opted to go see her little flower first.

She reached the room she was looking for and was about to slam the door open but stopped herself a second before she did. All of a sudden she fell on her knees while looking at the door. She closed her eyes and started to inhale and exhale deeply in an attempt to gain her self control before going in. She didn't know what she would find.

Claire stayed slumped there until she felt a warm comforting hand on her back. It was the same hand that made her hairs stand earlier during the evening. Yet for some reason, right now it gave her a reassuring and calming sensation. It slowly stroked her back for a while. Soothing her as she calmed down a bit.

She turned her head and saw Aiden crouched beside her. He was on one knee while looking at her with gentle and comprehensive eyes. For some reason it reminded her of somebody she hadn't thought about in a very long time.

Seeing her glazed eyes start to go back to normal again, Aiden lifted his other hand and started to wipe away the black tear stains on Claire's cheeks and the hair that had stuck to face. Even though her mascara had become runny, her hair was a mess and her expression was so distraught, all he saw was a beautiful fallen angel.

He gently wiped away her tears with his palm not minding how it would be stained with her watered down eye makeup. After he finished, he offered her his clean hand to help her stand up. Blinking a few times she registered his hand, accepted it and slowly stood up while he stayed as he was.

Once he saw she was standing, he lifted her right leg and put a hospital slipper on her foot. Then did the same with the other one. He had noticed she was barefoot when she dashed out of his car so he took the slippers from a utility cart as he followed her to the room.

After he made sure she was off the floor and her feet were protected from the cold he stood up. Taking off his suit jacket he wrapped it around her shoulders and held onto it until she slipped it on.

"Are you ready now?" He asked her while he put his hands in his pant pockets.

Looking up at him she took deep breath before nodding. "Ready." She answered him and turned around to opened the door.

As the door opened, Ben looked up from the book he was reading. He was sitting next to the bed where Lily was laid down on.

Lily noticed he had stopped talking to look at something and followed his line of sight.

Once she saw Claire standing by the door she began to desperately cry. "Mommy!"