Raging Waters

Claire lowered herself enough to place a kiss on Colton knuckles. She let her eyes linger on his face while she ingrained every detail of his wounds in her mind.

Having heard everything she needed, she stood up from her chair and looked at Anna. "You know what to do." And without another word of explanation she gave her back to them and left the room.

Immediately after she closed the door behind her, a man in an all black tailored suit aproached. Making her sharpen her senses in case of it being a dangerous situation. "Good evening Miss Collins."

Claire looked up at him. He was tall, around 6'2", and bulky. His eyes and hair were almost black in color and he had a close trimmed beard that gave him a rough look. Very handsome.

"I'm Cameron Davis. Mr. Villan has assigned me to be of service to you." He said in a bass like voice. As he introduced himself he bowed his head a bit.

After looking at him up and down in an inspecting way she asked him. "So you're mine to command?" Claire said while she raised a brow in interest. 'How amusing. He sent me a personal lap dog. And a useful one at that.' She thought to herself. She could sense he had that X factor that made a person capable of doing great things.

Figuring out why Aiden had sent him wasn't rocket science to her. He had already expressed his interest in her, and seeing as she was obviously going to look into what happened to her family, he made sure she was accompanied by someone he deemed able to protect her if she were to find herself in harm's way. Besides that, she knew he was keeping an eye on her. It was a normal reaction. What wasn't normal however was sending someone directly to her instead of having him shadow her. Claire found that interesting.

"Yes ma'am." He replied while he gave her the high heels and clutch bag she had left in Aiden's car.

Claire took the heels and saw how he offered her his hand to hold on to while she put them on. 'And he's a gentleman too. Very nice.' She accepted it and changed out of the hospital slippers leaving them by the side of the door. Once done, she took her bag from his hand and started to walk towards the elevator with Cameron right behind her.

'No wonder boss wanted to keep an eye on her.' Cameron thought to himself as he followed her.

The suit jacket she wore was practically a dress on her. She looked delicate enough to have one of her ankles break if she were to miss a step in the high heels she had on. At first, he was surprised when he was ordered to keep her safe, especially since his boss was never one to care for anybody enough to do so. But seeing Claire in person made him understand why Aiden would want to ensure her safety. She looked frail and made you feel like protecting her.

"Do you know how to swim Cameron?" Claire asked as she pressed the button to head down.

"Yes ma'am." Cameron answered with a confused expression on his face. He found the question odd.

"Good." She said as she looked up at him with an evil looking grin. "You're gonna need it."

Just when Cameron started to get somewhat worried about her comment, the elevator reached the lobby floor and the doors opened. Claire quickly got out and he followed suit while growing anxious about what was to come.


At the southern docks.

Claire was in the back seat of Cameron's car. He drove an inconspicuous charcoal gray Jeep Patriot. She always liked people who knew how to blend in crowds. And besides that, it reminded her of Colton's car. The thought gave her a bittersweet sensation as it was the same car brand her family almost died inside of.

They had just arrived at the docks in the south side of the city. Although Cameron was confused as to what they were doing there, he had just remained silent and did as told. He had initially thought Claire was a frail petite woman that his boss had simply taken interest in. But after the look she gave him in the elevator earlier he quickly realized there was more than meets the eye when it came to her.

They got out of the car and he followed her to the edge of the dock. It was almost pitch black outside and the ocean was rough that night. The waves crashed against the border that held in place the land where they and a number of warehouses stood. It was a terrific and scary view. The air was cold as the wind fiercely blew and wrapped around them. Cameron shivered a bit when he felt the ocean spray carried by the wind hit his face.

Claire took out her phone and dialed a number. The person on the other side picked up on the first ring. "Boss." A man answered.

"I'm sending a package your way." As soon as she said that she hung up and turned to look at Cameron who was currently scoping the place out from where he stood.

She took a step closer to him and reached for his tie. Before he could react she had already taken it off and was grinning up at him. "Look Cameron, since you're so big I have no other choice than to do this so don't take it personally okay? Now, I promise you won't get hurt just.....a little shaken up. Do you trust me?" Claire asked him.

Cameron looked down at her with an even more confused expression than he had before. He wasn't one to fright easily, but everything the woman in front of him said was suspicious. But by the look in her eyes he felt that she truly meant no harm. His boss wasn't one to put his people in unnecessary danger so he took what felt like a risk and trusted her judgment by nodding to her.

There was a small glint of mischief in Claire's eyes when she indicated him with her finger to lower his head towards her and he did. "Now this may seem odd but bear with it." She began to cover his eyes with his black tie. "The people around me are quite picky about those they reveal themselves to so it's better we take precautions. So no matter what, don't take this off until I tell you to." As she said that she tightened the knot behind his head to avoid the makeshift eye cover from slipping off. It was so tight Cameron's head was starting to hurt.

"Now take a deep breath and don't struggle once you feel you're being pulled down." She instructed him.

"Pulled dow-" Cameron wasn't able to finish his question. Claire had already pushed him into the raging waters.