While Wearing Fluffy Bunny Slippers

Cameron held his pointed gun up to the man's face while Claire spoke. Not ever taking his eyes off him.

"Mr. Rat, I'll cut to the chase since we don't have much time." Claire said as she stretched her neck from on side to the other. "Since I know you have no intention of sharing things like who hired you or what you planned to do with me, why don't you indulge me and be my sparing partner. I promise that if you manage to land a single hit on me, I'll conform myself with the men my team has already taken to torture the information out of and simply let you go."

The man on the floor chuckled as he responded. "You think I'll believe you? Please. We both know I'm not gonna be let go even if I manage to break your face you stupid bitc-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence. Cameron had slapped him with the back of his hand so hard the force of it made the man's head spin.

"Be respectful. You're speaking to a lady." Cameron said while the gun's aim never left his head.

"As I said before Mr. Rat, my people are a bit overprotective." Claire gently smiled at him while cracking her knuckles. "You will be let go if you manage to hit me. I give you my word. So decide quickly, I'm on a schedule. You either spar with me and try to save yourself or go directly into questioning."

The man could taste the copper in his mouth thanks to Cameron's solid smack. Weighing his options he decided it was better to go down trying. Having come to a decision, he slowly got up to his full height and lifted his fists while spitting blood on the floor. "Guess we're sparing then."

Claire clapped her hands together in front of her cheerfully. "Yay! That's the spirit! Cameron, please stand back." Doing as told he took a step back and put the gun in the waistline of his pants. He crossed his arms in front of him making him look like a referee as he watched. "Now there's only one rule sir. No guns. Other than that, I hope you're as tough as you look."

The man was tall. Not as tall as Cameron but still massive compared to her. His shoulders were broad and his knuckles looked scarred and callused from all the times they've been used in hand to hand combat. And the calculative look in the man's eyes were that of a skilled fighter. Claire could tell she was going to get a good workout in.

The man was the first to attack. He could tell she was confident in her fighting skills so he didn't underestimate her. He started by throwing a few straight jabs forward to test her speed. She easily avoided them and took a step back. Claire counter-attacked by lowering one of her hands to the leg slit in her dress and rapidly threw two daggers at him. She had discreetly strapped them on her thigh.

Mr. Rat dodged the first one but since the second one was immediately behind it he couldn't do the same so he blocked it with his right arm stabbing it in the process. When he looked at Claire she was already charging in towards his center at top speed so in an attempt to avoid her from getting close he threw her the same kind of kick that had the air knocked out of him earlier by Cameron. Claire dodged it by ducking down but instead of going up again she dropped even lower to the ground. With an agile movement she spinned with her leg extended hitting him hard on the ankle and sweeping him of his feet in the process. She went to tackle him but he had already quickly gotten up.

Cameron watched in awe trying not to miss a single second of what was happening. He knew she was capable of fighting after she asked him to stand aside, but who would have thought the little lady who was as light as a feather in his arms when he carried her inside, would bring down the mountain of a man in front of her in mere seconds after starting, And without even breaking a sweat! He felt as if he were watching a movie. The scene before him was too unreal. She was guarding herself and initiating one attack after another not giving her opponent a single chance to land a blow. All while wearing fluffy bunny slippers!! For a second he thought he was imagining it until he was snapped out of his daze by a loud grunt.

Mr. Rat had received a solid kick in the center of his chest making him stagger back and gasp for air. He had thrown the dagger she had stabbed in his arm back at her aiming towards her face but she had expertly caught it and stabbed him again with it but this time in his left leg. The floor was already widely sprayed with his blood yet he hadn't managed to touch a single hair on her head. She didn't waste a single breath or movement. But what frustrated him the most was the look in her eyes.

Claire's forest green eyes seemed to be filled with unwavering and deadly wildfire. Her aura was so menacing he could sense the bloodlust even from the distance they had between each other. Her expression was a serious one as she dashed towards him again.

He side-stepped to avoid a jab she threw with another dagger and threw a punch at the side of her head. As his arm retracted after having missed, he slightly bent his knees to avoid the slashing blade that came across over his head. Claire took advantage of his position stepping on his thigh and using it as a lift. She turned her hip while ascending and landed on his shoulders. Then she maneuvered her other leg like a hook on his neck and used her full body weight as she turned with force making him grab on to her thigh as his body was jerked to lose balance and slammed face first on the floor. Breaking his nose from the impact in the process.

Claire didn't fall with him. She had detached herself at the right time. Since her dress wasn't fitted and had a long slit on the side, she avoided ripping it while moving around. Her cheeks were a bit red but other than that, she didn't look like the person responsible for beating the man, now at her feet, senseless.

Mr. Rat slowly started getting up while holding his nose. Making Claire's eyes sharpen even more and her lips lift into a devious grin. "Well this is a nice surprise. Usually people don't bother getting up again. But hey! I'm all in for some extra cardio." But just as she started to put up her fist's again a large group of men barged into the room. Making Cameron instantly move to Claire's side.

"Aw man. And here I thought I could have at least a few more minutes..." She mumbled to herself making Cameron smile. He definitely liked being assigned to her. Just a second ago she had the most dark and dangerous expression on her face as she plummeted a man double her size to the floor. Yet now, here she was pouting like a little girl who had her candy taken away.

"You look very handsome right now. You should smile more often." Claire said to him pulling him out of his thoughts and making him blush a bit.

"Reinforcements are here ma'am." He said while coughing in an attempt to feel less shy. He was never good with compliments.

"Yeah. And just when it was starting to get fun too." She pouted as she looked at the men who were handcuffing the seriously battered Mr. Rat.

Cameron saw the gears inside her head turning for a few moments before her voice filled the room.

"Hey Mr. Rat!" Claire talked as she approached him."What's your name?"