Always On My Toes

At Villan Enterprise

Claire held Lily in her arms giving her a tight hug as they stood next to the car. The underground parking lot of the building was filled with cars and people coming in and out due to the hectic work day, but Aiden's men were surrounding them in a man made cirlce so nobody could see what or who was behind them.

"I love you Sweetie. Let Aiden or Ben know the second you want to leave or you don't feel good. Okay?" Claire told Lily as she kissed both her cheeks.

'Okay Mommy. Have a good day at work.' Lily answered while nodding.

"Thank you Baby. I'll come get you once I'm done." Claire replied as she looked up at Aiden who had been watching them.

Lily was slowly wrapping him around her little finger without either of them noticing. Making Claire certain that he wasn't going to let her little flower be in harm's way.

Lily followed Claire's gaze and understood that it was time for her to go. As if it were a daily occurrence, she stretched her arms out towards Aiden asking to be passed to him. She didn't notice, but her gesture made both Aiden's and Claire's eyes widen.

Although he had carried her before, it was Aiden who had always been the one to do so without being asked. He had always initiated it and Lily just went along with him. Making that the first time she was the one who asked to be in his arms.

Aiden was beyond happy with her small yet heartwarming gesture. He didn't waste any time in reaching for her to hold in his arms.

Claire on the other hand was at a loss for words. There was a strange sensation building up in her chest. Seeing Aiden's smile while he looked at her little girl and watching as Lily quickly began to trust him, was a bit too much for her heart.

Without her noticing, her body moved on it's own and wrapped her arms around them both, surprising Aiden. Lily didn't think much of it and simply hugged the top of Claire's head with one arm, since Aiden was holding her up high it was all she could reach. With the other she hugged Aiden by his neck.

Aiden stilled for a moment before he tightly held them both against him. He could have sworn his heart almost popped from the unexpected and overwhelming sensation of happiness and warmth he felt. The three of them hugging inside the circle of bodyguards that surrounded them made him feel like they were the only people in the world. An idea he immediately grew fond of.

"Remember to call me if you need anything." Aiden said as Claire loosened her arms around them.

She simply nodded while her cheeks blushed after realizing what she had done. After giving Lily a final kiss goodbye, she took a step back and watched them get inside the car where Ben was already waiting.

As soon as they started to head out, the circle of men closed around Claire and guided her towards Cameron who was also waiting close by. Aiden had instructed them to make sure not a single pair of eyes landed on her and they were succeeding in doing so. Once she was inside Cameron's Jeep the guards dispersed.

"Where to Ma'am?" Cameron asked as he started the car engine.

"The city's center." She answered as she took out her phone.


"It's beautiful Miss." Ben said to Lily as she showed him the mug she had helped make.

'Thank you Ben. I hope uncle likes it.' She signed to him with a hopeful expression on her face.

"I'm sure he will." Ben looked at the little girl tenderly.

Lily was again in her car seat next to Aiden as Ben sat across from them. He had originally thought of sitting beside them, but preferred to enjoy the view of the two while they interacted.

He was initially surprised when Claire had told him that she would leave Lily in his and Aiden's care while she was away for the day. Although Colton was very picky regarding those who were allowed near her, Claire was painfully strict about it. Only a hand full of personally selected bodyguards were acquainted with the young miss. Claire and Colton trusted their people, but it was always better to be safe than to be sorry.

Yet seeing how the man before him was easily getting along with the little flower sitting in what appeared to be a custom made car seat, he had no doubt that his initial opinion about him was correct. And by the looks of it, Ben was sure that he had the intention of being there to stay.

"Ben." Aiden interrupted his train of thought. "I'm well aware that you haven't properly rested. Seeing as we're going to be walking around for a while, I've made arrangements for you to take it easy for a few hours at our next destination."

As Aiden said that, the car pulled up in front of a massive gate. It had a bronze lion figure on the welcome plate that divided in two once the electric gate started to open.

Looking out the window, Lily could see massive trees that marked the entry way of wherever she found herself in.

Ben's confusion regarding their whereabouts was answered when the car stopped at a second entrance that was just as grand as the first.

Aiden helped Lily out of her seat and stepped out of the car with her in his arms. Being close to each other was definitely something neither of them was getting tired of.

Ben noticed where they were and smiled. His little Miss was definitely going to have the time of her life. Turning towards Aiden he spoke.

"Thank you for your consideration Mr.Villan. I'll be waiting for you both then." He said to him with an appreciative expression.

"My men will be informing you of every turn we take." Aiden replied as he gestured towards one of his men. Ben waved at Claire as he followed the suited man to his resting area.

"Now Princess." He said as he turned to look at Lily. His lips lifted into a smile. "Are you ready for an adventure?"


The City's Center.

Claire and Cameron were walking down the sidewalk of a busy street. They were surrounded by tall skyscraper building, offices and shopping strips. The atmosphere was buzzing with people, cars and all kind of lively noise.

"Hold my hand Cam." Claire instructed Cameron who looked at her slightly surprised and confused. Quickly remembering how most of her orders always seemed unusual, but ended up making sense later, he simply did as she said and held her hand.

Claire then guided him to a small flower shop called Poppy Land. Cameron opened the door and strolled inside the empty shop with her hand still in his. Once inside, Claire selected three red poppy flowers and walked up to the counter to pay for them.

"Would that be all? We have some lovely marigolds today. They bloomed just yesterday." The cashier politely spoke to them as she gently wrapped the flowers in wax paper.

"Marigolds? Those are best bought after their petals are dried." As Claire started to answer her, the cashier immediately stopped what she was doing and looked up at her. "After all, liquid gold is nothing more than delicious marigold tea. Isn't that right?"

The cashier's smile widened. She slightly bowed towards the pair. "Only a wise one such as yourself would know. Please, it would be an honor if you'd allow me to offer you some."

After straightening herself, the cashier rang a small bell that sat on top of the counter and seconds later another woman came from the back of the shop. She stood next to her and smiled at them both. The cashier then took a few steps nearing herself to the same back door and gestured for Claire and Cameron to follow her.

They followed her through the hallway passing by buckets filled with different kinds of colorful flowers and plants until they reached a red door at the end of it.

"I hope you enjoy yourselves." The cashier bowed towards them once again before returning to the front of the flower shop. Leaving them behind.

Claire looked up at Cameron who was already looking at her as if expecting more of her unusual instructions. It made her grin. "Don't talk unless she speaks to you, always look her in the eye, don't stutter when speaking and don't mention anything regarding Aiden."

"Yes Ma'am." He grinned back at her. Being around her was never boring.

"Good. You ready?" Claire asked.

"With you Ma'am? I'm always on my toes." He replied as his eyes sharpened.