The Only Mission

Aiden moved his hand from her cheek to the back of her neck while tightening his arm around her waist to press her body against him.

All the contrary to their kiss in the car, this one was passionate. Hungry. Wanting. Aiden skillfully alternated from sucking to biting her soft lips while Claire did all she could to keep up.

At first she had her hands on his chest, but after feeling the need to close the little gap of space between them, they ended up hugging his neck. She pressed herself against him as her every thought flew out the window. His smoky scent clogged her brain as his moving lips made her legs feel numb.

Aiden angled her head so that their lips merged perfectly together as he tasted her. There was no doubt in his mind that she was the sweetest thing he had ever come across.

He squeezed her waist making her gasp. Taking quick advantage of her parted lips, he slipped his tongue inside to explore her addicting flavor even more.

Claire was surprised by the sudden intrusion, but nonetheless let him search for whatever he was looking for inside. His hand angled her head again while his lips and tongue made her body heat up faster than she expected it to.

Aiden pulled away for a moment to let her breath, but her lust filled eyes and flushed expression made his friend downstairs instantly wake up. His self control was threatening to start slipping, but regardless of that he delved back into her delicious mouth for another round. He wouldn't let her unexpected invitation go to waste.

Claire moved her hands into his hair and bunched it up in her fists. Her heart was beating so loudly she was sure Aiden could hear it as he tilted her head to better kiss her. The sensation making her moan against his mouth.

After hearing her, Aiden knew it was time to stop before he seriously lost it.

Placing his forehead on hers, he watched her pant for air the same way he did. He wrapped both of his arms around her waist again while she brought her hands to his chest.

Her eyes widened a bit when she noticed his heart was beating just as hard as hers. It brought a small satisfied smile to her face.

"Anymore questions Angel?" Aiden said while he took deep breaths. Having her straddle him wasn't helping him calm down any quicker, but he wouldn't like more distance to be between them. So he pushed all other sinful thoughts aside.

"No." She answered while still breathless.

"Good then. Let me know if you do." He replied as he gave her forehead a kiss. "You should go to bed."

Claire nodded and slowly stood up. She started towards the door with him closely behind. She opened it and turned around to face him. Aiden saw her gesture for him to bend down a bit so he did. To his surprise she stood on her tip toes and stole a quick kiss from him.

"One for the road." She smiled up at him. She started turning around when Aiden grabbed her chin and lifted it to face him. He gently pressed his lips against hers for a long moment before straightening up to his full height.

"One for goodnight." He grinned back at her before stepping out into the hallway. He turned to look down at her and couldn't help but smile. "I'll see you tomorrow Angel." He said as he kissed her forehead one last time.

"See you tomorrow. Goodnight." Claire replied as she closed the door.


Aiden was sitting in the car while lost in thought. His head was laid back and his eyes were closed.

A smile spread across his face as he remembered how nice Claire's lips felt against his. He wasn't a stranger to intimacy or sex, but something about truly liking her made everything feel new.

While the image of her flushed face was indeed better than most of the things that were registered in his memory, his earlier conversation with Ben weighed at the back of his mind.


An hour earlier...

"You're indeed sharp Mr. Villan." Ben's gentle smile slowly disappeared from his lips as his expression turned serious. The atmosphere suddenly turned icy as Ben's face shifted from a loyal butler, to that of a man who was out for blood.

"Thank you. It's helped me built an empire." Aiden calmly responded as he continued to warmly embrace Lily in his arms. The blood lust coming from the man across him was truly formidable, but he felt no real threat. "I do have to admit that's quite the killer aura you have there. Although I'd expect nothing less from the Lone Wolf himself."

Ben chuckled. Not sinisterly or darkly, just an honest and hearty chuckle. The mood around him changed back to his usual gentle and grandpa-ish demeanor. There was no need to be menacing if he knew it wouldn't affect the man before him.

"To be honest I was immensely surprised to see you at the hospital, even more so to know you play the role of a simple butler."

"Not even going to pretend to fear what I'm capable of doing huh? Guess I've lost my touch." Ben said as he grinned.

"No need to worry about that. You look as formidable as I last remembered you were. It's just that I've seen much worse since our last encounter." Aiden said as memories from his darkest moments flashed through his head.

"In the mirror's reflection I'm sure." Ben chuckled again.

"Not the only sharp one here am I?" Aiden said making them both grin.

"As entertaining as this conversation is, I have little time to address an important matter with you before we arrive Mr. Villan. But before I do..." He looked at Lily's sleeping face for a brief moment with a pained smile. "I hope you respect my wish of keeping our little chat between ourselves."

"That depends on what the end result is." Aiden replied. He held great respect for the legend before him, but that didn't make him an exception to his way of dealing with people.

"Truly ruthless as always. Good. That will make this easier for you to understand." He gazed out the window before he continued. "Life is short Mr. Villan. As you know from our previous encounters in the darkest parts of the city, I possess a soul so black that even hell has had trouble keeping track of the sins that I've committed." He looked at Aiden with a complicated expression on his face.

"It's because of the amount of blood that I've witnessed you spill for the sake of your goals, that I'm certain your intentions towards Claire are serious." Aiden took immediate note of how he addressed her in such a personal way.

"My masters.... are the reason for my existence Mr. Villan. Years ago, I pledged my life to them because of a secret promise that I had hoped to take to my grave." His eyes glazed over for a moment as if he was remembering something. "But seeing as I won't be able to fulfill my role, I must look for someone else who can."

He focused his eyes on Aiden and couldn't help but feel his heart sink a bit. Seeing him hold Lily in his arms was like a dream come true. An image he hoped would last forever.


Back to the present....

Aiden was amazed by the loyalty Ben held for the ones he served. The role he played in the Collins family's life was bigger than anybody could have imagined. But there he was. Quietly aging and living his life while keeping all that he knew secretly inside.

He had encountered the man known as the Lone Wolf a few times before. Aiden even recognized him as a highly respected member of the underworld society. He was known for completing impossible missions on his own and possessing god like abilities. A God of death that is.

Yet there he was. Asking him to complete the only mission he would never be able to finish on his own.