In Our Hands

Jason Flinn took a step out of the elevator and scanned the entire layout of the floor. His dark brown eyes were fierce as his piercing gaze swept through the faces staring back at him.

He was sporting a burgundy color tailored suit with a white button down shirt. His tie matched his chocolate shade leather shoes as he stood tall and proud. His light brown hair was swept back and his vintage style glasses made his whole appearance scream grandeur.

Everybody, with the exception of Anna, felt extremely nervous. Jason was the eldest among the Flinn siblings. As John Flinn's first son, they had always expected him to be chosen to be Flinn Corporation's CEO. Not because of something like birthright, but because of his undying devotion for the company itself. Since he was young he accompanied his father to meetings, pushed forward successful proposals and even worked hand in hand with the employees on a number of occasions.

His sudden departure after his fathers death was something that confused and bewildered everybody. But seeing as he was the closest to John, they simply brushed it off as a son so heart broken, he didn't wish to be part of the company any longer. Yet there he was. Looking like the owner of everything Flinn Corporation had to offer.

If the domineering aura he had around him was indeed born from their suspicions, his presence there meant he was there to take back what he considered to be his. And knowing how the She Devil handled business, the outcome would be a messy one for Jason.

"Mr. Flinn?" Anna said as she stared at Jason. He had an expression of being lost in thought as he looked at the CEO floor.

Snapping out of his daze, he looked down at Anna and smiled. "Please. Lead the way."

Jason followed Anna towards Claire's office, not that he needed the guidance. He knew the entirety of the building like the back of his hand. It was like his second home.

Simply brushing off the strange looks he was receiving, he let himself be taken to meet with the person he had been dying to finally see.


"I'll excuse myself then." Anna said as she slightly bowed in both Jason and Claire's direction.

"Thanks Muffin." Jason said as he winked towards her. Shaking her head, Anna left the office while ignoring the mischievous smirk on Jason's face.

"You're stilll at it huh?" Claire asked as she stood up from her desk and started walking towards him.

"What can I say? A guy can at least hope right?" Jason grinned walked closer to her.

As soon as she was in arms reach, Jason pulled Claire into a tight hug. He wasn't as tall as Aiden or her brother so she comfortably reached his shoulders to hug him back.

"It's good to see you Claire." He said as they loosened their hug and made themselves comfortable on the sofa that helped decorate Claire's office.

"How have you been? I expected to see you later in the year. You surprised me."

"I know. But you've done more than enough for me and my family. The least I could do was finish everything as fast as I could so that I could come back earlier." He said as he took a quick look around the office. "I know you hate being in this position."

"It's fine. Your father helped me more than I could ever pay him back for. The same applies to you." She said as she genuinely smiled. It wasn't her usual fake business smile, but the kind that actually reached up to her eyes. "So? Were you able to take care of everything on your end?"

"Are you kidding me? With your people's help there's no way I wouldn't. You have a seriously talented team behind you Claire."

"I know. And now that you're back, it's going to be even stronger."

"Thanks. I'll try my best." Jason thanked her before his whole demeanor turned cold and serious. "So what do you know about that trash to which I'm so unfortunately related to?" He said as if he were spitting out poison.

Standing up, Claire moved to her desk and took out a pen-drive. Moving back to sit beside him she responded. "Everything that we've gathered about him is here." She passed it to him as she continued. "The information goes back a decade so there's a lot of things you must already know about him in there."

"And his supposed escape?" He asked while gripping the pen-drive in his hand with force.

"Well that's where I've hit a wall." Claire leaned back into the sofa. Bringing one of her hand to her forehead, she slowly started to rub it. "I'm guessing the information he has on me helped him out of going to jail. But where he is or if he's even alive is still unclear."

She looked at Jason and he noticed that the green in her eyes was mixed with sadness and anger. "I'm more than positive he was the one who leaked my last location. Thanks to that they managed to do some damage, but seeing as it was a one time thing, I'm assuming he didn't give them much to work with which works in our favor."

"I'm so sorry for all of this Claire. You and your family were dragged into this mess because of that low life." Jason gritted his teeth as the obvious anger bubbled up inside him.

"He sure did." Placing her hand over his tightly closed fist she continued. "Even so, the past is something that will only live on in our heads." At that Jason looked at her. "But the future, the future is still in our hands."

Looking at each other they smiled. Jason grabbed her hand as he let what she said sink in. She was always good with words.

Lowering his head and lifting his own hand he kissed the back of hers.

"I guess we'll have to hold on tight to it then don't we?" He chuckled. "And with a friend like you helping me along the way, I doubt I'll loose my grip."


After discussing a few things with Claire, Jason was waiting for the elevator to leave. He was lost in thought when a voice pulled him back to the present.

"We're sorry for making you leave so quickly. If it weren't for her previously scheduled meeting, I'm sure she would have loved to have chatted for longer." Anna said as she watched Jason turn around to face her.

"It's fine. My visit was a surprise after all." Jason eyes were soft and filled of tenderness as he looked down at her. "It's good seeing you again Muffin." Just as he said so, the elevator doors opened.

Jason stepped inside and hit the button that would take him to the lobby. But just before the doors closed again, he said one last thing to Anna who was still facing him.

"Oh! And tell your watch dog I'm dying to see him too." He chuckled as Anna's face turned red. She opened her mouth to say something in response, but the doors closed shut.