His Last

At the City's Center Base.

"Why don't you come and sit down to watch some television with me? I mean you're already here right? Might as well take the time to relax a bit." Colton said as he searched through the channels for something to watch.

"I'm not here to relax." Anna replied while typing away on her computer. She was giving her back to him since she was sitting on one of the kitchen's island stools.

"Oh come on. We both know you already laid the groundwork for Jason back at the company. So there's really no reason for you to be working right now." Colton was lazily leaned back into the sofa as his broken leg rested over a pillow on the coffee table. He was only sporting a pair of sweat pants and was snacking on popcorn as he pushed Anna's buttons.

"Not that it's any of your concern Mr. Collins, but I do have other responsibilities to attend to other than the ones involving the company. A fact that you are very well aware of." Anna was beyond irritated from his constant attempts of interrupting her concentration. Something he was easily succeeding at.

"Oh yes yes. I know all about the roles you play down here as well." Colton replied as he took out his cellphone from his pocket. While tapping on it's screen, he continued. "And due to the fact that I know exactly what it is that you're wasting your time doing..."

Anna's laptop froze before shutting down completely. With a frustrated grunt she turned in her seat to face Colton's already grinning face. She was more than aware that he was responsible for what had just happened.

"That I'm suggesting that you take a break." He threw a wink her way before turning back to face the television.

"I am NOT in the mood to play these games with you right now Mr. Collins." Anna's voice was the same kind of stern it was when reprimanding employees who had earned themselves a scolding coming from their frightening superior.

"What a coincidence Miss Clemson. Neither am I." He stopped searching through the channels and decided on a very intense mixed martial arts based movie. Something he knew would help drawing his little unwilling moth to the flame. "Oh look! I haven't seen this one yet." While munching on the popcorn, he ignored the brooding dagger like stare he was receiving to the back of his head.

After a full minute of silence between them, Anna's long sigh was heard. She knew him well enough to understand she wouldn't get access to her laptop until she watched at least one movie with him.

Getting down from the stool, she walked in to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of iced tea. After walking over to him, she slumped down on the sofa after placing a bottle next to him and another by her side. Taking the seat farthest away from him, she pulled her legs up and got comfortable. To her surprise, he didn't say a single word. He simply focused on the movie while offering her popcorn from time to time.

Although Colton was right about Anna being pleased with his movie selection, he was also on point with her needing to relax. The clear evidence being that half way through the movie she fell asleep. The kind of sleep where even the loud yelling coming from the men in the film wouldn't wake her up. In fact she was in such a deep slumber, that even her awful sleeping habits were nowhere to be seen.

Colton's gaze had been focused on her as soon as he felt her doze off. She wasn't in arms reach thanks to her avoiding sitting close to him, but he didn't mind. It wasn't the first time in all those years that he had to conform himself with watching from a distance. Something he was determined on changing.

During his silent staring, he heard the front door click open and saw Ben walk in.

"I thought Lily would be back for her lunch by now." Colton said as he turned the volume of the television down.

"She was engrossed in her new arts and crafts book after her class so I thought of preparing it and taking it to her." Ben replied as he made is way to the kitchen and took out a few things out of the refrigerator.

"She's really into all that arts stuff isn't she?" Colton gestured with his hand for Ben to come closer to him as he asked.

Understanding what his Master was asking from him, Ben stopped what he was doing and took out a blanket from the living room's cabinet. He then walked over to the couch and gently placed it on Anna. Once he made sure she was well covered, he went back to making Lily's sandwich.

"She is. Miss Lily has been very interested in the topic ever since Mr. Villan took her to make your mug."

"Aiden Villan." Colton said with a sigh. He hadn't taken his eyes off of Anna's face as he spoke. "Cece seriously has some kind of magnet for finding herself in complex situations doesn't she?"

"I believe it's part of her charm." Ben chuckled as he packed the simple sandwich he made for Lily's lunch into a lunchbox.

Colton also chuckled as he lost himself in thought for a moment. After a few long seconds of only the faint sound of the movie in the background passed, Colton spoke again. "Our girls are going to be the death of us aren't they Ben?"

"And I wouldn't have it any other way Sir." Ben's answer made them both smile as he closed the door behind him. Leaving Colton and Anna on their own again.

Looking at Anna's sleeping face made Colton go down memory lane. To a time where he wouldn't hesitate to pick her up and tuck her against him while she dreamed. Where the background music around him wouldn't come from a movie, but from the laughter of people he would never get to hear laugh again. And where his leg would be placed over a pillow but not in a cast, rather under bags of ice to help him with his soar muscles thanks to playing soccer all day.

He couldn't help but reminisce about a time that would never come back. But seeing Anna's face didn't make it easy for him not to wish for days like those. Just like he had said to Ben, his girls were his life. His hope. His everything. So if there ever came a day that he didn't have them by his side, it would surely be his last.

"When did I fall asleep?" Anna's groggy voice made him snap his face back to the television.

"I'd say around the part where he taught the disciple how to properly throw a punch." Colton replied as she stretched her limbs. Not even noticing she had been covered with a blanket while she slept. Realizing the the movie had ended, she got up and took the empty bowl of popcorn to the kitchen. She then sat back down on the kitchen's island stool before looking back at him.

"Well, I held up my end of that forced bargain, so you're up." She gave him a pointed stare which made him chuckle.

"Indeed you did Miss Clemson." He tapped on his phone a few times before her laptop turned on by itself just as easily as it had shut off before. "Can't wait to do it all again tomorrow." A smirk made it's way onto his face as he once again started to surf through the channels looking for something else to watch.

Anna scoffed in his direction before turning around to face her computer. A small smile bloomed on her face as she began to tap away.