As You Wish

At Aiden's base.

The sun had yet to come up, but there lack of drowsiness in Aiden's eyes was replaced with focus. His gaze was as sharp as the pressed edges of his perfectly tailored suit.

'If there is anybody listening, please don't let me die tonight.' Jacob couldn't help to pray to the universe. He had rushed over to the base after receiving the call, but the tense atmosphere was too much to bare so early in the morning. 

"Are you sure?" Aiden had never doubted her abilities to extract information, but he needed to hear it once again. For the first time she said it, his brain went into overdrive. Now he needed her to repeat herself. 

"As sure as I am about your potential as a model my pretty." Darci replied while winking at him. Evidently unaffected by the blood lust in the air. " He couldn't corroborate what his boss's plan is, but he did confirm that the raid was never the original plan. Apparently his sole mission was to somehow drug the..... wait... what name did he use again?" She pulled out a notebook with questionable red stains on the black striped paper. A second after she found what she was looking for, she read it out loud. "The boss's runaway butterfly."

"Meaning?" Aiden's question was dry and to the point. But that was all Darci needed to continue.

"Meaning he would have to drug the woman and take her to the designated location to meet up with whoever instructed him to hand her over. But since he had been restricted to the outer gate, he couldn't mange to do that within the desired time frame. So his orders were changed to poison the food during the employees shared lunch and consume it as well in order to avoid suspicion." Darci spoke as if detailing the plot to a cliche movie. Completely unaware of how cold air around her was turning. 

"I think that will be all for now Darci." Jacob excused Darci as fast as he could. Seeing as she wasn't aware of how her report didn't exactly grant Aiden what he was looking for, the least he could do was save her from the intense atmosphere they were in. "I'll be sure to have a couple of new costumes prepared for you as a reward for your good work." 

"Yes!" She replied as she fist bumped the air. "Just make sure to get me another Cinderella one. The last one was too stained to save."

"Yes yes I'll make sure" Jacob quickly answered as he ushered her out the door. Without letting her say another word, he slammed the door shut before turning around. 

"I wasn't finished with her." Aiden's words were as cold as the room they were in. 

"Yes. Yes you were. Her report was as complete as she could get it to be. There was no need to grill her with questions. You know how she gets when she feels like she's lacking in her results." Jacob knew he had to intervene before all hell broke loose in their interrogation rooms. As he had seen her before, there was no need to unleash the entirety of Darci's manic ways unless it was of utter importance. " We have enough to go on from what Miss Claire's people has provided us. One insignificant rat's confession would have just been an added bonus. 

"I'm sure he knows more if she were to press the right buttons Jac-" Aiden's sentences was interrupted by the door being swung open. 

"I hope I'm interrupting." Lucas voice was as smooth as butter while his fluid movements carried him across the office floor and into one of the two leather seats in front of Aiden's desk. "Damn man. Why do we pay for aircon if we have you to drop the temperature like this?" 

Aiden could only sigh and lean back. Luca's easy going persona effectively cooling him down a bit. "Have you made contact or not?"

"Of course I did." Lucas gestured for Jacob to take a seat in the other chair. "That's why I came directly after receiving confirmation." 

"Umm confirmation for what exactly?" Jacob could sense that wherever the conversation was going, would make him want to consider other options of employment. 

Aiden couldn't help but smirk before answering. "For the Blood Raven's upcoming meeting."


At Flinn Corporation.

"After all the years I've worked here this is how I'm being treated?!" An overweight man was being dragged out by security as the rest of the employees watched. "That bitch better know she'll be hearing from my lawyers! I'll sue her for every-" The closing doors of the elevator muted the rest of the sentences.

"Why do they always lack grace when being fired?" Anna muttered to herself as she tapped on her I pad. Terminating an employees access to the building in less than a minute. 

"I'm sure nobody is as graceful as you. So it might be a somewhat unfair to judge them by your standards." Jason chuckled as they both made their way back to their CEO's office. "Besides, if I were so ruthlessly plucked out of my little high chair I think I'd also make a fuss about it."

"He should consider himself lucky. The boss has been to busy to be her wicked self. I'm sure he would have ended up in jail if she had a bit more time on her hands." Anna casually stated as they both walked into Claire's office.

"Jason, I need you to set up a meeting with the advertisement team. Tell them I'll be expecting a detailed report about why such a large percent of the budget was spent on print when I specifically asked for digital. I also scheduled a dinner date for you with Sir Mont's daughter so make sure to wow her. We need to make sure we have her persuade him to want a design our line of swimsuits for next season. It's at eight so look sharp." Claire barked out orders without ever looking up from her computer.

"Right away boss." Jason winked at Anna before excusing himself.

As soon as she heard the door click closed Anna spoke. "Mr. Collins has asked me your stance in regards to the additional men sent by Mr. Villan." 

"Have them divided into the teams depending on their skill sets. Ask each team captain to send a report of their team dynamic observations and make sure Tildy gets two of the trainable puppies as interns." Claire typed as fast as she spoke. How she wouldn't get things mixed up always impressed Anna.

"Mr. Collins also wishes to know...." Anna looked up from her I pad before finishing her question." What instructions should be delivered to the Alpha of the Seal Squadron."

At that Claire stopped typing. Looking up at Anna, she could see the conflicted expression on her face. Leaning back, she sighed deeply. "Adrien is pushing me back against the wall isn't he?"

"I believe he is." Anna knew her friend valued her input, so haven received a clear green light to share it, she would. "I also believe his recent behavior requires a more severe punishment."

Claire couldn't help but smirk. Anna had always been painfully objective when it came to her job. Although she knew of her messy and somewhat tomboyish personality, when it came to her professionalism, her dear friend was unmatched. So her words tended to feel a bit heavier whenever she asked for her opinion on work related issues. 

"I guess you're right." Letting out another tired sigh she straightened herself. As she began to type again, she gave her command. "I believe I have enough on my plate. So I'll leave this unnecessary drama in your hands. You may instruct him to do as you see fit." 

"As you wish." Anna smiled.

She had been growing annoyed with Adrien for some time now. So being able to handle at least one of the many situations that made her head ache, she was more than pleased. 


At Villan Enterprise.

"What do you mean I can't come?" Lucas had heard his orders, but he refused to come to terms with them. "I was the one to set up the meeting, now your telling me I can't be there when you get to actually look at the dude?

"I need you elsewhere Lucas. There is nothing else to discuss on the matter." Aiden could see the betrayal on his brothers face, but he paid it no mind. He was sure his commands would be followed. Even if that meant entertaining Lucas and his whining. 

"You're literally sapping the fun out of my life bro!" Lucas paced around the office as he spoke. "You won't let me join the joint task force, you won't let me go to the meeting that I scheduled myself and what's even worse..." He stopped to point blank yell at Aiden. "You have my days so packed you've made it impossible for me to go woo the love of my life!!"

"Lucas." Aiden calmly said.

"What!?" The expression on his face was that of pure frustration. 

"Shut up." Aiden was as cool and collected as he possibly could. "You'll have plenty of time for failed flirting attempts later. So go and grumble yourself to pieces while you work." 

Lucas couldn't believe how easily he was being dismissed. But like the loyal man he was, he simply turned around while muttering. "Unbelievable! And to think I'd take a bullet for you." 

Before he could reach it, the door was opened by Jacob. After walking out without a single word towards him, Jacob shut it closed. 

"What crawled up his ass?" He asked as he made his way towards Aiden's desk.

"Stupidity." Aiden answered as he read the report in his hands. 

"The usual then." Jacob naturally answered before he took a more serious tone. "It's time sir." 

Aiden smirked as he finished reading the numbers on the report. Looking up at his assistant, he couldn't help but show him the paper in his hand. "Oh it's time alright. 

After both men shared a knowing glance, they shared the same smile. Not the kind that would call forth a warm and calm sensation. Rather the fear that they were confident of instilling in a mans heart.

The very man they were on their way to meet.