He loves the green

The young man that appears no more than 23 sighed at the sprinkling rain left over from yesterday's storm. His phone rings he glanced at it before noticing the handle.

He hesitantly picked up the phone to hear the friendly voice of his childhood friend Danien. With a relaxed smile on his handsome face he combes his hair with his fingers.

He listens half-heartedly as his friend rambles about his so called father arranging a marriage for his younger sister. Alex felt this scene familiar and it clicked. He was to meet his so called fiance today. Maybe just maybe there connected.

Alex sighed again at the thought. His father would pull something like this. Alex's father owns the ace entertainment industry. a rather large company in fact. And his dad was friends with Danien's own seeing as his company can benefit from the relationship.

He listened to his friend complain about his father and all his crap. Then mentions his sister and how she's like an angel for being able to deal with all his bullecrap.

Alex checked the time 10:30 read on the clock on his wall. The marriage meeting was at 11:30 the clock and the whole trip from his apartment with take about 45min and he needs time to get dressed and take a shower.

After a brief apology he hung up the phone, jumped out of his bed to his closet. After picking out his clothes after laying them on the bed he rushed to the shower with a towel slamming the door and turning on the shower.

As the warm waster cascades over his tired body. He allowed his thoughts to resume. There was a chance that the girl he's engaged with is his friends sister. After a series of sighing he washes up and gets out.

He dressed quickly in a white button down top. With some comfortable black skinny jeans with rips at the knees to match. Putting on his retro black and turquoise air forces, he grabs his phone and keys.

While running to his blue Lamborghini he forgets to lock his apartment so while he jumps in his car turns on the autolock and security system. he looks at the address before pulling up at restaurant and hurrying inside.

Walking in Alex sees a familiar face and walks toward them. Glancing at his phone, he sees he's one minute late 'oh great' he thought bitterly as the other three walked toward him. he glanced at the two elder men the gleam their eyes held was unsettling.

He then glanced to the female, his whole body froze in shock. Looking at her features this is definitely Danien's sister, recognising her from her brothers background picture on his phone. Which is her a red head and a twin boy and girl.

But that's not why he froze. Alex was stunned by her beauty, the way her mocha skin gleamed in sunlight. But looking closer you see but the apples of her cheeks and sprinkled on her nose are specks of freckles. Not too dark but not too small either, her eyelashes are beautiful and thick.

And her long hair like a dark ocean of black waves she had a thick hourglass fuigure. That looked amazing in the turquoise dress that adorned her body.

Last but not least her green eyes, their not too bright and held hints of hazel. He was captured by her eyes, imprisoned. And now in love with those green eyes. Those green eyes that silently question him, the same ones that take his body with judgement. Oh how he loves the green. How he loved her green.