He's actually not that bad

Then the younger couple walk towards the table. They were escorted to another one nearby by her father, so they had to table to themselves to get to know one another.

As she sat across from each other they stared, the silencing awkward to her but to him it was fruitful it was nice.As she glanced but they had some young man in front of her she can help she couldn't help the blush that rose to her cheeks.

She looked at him and said "the name is Turquoise, even though you're quite a likeable person, from what I heard from my brother. I don't think we could be together. I'm pretty sure you have a girlfriend so it wouldn't matter anyway right."

"I too have a girlfriend. I love her and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our relationship but we may have to break up anyway. I'm only doing it for her safety." He looked at her once again her eyes glisten when she spoke of her I lover. And he'd never admit that he was a little jealous, but he to decide to introduce himself.

"The names Alex I've also heard of you from your brother he talked alot about you. Like how your kind of impulsive, that you're really nice, and smart, and pretty. That I have to agree. You seem like a nice person to me."

" So let's talk about hobbies and stuff and about the earlier topic yeah, I have a girlfriend but we're going to end up breaking up since she's been dodgy lately. I think she's cheating on me but I have no proof so I'm going to just end it."

Well I myself am finishing my fashion courses in school. My aunt offered me a apprentice job after I graduate. As you know I have an older brother in twin siblings boy and girl. To deal with them its kind of a pain, despite that they're okay to work with for now.

I live alone and as I just mentioned I have a girlfriend she's nice she's a vet. You seem nice enough you two should meet each other, you may become friends. Since being forced to marry each other I think being friends is best for both of you.

He gazed at her again counting her freckles. I have my doctorate but I'll be taking over my old man's company. Hey he chirps what do you call a dictionary on drugs. She looks at him funny before rolling her eyes.

Please don't say addictionary. He snickered I think yours is way better, I was gonna say high definition. She giggled a little to loud before noticing the attention she'd drawn. Her father smiled at this.

She thought he wasn't so bad after all. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.