Her Savior

He pulled up his phone and checked his social media, and his schedule for tomorrow. Before blocking his ex and watching cute cat videos on view-tube. He glanced over at the register. The warmth the girl projected was familiar. Then the smile of Turquoise once again flashed in his mind.

He watched the girl clock out. And sat in a booth across the room from him. She snacked on a muffin paired with a iced coffee. He glanced over at her to see her on her phone, after a few minutes of watching her she all of the sudden she bolted out of the shop.

She left her bag and her jacket. Alex looked at her co- worker for an answer the random guy shook his head. She won't come in till the next day random guy sighed. He sighed and chased after her, he saw her sprinting down the street then escaped his vision and looked around where he seemed to have lost her. Hearing a noise Alex looked in the alleyway next to him. That's when he saw her, she was being held and seemingly to be assaulted by the men wannabes.

His vision went red Alex hated people like this

He punched the taller man wearing the charcoal gray long trench coat, mid chest and elbowed the other more bulky one in black in the face. He punched the bulky one again around the same place hearing the clear crack sound the "hero" smiled somewhat sadistically.

He turned to uppercut the other man in the jaw and send a swift kick to the side of his head. After both men fell unconscious, he walked to the somewhat tall strawberry blond. Are you ok, sorry if i offended you in any way you seemed like you needed help and you left your stuff in the cafe.

As the girls hero continued to ramble she giggled softly before looked at the slightly taller male as she leaned on the wall. She smiled and tried to straighted her stance only to release a small hiss at her ankle. No thank you very much that was pretty cool of you i- i um appreciate it she chirped. His soft lips quirked for a second.

No problem your stuff is over there, he handed her her bag and jacket


Her dark crinkly tresses bounce as she smoothly walks to the cafe smiled at the register expecting to see familiar hazel eyes look at her but they weren't there.

The smile that bloomed on her face wilted quickly, eyes now blown in panic as she looked for her strawberry blond. Her phone buzzed she dug in her sweater pocket to find it and answered immediately.

Hell- Hello. Her voice cracked as panic began swallowing her whole, as a voice full of warmth tickled her ear the breath she has been holding escaped with a relieved sigh. Tears of joy and care rilled down her cheeks.

Im ok little angel. I ran into a little trouble, and found an unlikely hero in a customer who's applying first aid right now. How bad are you hurt ill be there in a few tell me the address love. Turquoise word vomit spilled into the phone. Her worries temporarily suppressed by the laugh on the other side of the call.

To her it sounded like smooth vanilla if vanilla had a sound. She waited for the beautiful laughter to cease before more calmly asking for the address which was supplied accompanied with a teasing remark, what are you gonna do steal me away from my knight in shiny armor.

Turquoise felt her love smirk through the phone. Her snarky reply left her girlfriend quiet so she hung up the call. Strutted out the café to her motor bike, she jumped on taking off. Across town to the address, she had an odd feeling but ignored it. Oh she'd wish she hadn't.