Work and party right?

Chapter 2. Work and party right?

Enjoy this chapter


-Doenja's pov-

"I'm really proud of them. They are trying their best to learn English, they deserve a treat. I'll get them some Korean snacks as a reward," I say to myself, "Damn this building is big, I'm gonna get lost sooner or later." Finally back from the cafeteria: "That was a crowded place, but I finally have what I wanted. Thank goodness I followed that Korean class." "Oh no what door was it again? I'll just try the first one." The moment I want to grab the doorknob, the door opens. Startled I drop everything. "Oh wait let me help you," I hear a voice I know all too well. "Omg I'm standing before Brian aka Young K." "Here you go," he says when he returns my snacks. "Thanks," is all I can say. "Aw great," I think, "My idol is standing in front of me and all I can say is 'thanks'. Oh well I will see him around here again, I surely hope so." He smiles when he leaves. Back to my class. "Guys I brought you some snacks, you really deserved it. You did your best."

-Romy's pov-

After a whole morning making calls to other organisations for a Stray Kids world tour, I'm becoming legit deaf at my right ear. "Time for a break don't you think?" Jade asks. "Sure, finally after all those calls hahaha." Jade and I walk over to SKZ practice room. "Oh I almost forgot," she says. She goes to another room and knocks on the door. Jae opens it. "Oh hi Jade do you need Wonpil?" he asks. "No not right now, but would you go get the others, for our party tonight?" Jade asks, "Ask Young K, he already knows, gotta go." "Okay and do I have to kiss Wonpil for you?" he teases with a sneaky smile. "You know only I can do that, see ya later alligator." Jade is coming back towards me. "Sorry you had to see that hehe." "That's ok, I think it's funny you are so close." "JYP's slogan is 'One Nation One Family' (made up)." "Felix what the hell are you doing here?!" "Sunbae we are playing hide and seek," he answers. "I told you, Romy, they can really act like little kids."  Jade and I are back at the practice room. "Guys if the lights aren't back on in 3seconds, I'm grounding all of you!" Jade shouts in the dark. "You'll have to be tough on them sometimes, they need some discipline." "Sunbae you are no fun," Chan pouts when he turns the lights back on. "Can someone go get Felix back too?" Jade asks. I suggest I go do that. "Felix where are you hiding, he was around here somewhere." "Felix where are you? Jade wants you to come to the practice room!" I shout. "... no reaction? Felix? Hellooooo?" "BOO!" "Aaaaaaaaah!" I shout the air out of my lungs. "Omo mianhe- I... I thought you were Jade sunbae. I am so sorry." Felix tries to calm me down because tears are in my eyes. "It-it's ok really, you just scared me." "Come on let it all out, it's my fault, I am really sorry. I don't make a good impression now do I?" "Felix?! What did you do to her?" Chan asks a little agitated. "Well I startled her, I thought she was sunbae..." he says. "You go tell that to sunbae because she won't be happy, everyone heard a scream." "That's my fault I guess," I say softly. "No it's not your fault, I would also scream if Felix would stand in front of me," Chan jokes. He makes me laugh. "See you're already doing better, come let's go to the others. There's a group meeting." Chan takes my hand and like that we walk back to the practice room. "Omg I'm holding my bias' hand, I could faint," I think trying not to blush.

"Okay the planning for this afternoon is the preparation of the party. I want this dance hall to be decorated for our 2 guests. Day6 will take care of the music, Got7 party decoration, Twice an Itzy you'll help our guests with their rooms. Stray Kids will clean this place because it's a mess like always. I expect everyone at 7pm at the entrance of the building because we're going out for dinner. It's JYP's treat so we have to take advantage of that." "JYP nation let's go!" shouts everybody. "Annyeong Doenja en Romy. I am Sana and these are Momo and Mina. We're going to help you with decorating your rooms, and with clothes and make-up," Sana says. "Sana unnie you forgot to introduce us," someone says softly. "Oh yes mianhe this is Itzy's Yeji and Lia," Sana introduces quickly, "Come we'll show you your rooms." The girls of Twice and Itzy take their guests to the dorm of the building. "The division of the dorm is like this, every room has a bathroom and bedroom, and every floor belongs to a different group. So if you want to go to Twice' floor, that's the 5th floor," Sana explains, "And not everyone can enter the floor, only if you are a member or come with one, we have keys." "And this is your key, you share a floor with Jade," Lia says while she hands over the key, "your luggage arrived here to so we'll help you get settled." Doenja and Romy arrange their rooms with the help of the girls and when they're done they all get ready for the party.

-time skip-

"Stray kids I'm really surprised how clean the room is," Jade compliments them for their hard work. "And what do you think of our decoration?" BamBam asks. "It's lovely, fits the hall perfectly." "Bae I missed you." Wonpil runs to Jade and hugs her. "Yes I missed you too!" "We'll have a great time at the party."

"It's now 5pm, you all get free time until 7pm, then I want everyone at the entrance of the building. See you then." Jade says goodbye to the groups and goes back to her room. "2hours rest and tomorrow a free day. Maybe I should give Wonpil a present tomorrow, because it's our 3month anniversary, and probably he'll forget it..." she thinks. "Sunbae?" Doenja hands over a present. "This is for you because we want to thank you," Romy explains. Jade opens the gift. "Ooh that's so cute!" Jade pulls out a necklace. "Thank you so much! But you shouldn't have!" "Oh yes we should, you deserve it, it's like a 'thank you for letting us work here'." Romy and Doenja thank their sunbae who is tearing up. The girls hug her. "Don't cry you'll ruin your make-up," Doenja warns. "I don't care, you are so sweet. I still got 2hours to get ready, but first I'll buy something for Wonpil. Tomorrow is our 3month anniversary." "We'll come up with something, don't worry," Romy has a plan. "Well that's a good idea so Wonpil doesn't find out. I won't be gone too long, later!" Jade grabs her bag and leaves. "Let's hope Wonpil won't come here," Doenja says. -knock knock- "If you speak of the devil...." Romy says. "Maybe it's someone else," Doenja hopes. "Hi is Jade there?" Wonpil asks at the other side of the door. "Ehm she's to a meeting I guess." "That's weird because the staff isn't working now." "Oh! No she's in the shower! She's getting ready!" Romy adds quickly. "Ok I'll leave her alone. Please tell her that I want to speak with her, preferable before the party." "We will!" Doenja promises. "Well that sounded serious, I hope Jade doesn't buy him a gift for nothing." Romy says worried. The girls tell Jade that Wonpil wants to talk to her. Jade get's ready for the party and goes to him first.

The girls see her at 7pm.

Everyone is ready at the entrance of JYP and they're all dressed to impress. "Wow everyone is on time, that really surprises me." "We did our best, even Chan is on time," a proud Felix says, "We could sleep longer but we didn't." "Perfect now everyone is here we can go to dinner, I got JYP's credit card so let's eat a lot! We'll go in groups but I don't want to lose anyone so Doenja and Romy I want you to hang out with GOT7!" Jade warns everyone and they leave to go to an authentic Korean restaurant. Jackson smiles and says: "I won't let them out of my sight, we got this. Come on girls let's eat!" At the restaurant everyone orders a lot and they're all laughing and talking like one big happy family. Until suddenly... Wonpil stands up. He says: "Jade tomorrow we're 3 months together but we know each other much longer. You've been my greatest support since my trainee days. That's why I want you in my life forever. Jade will you marry me?" Everyone holds their breath. Wonpil takes out a silver ring and gets on one knee. "Omo- I don't know what to say," Jade says startled, not realising what is happening. "I'll give you a suggestion, say yes!' Doenja whispers to encourage her. "Yes I will marry you." she finally anwers all teared up. Everyone applauds and congratulates the couple. "We're so happy for you! Congratulations! More reasons to party!"

-Party time-

First they're having a random dance play, everyone is having fun. There's even soju-pong, only for the +18 ofcourse. Girls against boys and the girls lose. Romy has had a few shots. The playlist during the party: Day6- Sing me/ Stray Kids- Side effects/ Twice- Fancy/ Oneus- Valkyrie/ Verivery- Ringringring/ Itzy-Dalla/ A.C.E- Under Cover/ Bigbang- Fxxk it/ Momoland- Bbaam/ BTS- Fire/ Blackpink- Boombayah/ Seventeen- Nice/ Monsta X- Who Do You Love.

-Romy's pov-

"Aww that 10th shot was too much. I'm going to stop now because it's in my head." "Already? But we're losing," Momo says a little tipsy. "I think Romy's not used to soju yet," Jae says. "I'm okay but I don't want to get too drunk," I say in my defence. I go to the dancefloor and start to dance. "Who wants to dance with me?!" I shout loud. "I'm in!" BamBam answers. "Finally someone who wants to join me!"

-Doenja's pov-

It's way too early to dance, so I'm just standing at the bar watching Romy having fun. "Hi aren't you Doenja?" someone asks. It's Young K. "Wtf Brian is talking to me, omg I could scream, but I wouldn't be proud of myself. Okay be cool." I think to myself. "Yeah that's me, we met shortly before."-wow that came out good- "Yes I think you already know me, but I'm going to introduce myself anyway. Hi I'm Young K from Day6." he says. "Ooh so you are Brian?" I ask. "Ehm yes but I prefer Young K." "Oh I like the name 'Brian', it's pretty -like you I add silently-." "Really? I don't... but you can call me Brian." "Well thanks Brian." "Don't you dance?" he asks when he comes to sit next to me. "Oh maybe later, and you? Why don't you dance?" "I don't want to dance alone, do you want to dance with me?" he asks. Ofcourse I say: "Yes!"-hell I'll do anything he asks- "Who would've thought that, dancing with your bias, I really think I'm dreaming." I think. Everyone is having fun at the party, there's dancing and a lot of fun. "Okaaaay now let's get a slow song," dj Jae says.

Jade and Wonpil are slowdancing. "Tomorrow we're going to Jeju Island for a romantic weekend," Wonpil whispers. "Oh but I can't, I have to work the day after tomorrow," Jade whispers back. "I took care of that so we can celebrate our 3 month anniversary, and our engagement in all peace and quiet." "I thought you would forget but I was wrong." "Jade sorry for interrupting but Romy got really sick, she's in the bathroom, can you help me to get her to her bedroom?" Ryujin asks. "I'm coming! Sorry oppa, duty calls." Jade kisses him goodbye and goes to Romy. "Romy are you ok?" Jade asks when she enters the bathroom. "Yes I only drank a little too much soju, I wanted to get out of the crowd." "Oh tomorrow you'll have a hangover." A staff member enters. "Oh Jade can I talk to you?" the woman asks. "Ok I'll be there, see you in a minute Romy." Jade and the woman go out. "What did you want to talk about?" Jade asks. "This." The woman attacks Jade. "Wtf is this first my date and now..." "You slut, you stole my job and you will pay for that!" "Girl you are no match for me," Jade fights back. Romy hears the noice and checks it out. "Omg sunbae needs help I have to warn the others." Romy texts Doenja. -text: sunbae is in trouble and I'm stuck in the bathroom. I can't leave.- "Brian! Sunbae is in trouble, I'm going over there!" Doenja rushes to the bathroom and breaks up the fight. "Doenja let someone call the police and tell everyone to stay away from here." "You bitch!" the woman attacks again. Doenja calls the police. "What's going on here?" Chan wonders. "I don't know, Chan you stay here, I'm going to the others to tell them to stay here. Romy is stuck in the bathroom, look after her." Doenja gives instructions and goes to the others.


Cliffhanger sorry not sorry

Thx for reading