What Do You Want?

Sitting in his office with a very sophisticated outfit, Leo examined the pages in front of him. Work load is high recently and a cup of coffee is the only thing that made Leo go further.

" Sir." His secretary called from the from the door. " May I come in?" He asked and Leo just nodded without even looking at him.

He placed a file in front of Leo and leo finally turned to look at him.

" This is the information related to the Mrs Isla Pattinson."


Isla is working on the front counter as she watched all the customer rush in. The tingling of bell was constant.

She kept smiling all the time, giving a friendly vibe to the customer. Her high Tony tail gave her a perfect professional look as if she works in some high class company and not some local cafe.

As she sat on the chair, writing the orders , the bell rang again. Isla didn't bother to look from the notepad, waiting for the customer to pop in front of her.

" So this is were you work, Mrs Pattinson." A sarcastic voice made Isla look up and her eyes went wide.

No wonder the entire cafe has gone silent, an extremely handsome man was standing in front of her. Everyone were now looking at him.

" Leo. . ."

" Let's go." Leo said as he placed his hands in his pocket while eyeing his wife who was looking at him with confused gaze.

" I have to work, Leo. Please leave." Isla said as she stood on her feet . They must have been a view because literally every eye was on them.

" I don't have to work here anymore." Leo said with stern voice, showing every bit of dominance over the petite girl.

Isla fidgeted with her fingers as she felt as if she is under a spotlight and she hate being the center of attention.

" Mister, you are causing a scene." The owner said as she walked in front, standing beside Isla .

" Leo. . . "

" I said let's go Isla. Don't make me repeat again." Leo said in a calm voice but Isla can detect the underlying voice that was filled with annoyance.

She could also see the teenagers at the table squeal and get all heart eyes just by seeing the male's charismatic dominant side.

" Please sir. You can't order our staff according to your will. " The owner said calmly, but she was already nervous because of the man before her.

Leo gave her a amused look as he cocked his eyebrow at her with a sly smirk.

" Really? Now you are gonna teach me how to speak to my wife?" And just by that sentence gasps and mummers were heard. Isla squirmed at the staff turned to look at her. She wants the ground to open and gulp her whole.

" Wife?" Ami voice filled with disbelief was Heard.

" Let's go." Leo said again and this time Isla obliged, didn't want to be embarrassed anymore.

She avoided the stares she was getting from her workmates. She went in and grabbed her bag and quickly made her way towards her husband who was eyeing her all the time.

Leo turned on his heels and began walking ,Isla was right behind him, almost jogging to match his pace.

As they walked outside, a black car was waiting for them . Leo stepped in and so did Isla.

The entire ride they were silent and it was unnerving. Leo was gazing outside the window, completely ignoring Isla.

Once in the security of their apartment, Isla spoke again.

" Why did you barge in my work place?"

" That isn't your workplace anymore." Leo stated.

" And who are you to decide that?" Isla asked, getting riled up for the first time.

" Your husband."

" Your my husband just in name only. " Isla corrected. They were still standing in their living room. " I had already said that I don't want to depend on you. What do you want?" Isla asked.

" I don't have any problem with you going on work. But being a waitress is not something you should do. You are educated enough to do some decent work. " Leo said as he kept the eye contact.

" Were do you think I can work with my incomplete diploma?" Isla asked as she walked further towards Leo who just cocked his brow at her.

" Then don't work. " Leo said casually. " But Mrs Pattinson, the wife of richest man, she is not going to work as some ordinary cafe as some f**king waitress."

" Stop implying your decision on me! I said I will work!"

She shouted and got frustrated when her husband didn't even bashed his eyes.

" Work for me then." Leo said sternly, with firm expression as he eyed his wife who was looking at him with confused eyes.

" What?" Isla asked, brows knitted together.

" Work for me. In my office as my secretary." Leo replied.